realname : Ibrahim Day : Friday Date : 2nd May 2003 Country : Malaysia First Name : ZainolAbidin City : Kuala Lumpur Zone : +8 Apparent-Sunset : 7.00 pm Sunset-Location : Clouds Instrument : Tele Visible? : Seen Horizon : Partly-Cloudy Naked-Visible? : Not-seen Bin-Visible? : Not-Tried Tele-Visible? : Seen Tele-Type : LX200 TeleFirstVisib : 7.14 pm Tele-LastVisib : 7.16 pm Notes : The crescent was seen with the LX200 telescope theodolite at Teluk Kemang. The observers were Mohamad Kamil, Nazhatulshima, Moahamad Zambri, Mohammad Adnan, Zakwa. The sky was cloudy but there was a small opening near the horizon. The crescent was observed through this opening for about 2 minutes only. Begin : 3rd May 2003