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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Jumadal I Crescent
(1424 AH)

Last Updated 10 April 2004
In this page:-

When to Observe ?

The geocentric new Moon will occur Inshalla on Sunday (29 June 2003), at 18:39 UT. On this day, it is not possible to see the crescent from anywhere on Earth.

While in the next day (Monday 30 June 2003) , the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that it is possible to see the crescent by optical aid from most of the countries in Asia, Europe, southern parts of Africa, and southern parts os South America, while it should be visible by naked eyes from the rest countries in the world.

According to the actual sighting of the crescent, the start of Jumadal I should be on Tuesday 1 July 2003 in all countries.

The visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

Results of Observation

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Monday 30 June 2003 from Algeria by ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem.

Sunday 29 June 2003:

  • USA
      • ICOP member Ms. Mary Singer: Not seen. (Hazy) " Broken haze from horizon to 30 degrees above horizon. Observed from 20:45 until 21:20. No crescent sighted."
      • ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz: Not seen. (Cloudy)

    Monday 30 June 2003:

    • Malaysia
      • ICOP member Mr. Kassim Bahali: Not seen. "Group of astronomers and Mufti tried to see the crescent but it was not seen. The western horizon was cloudy."

    • Pakistan
      • ICOP member Dr. Salman Zafar Shaikh: Not seen. "According to the Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee, Pakistan, which met here on Monday evening at the top of Habib Bank plaza, no information regarding Jamadiul Awal moon sighting was reported to it from any part of the country."

    • Algeria
      • ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem: Seen. "The western horizon was hazy. The jumada I 1424 crescent was seen by binoculars and telescope. 07 members of Amnir was present in Merkich (Beni Isguen) station."

    • South Africa
      • ICOP member Mr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim: Not seen. "Reddish haze on the horizon."

    • Germany
      • ICOP member Mr. Gerhard Ahmad Kaufmann: Not seen. (cloudy)

    • USA
      • ICOP member Ms. Mary Singer: Seen. "Beautiful pencil thin crescent. The sky at the hoizon was dark and hazy to about 10' up. Above that, it was pleasantly clear with some tiny pink broken clouds. Once spotted with the binoculars, the crescent was easily seen."
      • ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz: Seen.

    The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

    Tuesday 1 July 2003: -

    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Malaysia
    3. USA

    Wednesday 2 July 2003:-

    1. Pakistan

    The Accuracy of The Astronomical Calculations

    To know about the accuracy of the astronomical calculations, then please click here

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