Visibility of Dhul Qeadah Crescent 1443 AH
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When to Observe Dhul Qeadah Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?
The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 30 May 2022) at 11:30 UT.
Sighting the new crescent on (Monday 30 May 2022) and (Tuesday 31 May 2022) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-
- It is impossible to see the crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day sets before the Sunset and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunset.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
- The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
- The crescent cannot be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon sets in these locations after the Sunset and the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunset, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
- Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Monday 30 May 2022
Tuesday 31 May 2022
According to the Universal Hejric Calendar (UHC), which is based on the calculated crescent visibility, the start of this month in the Eastern Region will be on Wedensday 01 June 2022 and in the Western Region will be on Tuesday 31 May 2022. Kindly notice that the UHC is a pre-calculated calendar, which adopts a certain criterion to start the new Hejric month. Your country/organization might adopt different criterion to start the new Hejric month. So it is highly advised to read the UHC website before giving any judgment.
- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.
Dhul Qeadah Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results
Mon 30 May 2022
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Alhabib Janahani from قمار City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune from جبل عبد الدايم - مدينة بني يزجن City in غرداية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. ABM Ruhul Hassan from Dhaka City in Dhaka State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Ayad Al-Mamary from Mosul City in Nineveh State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "مساء اليوم قمت بمحاولة رصد هلال شهر ذي القعدة 1443 هـ
حيث تعذر رؤية هلال شهر ذي القعدة 1443هـ من طنجة
ننتظر الإعلان الرسمي حول رؤية الهلال في باقي اللجان والمناطق
ويتوقع أن يكون فاتح شهر ذي القعدة 1443 هـ هو يوم الأربعاء 1 يونيو 2022"
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Dr. Hassan Talibi from بنسليمان City in بنسليمان State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Anas Hammouri from القدس City in القدس State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Kingdom
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Juned Patel from Bolton City in Greater Manchester State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Juned Patel said: "On Monday, 30th of May 2022 between21:15 to 22:00 (Sunset 21:26 & Moonset 21:55) at Location: Rivington Rd, Bolton, UK; I attempted to sight the crescent moon (Hilal) of Dhul-Qi'dah. I was not able to sight the Hilal. The western horizon was completely covered with very dense clouds and started raining."
United States
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Jim Stamm from Tucson City in Arizona State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Jim Stamm said: "
New Moon Crescent Observation Report
Observed: Monday; May 30, 2022 at 19:49 (Local Time)
Location (WGS 84): Mt. Bigalow , Arizona (USA)
Longitude = 110.7144 W
Latitude = 32.4156 N
Elevation = 2602 meters
Time Zone = -7.0 hours
Surface conditions at Loma Linda:
Temperature = 54.1 °F
Dew Point = 27.1 °F
Barometric Pressure = 29.7 inches
The clearest looking sky that I have observed any moon through. But during the observation I noticed substantial dust in the atmosphere. I was above most of it, but I noticed that views of the distant mountains were substantially impeded.
Topocentric and local time values from “Accurate Times”:
Sunset (at sea level) = 19:34
..Moonset (at sea level) = 20.049
Time from new moon at 19:50 = .16 hr. 19 min.
Moon lag time = . 35 min.
Relative Altitude = 6.2 degrees
Elongation from sun = 6.4 degrees
Crescent width = 6 arc sec
Illumination = 0.32 percent
A series of skipped steps in my usual technique led to my scanning the sky during the last 10 minutes of the obsevation. First, I did not ascertain the elevation of the horizon. Second, I did not assure that I would be able to pick up Sirius and/or Rigel from my observing locations (I did not). This resulted in losing absolute precison of the location and focus of the target. Using the sun, I ended up pointed at the taget, but I was only a couple of arc-minutes above the horizon (surprise!). Backing off a calculated 10 minutes decreased my precision. I scanned the 10 minutes without detecting any crescent. Not even a fake one.
Observer : Jim Stamm
E-mail Address:"
Tue 31 May 2022
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune from جبل عبد الدايم- مدينة بني يزجن City in غرداية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين، تمت بعون الله رؤية هلال ذي القعدة في ليلة كمال الشهر (ليلة الواحد والثلاثين)، وكان خافتا جدا ومائلا للاصفرار باعتبار القتر الذي ساد الأفق الغربي في منطقتنا، مما يدعم شهادة الشهود المخبرين باستهلال شوال ليلة الإثنين، ولله الحمد والمنة. "
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "الحمد لله تمكن النادي الفلكي بكوينين من رصد هلال شهر ذي القعدة 1443 هذا الثلاثاء رغم الغبار العالق، تمت رؤيته أولا بالمنظار ثم بالعين المجردة و تم بعد ذلك تصويره بالاستعانة بالتلسكوب.
هلال رشد و خير. "
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Billal Bensalah from القرارة City in غرداية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
4 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Messaoud Kechida from ڨمار City in وادي سوف State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Messaoud Kechida said: "بفضل من الله تم رصد الهلال لحظات قبل اختفاء خلف هالة منخفضة جهة الغرب بسبب ارتفاع درجة الحرارة ولكن ولله الحمد تم رؤية الهلال بالعين المجردة "
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Taymour Nabulsi from Sydney City in NSW State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Ali Majeed Al Hajari from عيسى City in الجنوبية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Brunei Darussalam
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hazarry Haji Ali Ahmad from Kuala Tutong City in Tutong State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hazarry Haji Ali Ahmad said: "3 telescopes were used for new moon sighting, and directed to the Sun for alignment before sunset.
The moon crescent was only visible at the cloudless areas, about 30 minutes after sunset, which is very close to the western horizon.
Observation was carried out by the Astronomical Society of Brunei Darussalam at Kuala Tutong."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Eng. Khaled Abdelrahman from القاهرة City in القاهرة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. M. Al-Majari from Road E73 City in Tolna State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Viktor Cseh from Debrecen City in Hajdú-Bihar County State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Viktor Cseh said: "I saw beautiful details on the surface of the Moon with telescope."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen by others: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The new crescent of Dzulqodah 1443 AH was not sighted from Assalaam Observatory, Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Central Java Indonesia. The sky was totally cloudy.
The new crescent was seen from Semarang and Madura via telescope only.
The 1st of Dzulqodah 1443 AH in Indonesia will begin on Wednesday, 1 June 2022."
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "In the name of God
Dhul Qeadah Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Tuesday, 05/31/2022
Location: Damzad foothills in the East of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +4.5 GMT)
Equipments: Three set of 15*70 binoculars, One set of 30*60 binocular, One set of 7*50 binocular, One compass.
Atmospheric condition: hazy
Horizon obstacles: about 2°
Apparent Sunset: 19:54
Results: Moon crescent was seen by 15*70 binoculars by Hossein Janghorbani and at 20:02, for the first time.
Other group members observed crescent by binoculars subsequently.
Moon crescent was seen by naked eye by Hossein Janghorbani and Roya Ghermezi at 20:22 , for the first time. Other group members observed crescent by naked eye subsequently.
1-Mohammad Javad Nikeghbal 2.Mohammad Sadra Nikeghball 3.Reza Janghorbani 4.Ali Janghorbani 5.Hossein Janghorbani 6.Roya Ghermezi 7.Zinat Ghermezi 8.Masoomeh Hafar 9.Maryam Shahcheraghi 10.Shideh pooya 11.Narjes Zare 12.Zahra Fallahi
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mustapha Albasri from البصرة City in البصرة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Mustapha Albasri said: "تم تحري الهلال بالعين المجردة من بداية غروب الشمس حيث اختفت خلف الغبار والدخان عند درجة ارتفاع درجة واحدة فقط، الى حين غروب القمر ولم نتمكن من رؤية الهلال مع العلم ان الدخان او الغبار كان على ارتفاع درجة واحدة من الافق. والجو في حالة صفاء. كما تجدر الاشارة ان مرصد صافي الصفا في النجف الاشرف تحرى الهلال ولم يتمكن من الرؤيا لا بالعين المجردة ولا بالتليسكوب."
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Ibrahem Abdulkareem Dives from الحسينية City in بغداد State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Ibrahem Abdulkareem Dives said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم , لم تتم رؤية الهلال من محافظة بغداد بسبب سوء الجو وكذلك تمت المحاولة من بعض الاصدقاء في المحافظات الاخرى ولم تتم الرؤية ."
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen by others: ICOP member Mr. Hasan Al Saaedi from مدينة الصدر City in بغداد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hasan Al Saaedi said: "على الرغم من ان الاحداثيات عموما تشير لامكانية وسهولة رؤية الهلال بالعين المجردة الا ان الحالة الجوية المغبرة ناحية الافق الغربي لم تتح ذلك حيث ان الشمس غربت من مكان الرصد وهي على ارتفاع 7 درجات اي قبل موعد الغروب الحقيقي ب40 دقيقة وهذا يدل على كثافة الغبار في المنطقة الغربية تمت محاولة تحري الهلال حتى بالتلسكوب لكن دون جدوى ووصلتنا اخبار انه تمت الرؤية في مناطق اخرى اكثر صفاءا من قبل بعض الاخوة الراصدين "
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from Irbid City in Irbid State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mooad Shaqour from الزرقاء City in الزرقاء State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Mooad Shaqour said: "تم بفضل الله رؤية هلال شهر ذو القعدة للعام الهجري 1443 وذلك يوم الثلاثاء 31 مايو 2022 في أفق العاصمة عمّان من منطقة أبو نصير."
3 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Photographed: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from Irbid City in Irbid State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Eng. Yaser Mullayousef from الكويت City in العاصمة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Muzamir Mazlan from Telok Kemang Observatory City in Negeri Sembilan State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تم مساء اليوم الثلاثاء 31 ماي 2022 محاولة رصد هلال شهر ذي القعدة 1443 هـ من مدينة طنجة بالمملكة المغربية فتم رؤية الهلال بالعين المجردة وتم توثيقه بالكاميرا عبر الصور وكان الهلال رقيقا جدا
أهله الله علينا وعليكم بالخير واليمن والبركات"
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Hassan Talibi from benslimane City in benslimane State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Aamir from Nayabazar City in Kathmandu State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen by others: ICOP member Prof. Mohammed Al-Bussaidi from Al-Khoudh City in Muscat State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Prof. Mohammed Al-Bussaidi said: "The Crescent Moon was seen after sunset by use of a telescope without camera. The weather was clear, but very hazy condition."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Anas Hammouri from القدس City in القدس State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Saudi Arabia
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Ahmed El Morsy from Dhahran City in Eastern Province State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Naser Barbourah said: "لقد تمكنت من رصد الهلال في الافق الغربي بمدينة المهدية بصعوبة بالعين المجردة الا باستعمال المنظار المزدوج نظرا لكثرة الضباب "
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Eng. Ibrahim Ghneimat from الزبير City in الشارقة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Ibrahim Ghneimat said: "تمت رؤية الهلال بالمنظار بصعوبة بالغة بعد غروب الشمس الساعة 17:35، وتمت رؤيته بالتلسموب بصعوبة في نفس الوقت، وتم تصوير الهلال بكاميرا ccd لغاية الساعة 19:48 قبل غروبه ب 15 دقيقة
الحالة الجوية صافية مع غبار عالق في الأفق"
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from دبي City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Tameem Al-Tameemi from دبي City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Tameem Al-Tameemi said: "لم أتمكن من مشاهدة الهلال بالعين المجردة، بسبب عدم صفاء الأجواء والرطوبة العالية"
4 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
United Kingdom
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Juned Patel from Bolton City in Greater Manchester State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Juned Patel said: "We were 4 adults and 4 children and we all saw the moon except 1 adult (my dad who is 76 years old) and 1 child as it was very faint. We saw the moon as soon as it came out of the clouds from 22:20 to 22:49 just until 6 minutes before the moonset."
United States
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad from Blacksburg City in Virginia State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Dr. Javad Torabinejad said: "I was at my sighting location by 8:29 pm EDT (sunset: 8:36 pm). The western horizon was partly cloudy and hazy. Using a pair of binoculars (7X50), soon I started looking for the crescent. My first binocular sighting of the crescent was at 8:35 pm. It took me another 12 minutes to positively sight the moon with naked eye. The horns were approximately at 2:30 and 7:00 O'clock (2:30;5:00;7:00). I ended the session at 9:19 pm when the moon was still about 5 degrees above the horizon (moonset: 10:03 pm)."
The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries
Sun 01 May 2022
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Wed 01 June 2022
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Brunei Darussalam
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Saudi Arabia
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United Arab Emirates
Thu 02 June 2022
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When to Observe Shawwal Waning (OLD) Crescent ?
The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 30 May 2022) at 11:30 UT.
Sighting the OLD crescent on (Monday 30 May 2022) and (Sunday 29 May 2022) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-
- It is impossible to see the OLD crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day rises after the Sunrise and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunrise.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
- The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
- The crescent cannot be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon rises in these locations before the Sunrise and the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunrise, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
- Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Monday 30 May 2022
Sunday 29 May 2022
Shawwal Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results
Sat 28 May 2022
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Ibrahem Abdulkareem Dives from بحيرة ساوة City in السماوة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Ibrahem Abdulkareem Dives said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم , كان الهلال يوم 28 مايو لامعاً وقد تمكنا من تصويره بالهاتف ورؤيته بالتلسكوب ,وكان يرى بمنطقة قريبة من الهلال كوكب الزهرة,
كانت الصورة في مخيم من بحيرة ساوة في محافظة ساوة في السماوة في العراق."
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قمت فجر اليوم برصد هلال آخر شهر شوال 1443 هـ وتم رؤيته بالعين المجردة وتم تصويره .
بعدستي فجر اليوم صور هلال آخر شهر شوال 1443 هـ"
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from دبي City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Kingdom
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen by others: ICOP member Eng. Qamar Uddin from Dewsbury City in West Yorkshire State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Eng. Qamar Uddin said: "Many of our ICOUK members have been regularly reporting the sighting of the waxing crescent moon (Hilal) over the past few years and so we have now started encouraging them to start reporting the waning crescent moon (Urjunil Qadim) as well.
On Saturday 28 May 2022 (4:35 am BST), we received a waning crescent moon report from Maulana Abdullah Ahmed from Dewsbury (UK) and the photo was taken by his son, Muhammad Daanyaal Ahmed using a Sony Camcorder. Anyone who wishes to see the video recording can contact us via the website. JazakAllah
Sun 29 May 2022
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The old crescent of Shawal 1443 AH was sighted from Assalaam Observatory, Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Central Java Indonesia. "
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from دبي City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging