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International Astronomical Center


The Youngest JAS Record
For Crescent Observation

13 Hours and 36 Minutes

By Mohammad Odeh

Last Updated 20 August 2001

On Sunday 19 August 2001 AD, a team of JAS observers went to Southern Jordan to observe the waxing crescent (Jumada Ath-Thani 1422 AH). The place of observation is about 245 Km south of Amman (Capital of Jordan), about 2.5 hours driving. There were two guests with the JAS team, the first was His-Highness Sheikh Salman Bin Jaber Al-Thani from Qatar, and the second was Dr. Shweash Al-Mahameed, the Head of Mawaqeet Section in the Jordanian Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The JAS observers were:-

  • Ahmad Aniamat
  • Mohammad Odeh
  • Emad Al-Ashi
  • Tarek Katbeh
  • Ali Katbeh
  • Mustafa Khalil
  • Ahmad Samarah
  • Ja'far Rdaydeh
  • Sana'a Abdo
  • Aziz Muhtaseb
  • Mohammad Saleem
  • Ibrahim Khader

We reached the location at 18 local time, whereas the sunset was computed to occur at 19:22 LT. The location of observation is called Mubrek Mountain near Ar-Rajef village, about 25 west of Ma'an city, this mountain is one of the well-known Sharah mountains, and the coordinates of the location is:-

  • Longitude: 35:28:57 E
  • Latitude: 30:14:09 N
  • Elevation: 1724 m.
  • Time Zone: UT+3
As we reached the mountain we started mounting the 10" LX200 Meade computerized Telescope, the weather was rather cold as we reached the mountain, but a few minutes later, it was really cold! As for the atmospheric condition, actually I can't claim that it was the clearest! But it was relatively very clear. As usual we did a two-star alignment at daytime, where we used Spica and Antarus for the alignment. After that, we entered the coordinates of the Moon, and the telescope moved automatically to its location. The telescope firstly pointed towards the crescent at 19:15 LT, and the sunset actually occurred at 19:17:40 LT. After tiring trials, more specifically at 19:31 LT, I was astonished to glimpse the extremely thin crescent! I really couldn't believe my eyes! This is the youngest crescent that I have ever seen! I shouted saying "HERE IT IS!" I directly went back to let the other to glimpse that thin crescent. The observers who were able to see the crescent through the telescope were:-

  • Mohammad Odeh
  • Sana'a Abdo
  • Sheikh Salman Al-Thani
  • Tarik Katbeh
  • Ahmad Samarah
  • ??
The specifications of the telescope are:-
  • Diameter: 254 mm
  • Focal Length: 2500 mm, a focal reducer f/6.3 was used, so the actual focal length was 1600 mm
  • Eyepiece: Meade Super Plossl 56 mm.
  • Magnification: 28.5 X.
Later on, at 19:41 Sana'a shouted that she could see it through her 7X50 binocular. Also, others were able to see it by binoculars. Those were:-

  • Sheikh Salman Al-Thani.
  • Sana'a Abdo
  • Aziz Muhtaseb
  • And Others.
At 19:31 LT, when the crescent was firstly visible by the telescope, the following values were:-

  • Moon's Altitude: 3.6 degrees.
  • Sun Altitude: - 3.9 degrees.
  • Relative Altitude: 7.5 degrees.
  • Elongation: 8.2 Degrees.
  • Relative Azimuth: 3.7 degrees.
  • Geocentric Moon Age: 13 Hours and 36 Minutes.
  • Moonset minus Sunset: 37 minutes.

All the above values are topocentric unless otherwise mentioned.

For sure the crescent was not seen by naked eyes. Lastly, I must say that we were so glad to break the previous JAS record by seeing such very thin crescent, especially that we are approaching the global record of 12 hours and 06 minutes, which we really wish to break soon :-).

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