• Click Here to Read Papers about Crescent Visibility and Prayer Times
  • Click Here to see the Crescent World Records

International Astronomical Center

Astronomy Events
For Android, iPhone and iPad

Last Updated: 10 April 2018

Never miss an astronomical event! Astronomy Events does not only list the important astronomical events, but it also sends you a notification to inform you about a current event. The user gets basic description about each event once the events is clicked. In addition, the application has a News menu in which you can find some important astronomical news. Moreover, you will receive Push Notification for important news such as seeing the crescent in a certain country. Also, the application has a tab for crescent sighting, in which the user can view crescent sighting predictions for the current year and can also read the crescent observation results of the previous months. The events which this application lists and send push notification for are:-
  • Moon Phases
  • Solar and Lunar Eclipses
  • Moon Apogee & Perigee
  • Meteor Showers
  • Passage of the Moon near a planet or a bright star
  • Beautiful Conjunctions
  • Planets Conjunction & Opposition
  • Planets Aphelion & Perihelion
  • Comets Perihelion
  • Planets Greatest Elongation
  • Planets Ascending & Descending Node
  • Stars, Planets and Asteroid Occultations
  • Solstice & Equinox

Application Manual
  • Events Page: This page lists the astronomical events within a calendar month, by default this page will open the current month. The first column shows the date of the event, the second column shows the time of the event given in local time based on the mobile time zone. To move from month to another, you can slide the page by your finder either to the right or to the left, or you can click on the arrows found in the header. The user gets basic description about each event once the events is clicked.

  • Crescents Page: This page shows crescent sighting predictions for the current Hejric year and it also shows the results of crescent observations done by ICOP members since its establishment in 1998.

  • News Page: This page contains important astronomical news, which are added from time to time, and it is updated automatically as you select it. There are two sections in this page; the first one is News which contains important news which can be expanded as you click on it. The other section is Notifications, this section stores the short notifications you get.

  • Alerts Page: Astronomical events in this application are categorized into main groups. This page gives the user the option to choose the groups for which he will get alerts as they happen. In case the user is not interested in receiving alerts for certain events, then he can switch off the alert for this group. In addition, this page gives the user the option to receive the alerts hours before the event happens. For example, if the user enter the number “3” in the box, then the user will be notified about the events of this group 3 hours before the time of the events.

  • Settings Page: The user can choose the language of the application from this page. In addition, from this page, the user can choose the tone of the received alerts. Also, the user has the option to choose "Do Not Disturb" period, during which the user will not get any alert.

  • Push Notifications: One of the important features of this application is the Push Notification, where the user can receive instant message when there is a new article added to the News Page, or when there is an important news, such as seeing the crescent from a certain country, or there is an official announcement regarding the beginning of Eid. Push Notifications can be enabled or disabled from “Notifications” menu found in the “Settings” of your mobile.

Get the Application

For iPhone and iPad, kindly Click Here to get the application.

For Android, kindly Click Here to get the application.

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