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International Astronomical Center

Arabic Star Names

By Mohammad Odeh

Many star names are of Arabic origin, most of which were used by other nations in the past following almost the same Arabic nomenclature, and many of which have survived in modern scientific astronomical atlases. Below is a list of some of these Arabic star names and their meanings:

No.Proper NameArabic NameMeaningStar
01AcamarAkhir an-NahrEnd of the riverTheta Eri
02AchernarAkhir an-NahrEnd of the riverAlpha Eri
03AcrabAl-'AqrabThe scorpionBeta Sco
04AcubensAz-ZubanaThe clawAlpha Cnc
05AdhaferaAd-DafirahThe curlZeta Leo
06AdharaAl-'AdharaThe maidensEpsilon CMa
07Ain'Ain"Eye" of the BullEpsilon Tau
08AlbaliAl-Bali'The swallowerEpsilon Aqr
09AlchibahAl-Khiba'The tentAlpha Crv
10AldebaranAd-Dabaran"Follower" of the PleiadesAlpha Tau
11AlderaminAdh-Dhira' al-Yamin ?The right forearm ?Alpha Cep
12AlfirkAl-FirqThe flockBeta Cep
13AlgediAl-JadyThe goatAlpha Cap
14AlgenibAl-JanbThe flankGamma Peg
15AlgiebaAl-Jabhah"The forehead" of the lionGamma Leo
16AlgebarAl-JabbarThe giantBeta Ori
17AlgolAl-GhulThe ghoulBeta Per
18AlgorabAl-GhurabThe ravenDelta Crv
19AlhenaAl-Han'ahThe brand-markGamma Gem
20AliothAl-JawnThe black horseEpsilon UMa
21AlkaidAl-Qa'id"Leader" of the mourning maidensEta UMa
22AlkesAl-Ka'sThe cupAlpha Crt
23Almak'Anaq al-ArdEarth-kidGamma And
24AlmeisanAl-MaisanThe shining oneGamma Gem
25AlnairAn-NayyirThe bright oneAlpha Gru
26AlnairAn-NayyirThe bright one Zeta Cen
27AlnilamAn-NidhamThe string of pearlsEpsilon Ori
28AlnitakAn-NitaqThe beltZeta Ori
29AlphardAl-FardThe solitary oneAlpha Hya
30AlpheccaAl-Fakkah"The broken" ring of starsAlpha CrB
31AlpheratzSurrat al-FarasNavel of the steedAlpha And
32AlsafiAl-Athafi"The tripods" for cooking onSigma Dra
33AlsuhailSuhailUn-translatedLambda Vel
34AltairAt-Ta'ir"The flying" eagleAlpha Aql
35AltaisAt-TinninThe great serpentDelta Dra
36AlterfAt-Tarf"The glance" of the lionLambda Leo
37AludraAl-'UdhrahThe maidenheadEta CMa
38Alula AustralisAl-Qafzah al-UlaThe southern one of "the first leap"Xi UMa
39Alula BorealisAl-Qafzah al-UlaThe northern one of "the first leap"Nu UMa
40AlyaAl-AlyahThe fatty tail of a sheepTheta Ser
41Angetenar'Arjat an-NahrCurve of the riverTau2 Eri
42AnkaaAl-'Anka'PhoenixAlpha Phe
43ArkabAl-'UrqubThe heel-tendonBeta Sgr
44ArnebAl-ArnabThe hareAlpha Lep
45ArrakisAr-RaqisThe dancerMu Dra
46AtikAl-'Atiq"The shoulder" of the PleiadesOmicron Per
47AuvaAl-'Awwa'The barkerDelta Vir
48AzhaAl-UdhiThe hatching-placeEta Eri
49BahamAl-BihamThe livestockTheta Peg
50Baten KaitosBatn QaytusBelly of CetusZeta Cet
51BeidAl-BaidThe eggsOmicron1 Eri
52BenetnashBanat Na'shDaughters of the bierEta UMa
53BetelgeuseYad al-Jauza'Hand of OrionAlpha Ori
54BoteinAl-ButainThe little bellyDelta Ari
55CaphAl-Kaff"The palm" of the PleiadesBeta Cas
56CelbalraiKalb ar-Ra'iThe shepherd's dogBeta Oph
57ChortAl-KharatThe ribTheta Leo
58CursaAl-KursiThe chairBeta Eri
59DabihSa'd adh-dhabihThe lucky star of "the slaughterer"Beta Cap
60DenebDhanab ad-DajajahTail of the henAlpha Cyg
61DenebDhanab ad-DulfinTail of the DolphinEpsilon Del
62Deneb AlgediDhanab al-JadyTail of the goatDelta Cap
63Deneb KaitosDhanab QaytusTail of CetusBeta Cet
64DenebolaDhanab al-AsadTail of the lionBeta Leo
65DiphdaAd-Difdi'The frogBeta Cet
67DschubbaAl-Jabhah"The forehead" of the scorpionDelta Sco
68DubheAd-DubbThe bearAlpha UMa
69DzibanAdh-Dhi'banThe two wolvesPsi Dra
70EdasichAdh-DhikhThe hyenaIota Dra
71El NathAn-NathThe buttingBeta Tau
72EltaninAt-TinninThe great serpentGamma Dra
73EnifAl-AnfThe noseEpsilon Peg
74ErraiAr-Ra'iThe shepherdGamma Cep
75FomalhautFam al-HutMouth of the fishAlpha PsA
76FurudAl-Furud"Individual" starsZeta CMa
77GienahAl-JanahThe wingGamma Crv
78GienahAl-JanahThe wingEpsilon Cyg
79GomeisaAl-Ghumaisa'The bleary-eyed oneBeta CMi
80HadarHadarUn-translatedBeta Cen
81HamalAl-HamalThe ramAlpha Ari
82HekaAl-Haq'ahThe white spotLambda Ori
83HomamSa'd al-humamThe lucky star of "the high-minded man"Zeta Peg
84IzarAl-IzarThe loin-clothEpsilon Boo
85JabbahAl-Jabhah"The forehead" of the scorpionNu Sco
86KaffaljidhmaAl-Kaff al-Jadhma'The cut-short handGamma Cet
87Kaus AustralisAl-QausThe southern one of "the bow"Epsilon Sgr
88Kaus BorealisAl-QausThe northern one of "the bow"Lambda Sgr
89Kaus MediaAl-QausThe middle one of "the bow"Delta Sgr
90KeidAl-QaidThe broken egg-shellsOmicron2 Eri
91KitalphaQit'at al-FarasPart of the horseAlpha Equ
92KokabAl-KaukabThe starBeta UMi
93KurhahAl-Qurhah"The blaze" on a horse's browXi Cep
94LesathAl-Las'ahThe stingUpsilon Sco
95MaasymAl-Mi'samThe wristLambda Her
96MaazAl-Ma'zThe he-goatEpsilon Aur
97MarfikAl-MirfaqThe elbowLambda Oph
98MarkabMankib al-Faras"The shoulder" of the horseAlpha Peg
99MatarSa'd MatarThe lucky star of "the rain"Eta Peg
100MebsutaAl-Mabsutah"The outstretched" pawEpsilon Gem
101MegrezAl-Maghriz"The insertion-point" of the Bear's tailDelta UMa
102MeissaAl-MaisanThe shining oneLambda Ori
103MekbudaAl-Maqbudah"The pulled-in" pawZeta Gem
104MenkalinanMankib Dhi-al-'InanShoulder of the rein-holderBeta Aur
105MenkarAl-MinkharThe nostrilAlpha Cet
106MenkibAl-Mankib"The shoulder" of the PleiadesXi Per
107MerakAl-MaraqqThe loinsBeta UMa
108MintakaAl-MintaqahThe beltDelta Ori
109MirakAl-Mi'zarThe loin-clothBeta And
110MirfakAl-Mirfaq"The elbow" of the PleiadesAlpha Per
111MizarAl-MaraqqThe loinsZeta UMa
112MothallahAl-MuthallathThe triangleAlpha Tri
113MuphridAl-MufridThe solitary oneEta Boo
114MurzimAl-MurzimThe roarerBeta CMa
115NashiraSa'd NashirahThe lucky star of Nashirah (un-translated)Gamma Cap
116NekkarAl-BaqqarThe cattlemanBeta Boo
117NaslAn-NaslThe arrowheadGamma Sgr
118NihalAn-NihalThe camels quenching their thirstBeta Lep
119NusakanAn-NasaqanThe two seriesBeta CrB
120OkdaAl-'UqdahThe knotAlpha Psc
121PhactAl-FakhitahThe doveAlpha Col
123PhadAl-FakhidhThe thighGamma UMa
124PherkadAl-FarqadThe calfGamma UMi
125RasalasedRa's al-AsadHead of the lionMu Leo
126RasalgethiRa's al-JathiHead of the kneeling oneAlpha Her
127RasalhagueRa's al-Hawwa'Head of the snake-manAlpha Oph
128RastabanRa's ath-Thu'banHead of the snakeBeta Dra
129RigelAr-RijlThe footBeta Ori
130RigilkentRijl QanturusFoot of the centaurAlpha Cen
131RishaAr-Risha'The ropeAlpha Psc
132RukbahAr-RukbahThe kneeDelta Cas
133RukbatAr-RukbahThe kneeAlpha Sgr
134SabikAs-SabiqThe precedingEta Oph
135SadachbiaSa'd al-AkhbiyahLucky star of the tentsGamma Aqr
136SadalbariSa'd al-Bari'Lucky star of the excellent oneMu Peg
137SadalmelikSa'd al-MalikLucky star of the kingAlpha Aqr
138SadalsuudSa'd as-Su'udLuck of lucksBeta Aqr
139SadrAs-SadrThe breastGamma Cyg
140SaiphAs-SaifThe swordKappa Ori
141ScheatAs-SaqThe legBeta Peg
142ShaulaAsh-ShaulahThe raised tail of the scorpionLambda Sco
143ShedirAs-SadrThe breastAlpha Cas
144SheratanAsh-SharatanThe two signsBeta Ari
145SirrahSurrat al-FarasNavel of the steedAlpha And
146SkatAs-SaqThe legDelta Aqr
147SulafatAs-SulahfahThe tortoiseGamma Lyr
148Tania AustralisAth-ThaniyahThe southern one of "the second" leapMu UMa
149Tania BorealisAth-ThaniyahThe northern one of "the second" leapLambda UMa
150Talitha AustralisAth-ThalithahThe southern one of "the third" leapKappa UMa
151Talitha BorealisAth-ThalithahThe northern one of "the third" leapIota UMa
152TarfAt-Tarf"The glance" of the lionBeta Cnc
153ThubanAth-Thu'banThe snakeAlpha Dra
154Unukalhai'Unuq al-HayyahNeck of the snakeAlpha Ser
155VegaAl-Waqi'"The stooping" eagleAlpha Lyr
156WasatWasat as-Sama'"Middle" of the skyDelta Gem
157WaznAl-WaznThe weightBeta Col
158WezenAl-WaznThe weightDelta CMa
159Yed PriorAl-YadThe preceding one of "the hand"Delta Oph
160Yed PosteriorAl-YadThe succeeding one of "the hand"Epsilon Oph
161ZaniahAz-ZawiyahThe angleEpsilon Vir
162ZauracAz-ZawraqThe boatGamma Eri
163ZavijavaZawiyat al-'Awwa'Angle of the barkerBeta Vir
164ZubenelgenubiAz-Zuban al-JanubiThe southern clawAlpha Lib
165ZubeneshamaliAz-Zuban ash-ShamaliThe northern clawBeta Lib


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