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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Thul Keadah Crescent
(1425 AH)

Last Updated 22 December 2004
In this page:-

When to Observe ?

The geocentric new Moon will occur Inshalla on (Sunday 12 December 2004), at 01:29 UT. On this day the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that it is possible to see the crescent by optical aid from Southern Indian Ocean, southern parts of Africa continent, and southern parts of North America continent. Where as it should be seen by naked eyes from extreme Southern parts of Africa continent and from South America continent.

According to the actual sighting of the crescent, the start of Thul Keadah should be on Monday 13 December 2004 in central and western parts of the world, and on Tuesday 14 December 2004 in Eastern countries.

The visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

AUASS Official Statement

Kindly click here to read the original AUASS statement.

Shawwal Waning Crescent Observation

  • Kuwait ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khshaish said: "On Sat 11 Dec 2004 , I saw the morning crescent with 20*60 binocular only from 6:24 ~ 6:28 am . Our moon rise was at 5:41 sunrise at 6:32 ( a lag of -51 minutes ) the age was ~ -22 hours elong 12.5 degrees alt 7.27 degrees. It took 43 minutes after moon rise to find it because there was a thick black cloud up to ~ 7 degrees above eastren horizon. Venus, Mars and Graffias of Scorpius helped in the search for the crescent. The eastren sky above that cloud was perfect winter clear sky."

  • USA: ICOP member, Mr. Jim Stamm said:
    Old Moon Crescent Observability
    December 2004
    Location  = Tucson, Arizona (USA)
                 San Pedro Vista (Mt. Lemmon)
                 Longitude = 110.69 W
                 Latitude  =  32.4 N
                 Elevation = 2256 meters
    Surface conditions at the University of Arizona (750 m):
        Temperature          =  58 degrees Fahrenheit
        Relative Humidity    =  37 percent
        Atmospheric Pressure =  931.5 mb
    Topocentric values from “Accurate Times”:
        Time from new at 7:06 a.m. (MST) = 12 hours 41 minutes
        Moon lag time = 18 minutes
        Elongation from sun = 7.02 degrees
        Crescent width = 8 arcseconds
        Illumination = 0.38%
    I was NOT able to see the crescent, even through a telescope.  Although 
    the sky looked good (until after sunrise), seeing was hampered by 
    elevated humidity.  I was positive about having the correct field in 
    the 55x eyepiece of my C-8 telescope, and the focus was pretty close 
    (but maybe not absolutely exact).
    Local moonrise at   6:59 a.m. (MST)  11 Dec. 2004
    UT Time and Date of moonrise = 13:59 11 Dec. 2004
    Local sunrise at   7:16 a.m. (MST)  11 Dec. 2004
    UT Time and Date of sunrise = 14:16 11 Dec. 2004
    Observers:         Jim Stamm and John Polacheck

    Results of Observation

    So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Monday 13 December 2004 from Kuwait by ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khshaish.

    Sunday 12 December 2004:

    • Iran: ICOP member Mr. Majid Marzani said: "The western horizon in tehran was cloudy and rain."

    • Iraq: ICOP member Mr. Bacil Moudhaffar mentioned that the sky was cloudy.

    • Saudi Arabia ICOP member Mr. Saleh Al-Saab said: "As you know they asked to try to see the crescent on Saturday 11 December 2004, as it is concedered the 29th!! Hopefolly, no positive reports."

    • Algeria ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem said: "Mr. Brahim Abdelaziz has treid to observe the Dul Kida 1425 crescent from Merkich station but he has not seen it."

    • Nigeria

      1. ICOP member Mr. Usman Duhhu said: "Nine members of the Moonsighting Society of Nigeria attempted sighting the crescent at Bauchi but they did not see it. I attempted sighting it at my village, about 160 km northeast of Bauchi, but I could not see it either."

      2. ICOP member Mr. Muhammed Ya'sin Qamardeen said: "We did not sight the new crescent tonight here in Abuja. Likewise in phone chat with peoples from this location within Nigeria indicated that no one from the groups sight the new crescent. The location are Sokoto, Kano, Ilorin, and Lagos. Authority here have start Dhul Qadah today after counted Shawwal to be thirty."

      3. ICOP member Mr. Bashir Muhammad Sani said: "The age of the moon here at Zaria, Northern Nigeria is about 16 hours, we tried seeing the crescent but couldnt probably because the moon is too young to be seen with the naked eye."

    • Germany: ICOP member Mr. Moataz Shatta said: "Crescent sighting on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004 / 29. Shawwal 1425 h was in Mainz NOT possible cause it was very cloudy. Otherwise the moonset occured in Mainz 5 Min. and 7 sec. before the sunset. Monday, Dec 13, 2004 will be the 30th of Shawwal 1425."

    • USA

      1. ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: "Unable to sight the crescent on the evening of Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004; Here in Buena Park. SE of Los Angeles (California) local time 5:05pm"

      2. ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad said: "Except for a small opening in the western horizon, the sky was clouday."

    Monday 13 December 2004:

    • Iran: ICOP member, Mr. Pouya Boroujerdi said: "The sky above the whole city of Qom (135 Kms SW of Tehran) was totally cloudy, so I could not see the Moon."

    • Kuwait ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khshaish said: "In Kuwait, on Monday 13 Dec 2004 , I saw the crescent just after starting to search for the crescent first by binocular at 16:42 LT then at 16:46 with naked eyes which was 5 minutes before our local sunset at 16:51."

    • Iraq: ICOP member Mr. Bacil Moudhaffar mentioned that he could see the crescent by naked eyes.

    • Nigeria

      1. ICOP member Mr. Muhammed Ya'sin Qamardeen said: "All report from countryside indicated positive sighting. Dr Uthman Dukku confirmed the sigthing in Bauchi."

      2. ICOP member Mr. Bashir Muhammad Sani said: "The crescent was seen and it was a big crescent bearing in mind that it was 40 hours old at that time. Some members of the observation team were however amazed at the size of the crescent and its duration on the horizon (the moon did not set untill after Isha prayers and wondered how we could convince doubting thomases that today is actually the 30th day of Shawwal and not the first or even second day of Dhul-Qida. The official date is Dhul-Qida."

      3. ICOP member Mr. Aminu Luqman mentioned that the crescent was seen by naked eyes.

    • Senegal: ICOP member Dr. Abdoulaye Gaye said: "The Senegalese National Committee in charge of Hilal sighting has stated that the official beginning of Dzul Khadah is Tuesday December 14th. The hilal was not seen anywhere in the entire territory Sunday 12 after sunset. I have sighted with 3 fellows the Hilal yesterday Monday 13 at 7.00 pm in Dakar, so did many persons in different towns and villages in the country side."

    • Germany ICOP member Mr. Gerhard Ahmad Kaufmann mentioned it was cloudy.

    • USA

      1. ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: "Sighted the crescent this evening of Monday. Dec. 13, 2004; here in Buena Park. SE of Los Angeles (California) local time 4:55pm. The top horn of the crescent was just after 12:00 o'clock and the bottom horn was just after 7:00 o'clock. The sighting was with naked eye and very clear."

      2. ICOP member, Mr. Jim Stamm said:
        Location  = Tucson, Arizona (USA)
        Longitude = 110.9645 W
        Latitude  =  32.4204 N
        Elevation = 842 meters
        Local Time - Universal Time = -7.0 hours
        Surface conditions at first sighting (15:26) at
            the University of Arizona (750 m):
            Temperature          =  24 degrees Celsius
            Relative Humidity    =  22 percent
            Atmospheric Pressure =  930 mb
        Topocentric and local time values from “Accurate Times”:
            Sunset (at sea level)          =  17:24
            Moonset (at sea level)         =  18:05
            Time from new moon at  15:26   =  19hr.  39min.
            Moon lag time                  =  41    minutes
            Relative Altitude              =  2.30  degrees
            Elongation from sun            =  13.02 degrees
            Crescent width                 =  26 arcseconds
            Illumination                   =  1.29  percent
        Crescent first observed through 8” SC telescope:
            Time      =   15:26
            Altitude  =   20.9 degrees
        Crescent first observed through binoculars:
            Time      =   17:34
            Altitude  =    3.4 degrees
        Crescent first observed with the naked eye:
            Time      =   17:51
            Altitude  =    0.6 degrees
        Final observation with telescope:
            Time      =   17:52
            Altitude  =    0.4 degrees -  Roof horizon
        Final observation with binoculars:
            Time      =   17:53
            Altitude  =    0.3 degrees  -  Lost in tree
        Final observation with naked eye:
            Time      =   17:52
            Altitude  =    0.4 degrees  -  Still above horizon
        John Polacheck first saw the crescent through binoculars.
        Faye Libbey made a naked eye sighting at 17:40!
        Observer(s):       Jim Stamm, Matt Stamm,
                            John Polacheck, Faye Libbey

    The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

    Monday 13 December 2004 :-

    1. Iraq
    2. Kuwait
    3. Saudi Arabia
    4. Jordan

    Tuesday 14 December 2004 :-

    1. Iran
    2. Senegal

    The Accuracy of The Astronomical Calculations

    To know about the accuracy of the astronomical calculations, then please click here

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