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International Astronomical Center


CCMC's Ramadan 1421 AH Official Statement

Kindly find below the official statement of the "Crescents, Calendars, and Mawaqeet Committee (CCMC)" of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS), for Ramadan & Eid 1421 AH.

By the Name of Allah

Statement of the Crescents, Calendars, and Mawaqeet Committee
for Ramadan & Al-Eid 1421 AH.

29 Sha'ban in several countries will be on Saturday 25 November 2000, and it is impossible to see the crescent on this day from everywhere in the world. Since firstly the conjunction didn't occur, and secondly because the Moon will set before the Sun. For example, on Saturday 25 November, the Moon will set 10 minutes before the sunset in Riyadh, 6 minutes before sunset in Amman and Cairo, and 5 minutes before sunset in Nouakchott. The geocentric conjunction of Ramadan will occur on Sunday 26 November at 01:11 Jordanian Local Time (JILT), which is UT+2. On Sunday the crescent is not expected to be seen from Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Middle East. While it is expected to be seen by optical aid starting from Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania. While it is expected to be seen by naked eyes from the America Contents. Since the crescent is expected to be seen on Sunday 26 November form parts of the Islamic World, then the first of Ramadan should be on Monday 27 November 2000, and it should be 30 days.

As for Shawwal crescent (Al-Eid). The geocentric conjunction will occur on Monday 25 December at 19:22 JLT. It is not expected to see the crescent on this day from anywhere. Where it will set 9 minutes before sunset in Riyadh, 7 minutes before sunset in Amman and Cairo, and one minutes before sunset in Nouakchott. While on the next day Tuesday 26 December, it is expected to see the crescent using optical aid starting from India, Gulf countries and the Middle East. While it should be seen by naked eyes from Western Arabic countries and the America Continents. Thus, Al-Eid should start on Wednesday 27 December, and may Allah accept our worship.

Mohammad Shawkat Odeh.
Vice-Pesident of Crescents, Calendars, and Mawaqeet Committee (CCMC).

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