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International Astronomical Center


Al Muhammad's report for Safar Crescent
(1424 AH)

Last Updated 19 Aptil 2003

 realname: Al Muhammad

 First Name: Anwar

 City: Qatif

 State: Eastern

 Country: Saudi Arabia

 Longitude: 49:57

 Latitude: 26:33

 Zone: 3

 Academic Degree: MASTER

 Institution: kfupm

 Age: 30

 Mailing Address: P O Box# 61091, Qatif 31911

 Date: 3 April 2003

 Day: Thursday

 Apparent-Sunset: 4:46

 Sunset-Location: Clouds

 Instrument: Naked, Tele

 Visible?: Seen

 Horizon: Clear

 Crescent-Location: left

 Horn1: 3

 Horn2: 9

 Naked-Visible?: Seen

 NakedFirstVisib: 6:10

 NakedLastVisib: 7:02

 Bin-Visible?: Not-Tried

 Tele-Visible?: Seen

 Tele-Magnification: 60

 Tele-Diameter: 10"

 Tele-Type: Cassegrain, 10", LX 200

 Tele-FirstVisib: 5:48

 Tele-LastVisib: 7:10

 Notes: Yesterday, Wednesday 2 April 2003, we tried to sight the new crescent of Safar in the
 eastern area of Saudi Arabia "Al-Aujam- 26:33N, 49:47E". We were not sure that it could be seen
 because it remained about 35 minutes after sun set. To do so, we used a computerized 10"
 LX-200, and we aligned it at the night before and we checked its alignment and capability by
 directing it toward some stars (Aldebran, Hamil) and Saturn which we could see its ring at the
 day time. Few members of new established astronomical society in Qatif were sighting but we
 could not see the crescent even by the telescope. In the nearby place, some people claimed that
 they saw the crescent by the naked eye. We keep the telescope to next day (Thursday 3 April)
 the western  horizon was clear and the crescent was visible for naked eye.. The observation
 events were:

 1- The apparent sun set: 5:46pm.

 2- First observation of the crescent in telescope: 5:48 pm.

 3- The actual sun set from horizon: 5:58pm.

 4- First observation with naked eye 6:10 pm.

 5- Disappearance of the crescent from the eye piece: 7:10 pm.

 We also got a picture (attached in the e-mail) for the crescent by using digital camera.

 Begin: Thurisday, 3 April 2003

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