Visibility of Jumadal Al-Aula Crescent 1442 AH
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When to Observe Jumadal Al-Aula Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?
The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 14 December 2020) at 16:17 UT.
Sighting the new crescent on (Monday 14 December 2020) and (Tuesday 15 December 2020) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-
- It is impossible to see the crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day sets before the Sunset and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunset.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
- The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
- The crescent cannot be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon sets in these locations after the Sunset and the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunset, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
- Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Monday 14 December 2020
Tuesday 15 December 2020
According to the Universal Hejric Calendar (UHC), which is based on the calculated crescent visibility, the start of this month in the Eastern Region will be on Wedensday 16 December 2020 and in the Western Region will be on Wedensday 16 December 2020. Kindly notice that the UHC is a pre-calculated calendar, which adopts a certain criterion to start the new Hejric month. Your country/organization might adopt different criterion to start the new Hejric month. So it is highly advised to read the UHC website before giving any judgment.
- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.
Jumadal Al-Aula Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results
Tue 15 December 2020
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "لم يتمكن أعضاء النادي الفلكي بكوينين من رؤية هلال شهر جمادى الأولى بسبب تراكم السحب في الأفق الغربي."
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune from تافيلالت - بني يزجن City in غرداية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، اللهم صل و سلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه، تمت رؤية هلال جمادى الأولى والحمد لله في الجهة التي دلّت عليها حسابات برنامج المواقيت الدقيقة، وتمت المشاهدة مباشرة بالعين المجردة وبالقياسات اليدوية التقريبية دون الاستعانة بأي آلة، وكانت نوعا ما بصعوبة إذ لم تكن السماء صافية تماما، وتخللت الأفق الغربي بعض السحب المتفرقة حالت دون رؤيته المبكرة، فتمت أول مشاهدة بعد ٢٧ دقيقة من الغروب الحقيقي للشمس (٣ دقائق بعد أحسن وقت للرصد أي حوالي ٤ درجات فوق الأفق) وكان الهلال مصفرا ذا لمعان خافت رغم سمكه النسبي، مشيرا بقرنيه إلى عقارب الساعة ٢ والساعة ٧، والسلام عليكم."
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Anouar Zine elabdine Bouabdallah from حاسي بحبح City in الجلفة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Anouar Zine elabdine Bouabdallah said: "لم تتم رؤية هلال جمادي الأولى بسبب تراكم السحب"
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Ali Majeed Al Hajari from عيسى City in الجنوبية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Ali Majeed Al Hajari said: "تم تصوير القمر صباح هذا اليوم الثلاثاء 15 ديسمبر 2020 في تمام الساعة (08:46) صباحا."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. ABM Ruhul Hassan from Dhaka City in Dhaka State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Bosnia and Herzegovina
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Samir Al-Busnavi from Sarajevo City in Bosna anHercegovina State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Samir Al-Busnavi said: "Top of the hill Žuč(850m) Sarajevo ,Bosnia and Herzegovina"
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen by others: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The new crescent of Jumadal Ula 1442 AH was not sighted from Assalaam Observatory at PPMI Assalaam, Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Central Java on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The sky was totally cloudy and hazy.
The moon was captured by BMKG Team at Jayapura, East of Indonesia."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "In the name of God
Jumadal Al-Aula Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Tuesday, 12/15/2020
Location: Damzad foothills in the East of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +3.5 GMT)
Equipments: One set of 7*50 binocular, One set of 20*90 binocular - Two set of 15*70 binoculars, One compass.
Atmospheric condition: Hazy and partly cloudy
Horizon obstacles: about 2.5°
Apparent Sunset: 16:47
Results: Moon crescent was seen by 20*90 binoculars by Ali Janghorbani at 17:18 , for the first time. Moon crescent was seen by 15*70 binoculars by Reza Janghorbani and Hossein Janghorbani at 17:20 , for the first time. Other group members observed crescent by binoculars subsequently.
At the end of this program ,Mr Hossien Janghorbani ,manager of Astronomy and Jeo physics House of Shahreza with 26 years back ground in astronomy science and jeo physics and Natural Geography and Meteorology and Islamic Astronomy and Supernatural and Metaphysics and Archeology and Author of astronomical calendars Announced That winter this year Cold intensity -12 and -30 and And Freeze In some parts of the world and the Middle East It is anticipated And on some days Heavy rain And flood And heavy snowfall It is anticipated and... , A severe tsunami occurred In Asia and Occurrence of a large and severe earthquake in the Middle East And a big, severe storm It is anticipated and...
1.Dr.AliAkbar Taki 2.Mostafa Rahmati 3.AbdolReza Gholami 4.MohammadReza Hadad 5.MohammadSadra Nikeghbal 6.Soroosh Rahmati 7.Ali Golabi 8.Meysam Salek 9.Reza Janghorbani 10.Ali Janghorbani 11.Hossein Janghorbani 12.Shahnaz Soroori 13.Nazanin Piroozmandan 14.Maryam Parsania 15.Zahra Parsania 16.Maryam Shahcheraghi 17.Fatemeh Tavakoli 18.Ziba Hafar 19.Zahra Barahimi 20.Nahid Hemati 21.Mahtab Shahri 22.Mahtab Bahrami 23.Ameneh Poorsharif 24.Elham Yasrebi 25.Azam Akhavan 26.Zahra Fallahi
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Murtada Al Saeedi Al Najafi from قم City in قم State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Muzamir Mazlan from Telok Kemang Observatory, Port Dickson City in Negeri Sembilan State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبعد :
قمنا مساء يوم الثلاثاء 29 ربيع الآخر 1442 هـ الموافق لـ 15 دجنبر 2020م بمراقبة هلال جمادى الأولى 1442 هـ وتم ولله الحمد رؤية الهلال بالعين المجردة وبكاميرا كانون 500D ذات العدسة 70-300 mm
وعليه ففاتح شهر جمادى الأولى 1442 هـ هو اليوم الأربعاء 16دجنبر 2020
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen by others: ICOP member Mr. Abdessamad Doukkane from الناظور City in الشرق State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdessamad Doukkane said: "صورة واضحة من الداخلة قام بتصويره الفلكي المغربي عبد الهادي أقرندو"
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Walid Jadar from تاوريرت City in تاوريرت State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
4 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Hassan Talibi from بنسليمان City in بنسليمان State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Dr. Hassan Talibi said: "السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته. كانت رؤيت الهلال صعبة لوجوده في نطاق الشفق الأحمر مما أخر رؤيته قليلا والحمد لله تمكنت من رصده وتصويره."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Usman Dukku from Bauchi City in Bauchi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Usman Dukku said: "All of us, in a group of ten, sighted the crescent."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Prof. Mohammed Al-Bussaidi from Al-Khoudh City in Muscat State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Prof. Mohammed Al-Bussaidi said: "The Crescent Moon was observed by the use of an optical aid without camera."
Saudi Arabia
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Karim Al-Saraqusti from Zaragoza City in Aragón State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdel Karim Al-Saraqusti said: "Assalamu alaykum. Sorry for not to take a picture, a shame for me because it could be a beautiful one, but i was unable to do it. The hilaal was seen shortly before it had hid into the clouds, i saw it with a 15x70 binoculars but i can't saw it only with my eyes."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Zaffar Sheriff from Daressalaam City in Tanzania State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Mohammad Odeh said: "The observation was done remotely from Abu Dhabi city, and the telescope is in Al-Khatem desert (50 Km away). "
United States
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Haythem Hamdi from لورنس Lawrence City in ماساتشوستس Massachusetts State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad from Blacksburg City in Virginia State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Dr. Javad Torabinejad said: "First, please accept my sincere condolences for the passing of our dear brother, Dr. Durrani. He will be deeply missed. Secondly, this evening (Tuesday, December 15, 2020), the crescent moon was sighted in Blacksburg, VA. I arrived at my sighting location just before sunset (sunset: 5:06 pm EST). The western horizon was partly cloudy and hazy. Using a pair of binoculars (7X50), I started scanning the horizon. My first binocular sighting was at 5:07 pm. It took me another 12 minutes to sight the crescent by naked eye at 5:19 pm. The horns were approximately at 2:00 and 6:30 O'clock (2:00;4:30;6:30). At 6:22 pm, I left the area for another place to take pictures of the crescent. I left my last sighting location at 6:52 pm while the moon was about 1-1.5 degree above the horizon (moonset: 6:10 pm)."
The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries
Wed 16 December 2020
1 .
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3 .
4 .
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Saudi Arabia
11 .
12 .
United Arab Emirates
13 .
United States
Thu 17 December 2020
1 .
When to Observe Rabee' Al-Aakher Waning (OLD) Crescent ?
The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 14 December 2020) at 16:17 UT.
Sighting the OLD crescent on (Monday 14 December 2020) and (Sunday 13 December 2020) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-
- It is impossible to see the OLD crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day rises after the Sunrise and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunrise.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
- The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
- The crescent cannot be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon rises in these locations before the Sunrise and the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunrise, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
- Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Monday 14 December 2020
Sunday 13 December 2020
Rabee' Al-Aakher Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results
Sun 13 December 2020
Brunei Darussalam
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hazarry Haji Ali Ahmad from Kampong Keriam City in Tutong State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hazarry Haji Ali Ahmad said: "A beautiful cosmic pairing.
Brilliant Venus, on upper right, and the slender old lunar crescent shine side by side with just 1.5 degree of separation this morning, December 13, 2020."
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The old crescent of Rabiul Tsany 1442 AH was not sighted from Rowasiya Observatory at Bendo Ketitang Juwiring Klaten on Sunday, December 13, 2020. The sky was totally cloudy."
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mooad Shaqour from الزرقاء City in الزرقاء State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Mooad Shaqour said: "تم تحري هلال ربيع الآخر المتناقص وتمت رؤيته بفضل الله بالعين المجردة وتصويره بالكاميرا فجر الأحد ١٣ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠، علما بأن اليوم في الأردن ٢٧ ربيع الآخر وفي السعودية ٢٨ ربيع الآخر، وهذا هو الهلال الأخير الذي يرى بالعين المجردة."
Saudi Arabia
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United States
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad from Blacksburg City in Virginia State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mon 14 December 2020
Saudi Arabia
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging