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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Thul Hejjah Crescent
(1421 AH)

Last Updated 01 April 2001 at 17:35 UT


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When to Observe ?

The geocentric new Moon will occur on Friday 23 February 2001, at 08:21 UT. On this day (23 February) the crescent will not be visible from any country, while on the next day (Saturday 24 February), the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that the crescent should be seen by naked eyes from nearly everywhere. Optical aid could be required from eastern areas. ACCORDING TO THE ACTUAL SIGHTING OF THE CRESCENT, THE START OF THUL HEJJAH SHOULD BE ON Sunday 25 February 2001. THUS AL-EID SHOULD BE ON TUESDAY 6 MARCH 2001. Kindly click on the below icon to see the visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

The Official AUASS Statement

Kindly click below to read the official statement of the "Crescents, Calendars, and Mawaqeet Committee (CCMC)" of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS), For Thul Hejjah 1421 AH. The below statement had been appeared in different Arabic newspapers, and appeared at the first page in the Jordanian Newspapers.

Original Statement (Arabic Version)
Original Statement (GIF Format)

The Official Saudi Statement

Today Sunday 25 February 2001 Saudi had declared that Al-Eid will be on Monday 5 March 2001! For sure this is wrong if the actual sighting of the crescent is adopted! Kindly find below the official Saudi statement. Notice that they didn't mention that the crescent was seen!!

With great thanks, ICOP member Mr. Gerhard Kaufmann from Germany and ICOP member Mr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim from South Africa had translated the statement into English. Kindly find below the translation of Mr. Kaufmann since it was the first to receive :-).

Public / Supreme Court / Beginning of the month Dhu-l-Hijja / Statement
Riyad, Dhu-l-Hijja, 2, 1421 H.corresponding with February, 25, 2001 AD

The Supreme Court issued the following statement:

Statement of the Supreme Court

Al-hamdu li-Llahi wahdahu wa-l-salat wa-l-salam `ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa alihi wa sahbihi, then...

By the Supreme Court was declared the beginning of the month Dhu-l-Hijja of this year, the year one and twenty and fourhundred and thousand according to the Hijra calender, to be the night of Saturday, which concludes the 30th of the month Dhu-l-Qa`da. Therewith is the Saturday corresponding with the 1/12/1421 H. in accordance with the Umm al-Qura calendar, and corresponding with February, 24 of the year 2001 AD, the first day of the month Dhu-l-Hijja of the year 1421 H. The Standing in `Arafat will be on Sunday, corresponding with the 4th of the month March of the year 2001 AD and the blessed `Idu-l-Adha will be on Monday, corresponding with March, 5, 2001 AD.

On this occasion the Supreme Court pleads Allah, the Exalted and the Lord, to make the fulfillment of the ceremonies easy for the pilgrims to His Holy House, to accept it from them, to unite the islamic community in truth, to raise their request and to lead it to victory, to give the muslims success in everything wherein is good for them hereafter and in this life, and to desert everyone who desires evil to islam and the muslims, behold, He is listening and fulfilling. Wa salla-Llahu `ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.

The Supreme Court in its standing committee

Member Muhammad bin al-Amir

Member Muhammad bin Sulayman al-Badr

Member `Abdullah bin Rashid

Member Ghanim al-Mubarak

Chairman Salih bin Muhammad al-Lahidan

// end // RRRRR 1127 T M

Results of Observation

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Saturday 24 February 2001 from Malaysia by Mr. Baharrudin Zainal of the KUSZA Astronomical Unit. The crescent was also seen on this day from Maldives, India, Iran, Jordan, South Africa, Morroco, Germany.

Friday 23 February

  • Indonesia: ICOP member, Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin said : " In Indonesia there are 2 decisions. FIRST: "Muhammadiyah", second largest Islamic Organization announced 1 Dhulhijjah on 24 Feb (Eid on 5 March) based on "wujudul hilal" criterion (i.e. moon's altitude at sunset >0 deg). This is used also by official calendar. Although, in another government document it is mentioned that 1 Dhulhijjah on 25 Feb. SECOND: Persis (an Islamic org.) announced 1 Dhulhijjah on 25 Feb (Eid on 6 March) based on "imkanur ru'yah" criteria. The government (ministry of religious affairs) is organizing a meeting attended by representatives from Islamic organizations on 23 Feb just after sunset to collect reports from all observers (mainly staff from regional religious courts and Islamic organizations), as well as astronomical considerations. The decision is not yet known."

  • Malaysia: ICOP member, Mr. Kassim Bahali said: "I tried to see the cresent with LX 200 but I was not able to see the cresent. It was announced by the government that 25 of Feb (Sunday) will be the 1st of Thul Hejjah 1421AH."

  • Brunei: ICOP member, Mr. Mahadi Mohamad Tahir said: " The new moon was not sighted this evening as it was only above the horizon for only 4+ minutes after the sunset."

  • Maldives:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Ahmed Salih said: "There was a cloud on the horizon. hence the sun was not visible from about 6 minutes before the sun set."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Muthasim Fahmy mentioned that he couldn't see the crescent by naked eyes.

  • Tanzania: Mr. Abdulghany Msoma said: "Friday 23th Februay is 28th Thul Qaada in Zanzibar. Anyway, I tried to find the Hilaal just because I know I have my brothers who follow the dates "instructed" by some states in Middle East. The Sun set at 18.45 LT, when I left for home at 19.10 LT, I failed to see the Hilaal, I AM PREPARING MYSELF FOR TOMORROW. INSHAALLAH."

  • Kuwait: ICOP member, Mr. Adel Hassan said: "I coudnt see the new cresent on 23 of March even the sky is clear."

  • South Africa: ICOP member, Mr. Hashim Salie said: " The Crescent Observers Society searched the western horizon from the regular vantage point. No hilaal was seen. The Muslim Judicial Council declared Eidul Adhaa to be on Tuesday, 6 March 2001. The Majlisush Shura Al-Islami and the Islamic Council of South Africa delayed the announcement of Eidul Adhaa until the date for Wuqoof on Arafat had been proclaimed in Saudi Arabia. May Allah accept the 'ibaadah of our Hujaaj, Aameen. ALLAAHOEMMAJE ALHOEM HAJJAN MAB'ROORAN WA SAYAN MASHKOORAN. KOELLOE AAM WA ANTOEM BI KHAYR."

Saturday 24 February

  • Indonesia: ICOP member, Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin mentioned it was cloudy.

  • Malaysia: ICOP member, Mr. Baharrudin Zainal of the KUSZA Astronomical Unit said: "Due to the clear sky at the western horizon, the moon had been sighted at KUSZA Observatory, 5 minutes before sunset at about 19:20 local time. At the first time, the very thin crescent only can see by the Meade 10". After few minutes, the moon can see by others telescope and binocular. Naked eyes observation only succed 12 minutes after sunset. First day of Zulhijjah started on Sunday, 25 February 2001."

  • Maldives: ICOP member, Mr. Ahmed Salih said: "Sun's limbs were seen but not very clearly due to clouds. Sun set real time is 0620 and the lower limb of the crescent was seen at 0640. There were few clouds between the crescent and the horizon but from the moon to the zenith was superb. The crescent was quite thin."

  • Sri Lanka: ICOP member, Mr. Ashrof Hussain said: "In Sri Lanka it was decided to celebrate Haj Festival on 6th March 2001 and Thakbir will commence on 5th 1st day of Zul Haj was on Sunday as the Moon was not sighted on Friday 23rd February 2001."

  • India: ICOP member, Dr. Sultan Ismail said: "The Moon has been sighted in Chennai on Saturday the 24th March and our chief qazi has declared the eid ul zuha on 6th of march 2001. i wish all our brothers and sisters a very happy. Eid Mubarak."

  • Pakistan: UK ICOP member, Mr. Mohammad Baig said: "Being away from UK, I have am sending this report from Pakistan as I am on holidays here with my family. No crescent reports were received by the local Hilaal committee on Friday evening and there was no chance of a sighting anyway. First of Dhull'hijjah in Pakistan therefore is 25th of February. Please accept my best wishes and regards where ever you are and I hope all of you have a great Eid-ul-Adha. Mohammad Arshad Baig (UK member reporting from Pakistan)"

  • Iran:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Asadollah Khoddam Mohammadi mentioned that he could see the crescent by naked eyes.

    2. ICOP members, Mr. Zolfaqar Daneshi'Nasab, Mr. Amir Hasanzadeh, and Mr. Hamid Rahkooi observed together and mentioned that they could see the crescent by naked eyes.

    3. ICOP member, Mr. AliReza Mehrani sent the below photo for the Moon."

      Moon Crescent, on 24 February, 2001 18:15 LT.
      From Adib Center, Esfahan, Iran. By Mohammad Rahimi.
      Nikon FM2, 12” SCT f/10 F=3000 mm.

  • Yemen: ICOP member, Dr. Mojahid Najem said: "The sky was totaly cloudy today (saturday) I couldn't see the cresent."

  • Saudi: ICOP member, Mr. Saleh Al-Saab said: "I tried to see the crescent on 23 /2/2001 but was not possible because it was only one degree above horizon. nobody noes yet when is the first day of the month , we are waiting for the Magles to say some thing if they have some thing to say!!"

  • Jordan:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Belal Gharaibeh mentioned that he could see the crescent by naked eyes.

    2. JAS, JAS had announced in the newspapers that there will be a public observation, more than 35 persons gathered to observe the crescent, where we observed the crescent from western Amman. We used the computerized LX200 10" telescope. Sunset occurred at 17:32 LT, the crescent was firstly seen by Moh'd Odeh through the telecope at 17:07 (which is 25 minutes before sunset). While the crescent was firstly visible by naked eyes by Emad Al-Ashi at 17:43 (which is 11 minutes after sunset). Coordinates of location are: 31:54 N, 35:50 E, 939 meters.

  • Algeria: ICOP member, Mr. Bankih Kacem said: "The western horizon was cloudy, neither the sunset was seen nor the crescent."

  • Morocco: ICOP member, Dr. Hamid TOUMA said: "On Saturday 24 February, 2001, the Crescent of Moon was goodly visible in the Sky of Rabat from 18h 20mn (UT). So the first day of the Hejjah is the Sunday 25 February 2001. And the Aid AL ADHAH will be in Morocco, in Cha ALLAh on the 6 March 2001. I would like to take this opportunity to wish to the all members of ICOP and CCMC a good Aid. As you know that the new Moon was on Friday 23 February, 2001 at 8 O'Clock AM (8h 20mn UT), and after the Sunset on the same day it was impossible to observe the Crescent because it has only 10 hours of life. But on Saturday, the day after, the Crescent has 34 hours of life, so it was goodly visible in the Sky in the Western horizon. Sincerly I don't know how can we observe the Crescent in some Contries who has declared the first day of the Hejjah on 24 February. In others words I don't know how can we see the Crescent on Friday 23 February 2001, the Crescent has only 10 hours, or under this life?"

  • Tanzania: Mr. Abdulghany Msoma said: " Situation is Cloudy in Zanzibar Town."

  • Kenya: ICOP member, Mr. Mahmood Essa said: " Regret to let you know that although I looked for the new crescent yesterday, Saturday 24/2/01, it was too cloudy and thus I could not observe the new crescent. Today is the first day of Thul Hejjah in Kenya."

  • South Africa:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim Snr said: "Friday [23 February 2001] was the correctly marked 29th Day of Dhul Qada 1421 in the Southern African countries of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland. Conjunction was at local time 10h21 on 23/02/2001. Cape Town sunset was at 19h31; and taking into consideration the young age of the moon at sunset (at Durban on the east coast (Indian Ocean), and at Walvis Bay on the West Coast (Atlantic Ocean) it was impossible for the Hilaal to be sighted by naked eye. Members of the local (Cape Town) Crescent Observers Association gathered at Signal Hill but it was impossible to sight the Hilaal as a result of the approximately 9 hour moonage since conjunction. Consequently, in Southern Africa, the 1st of Dhul Hijjah will begin after Maghrib on Saturday [24/02/2001] and end at Maghrib on Sunday [25/02/2001]. And as usual, the Saudi authorities will begin Dhul Hijjah on the wrong date resulting in the millions of Pilgrims to the Holy Land being defrauded and coerced into performing the rites and rituals of the Sacred Hadj on the wrong days. One wonders why the Saudi rulers behave in such an un-Islamic fashion ?"

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Hashim Salie said: "Crescent seen without difficulty."

  • Nigeria: ICOP member, Mr. Aminu Lukuman said: "Meanwhile due to the thick cloud in Lagos State, Nigeria the Crescent was not seen on 23rd (friday), 24th (saturday) and 25th (sunday) of February respectively, but it was seen on 26th February (Monday) . In sha-Allah by our calculations the first of Thul Hejjah is Sunday 25th of February,2001. I would like to include that, we The Zumratul Jamiu Mumin Mission Of Nigeria and most Nigerian celebrated our Eild-Kabir on 5 March, 2001, a day after the clibing of the Mount Arafat. Surpringly, The people in the Northern Nigeria were the first people in the whole world to celebrate their Eild on the Mount Arafat day, that is on Sunday 4 March, 2001. All our effort to convince them, prove abortive."

  • Germany: ICOP member, Mr. Yucel Kadir said: "My father, Ali Yucel, and I saw the thin crescent first by binocular and 5 minutes later by naked eyes. DITIB declares 5 March 2001 for first day of Eid Ul-Adha! Other communities are waiting for Saudi Arabia. wassalam."

  • USA:


    2. ICOP member Mr. Khalid Shaukat said: "The moon was not seen anywhere in North America, nor any place in the world on February 23. Therefore, Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Islamic Shura Council of North America have decided that Febraury 24 is the 30th day of Zul-Qa'dah and Febraury 25 is the first day of Zul-Hijja in North America, and accordingly, Eid-ul-Adha will be on March 6, 2001, Tuesday."

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Saturday 24 February:-

  1. Indonesia
  2. Saudi
  3. Jordan
  4. Maldives
  5. Germany

Sunday 25 February:-

  1. Malaysia
  2. Brunei
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. India
  5. Pakistan
  6. Iran
  7. Morroco
  8. Kenya
  9. USA

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