Visibility of Rabee' Al-Awwal Crescent 1443 AH
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When to Observe Rabee' Al-Awwal Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?
The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Wedensday 06 October 2021) at 11:05 UT.
Sighting the new crescent on (Wedensday 06 October 2021) and (Thursday 7 October 2021) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-
- It is impossible to see the crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day sets before the Sunset and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunset.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
- The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
- The crescent cannot be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon sets in these locations after the Sunset and the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunset, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
- Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Wedensday 06 October 2021
Thursday 7 October 2021
According to the Universal Hejric Calendar (UHC), which is based on the calculated crescent visibility, the start of this month in the Eastern Region will be on Friday 08 October 2021 and in the Western Region will be on Thursday 07 October 2021. Kindly notice that the UHC is a pre-calculated calendar, which adopts a certain criterion to start the new Hejric month. Your country/organization might adopt different criterion to start the new Hejric month. So it is highly advised to read the UHC website before giving any judgment.
- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.
Rabee' Al-Awwal Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results
Wed 06 October 2021
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Boubakur salem Menaceri from عجاجة City in ورقلة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Rida Rizqi from الكويف City in تبسة State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "تعذرت رؤية هلال اليوم الأربعاء من كوينين ولاية الوادي، حيث لم يتمكن النادي الفلكي بكوينين من رؤيته بسبب الضوابط الفلكية للهلال. "
4 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Alhabib Janahani from قمار City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Rami El Sahmarani from Sydney City in New South Wales State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Rami El Sahmarani said: "بما ان الاقتران سيحدث بمشيئة الله عند الساعة العاشرة مساء والدقيقة ٥ و٤٤ ثانية بتوقيت سدني وبما ان الشمس قد غربت قبل حدوث الاقتران بحوالي ثلاث ساعات فبناء عليه فإن غرة شهر ربيع الأول هي يوم الجمعة ٨ تشرين اول ٢٠٢١ ميلادي والله أعلم "
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "In the name of God
Rabee' Al-Awwal Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Wedensday , 10/06/2021
Location: Damzad foothills in the East of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +3.5 GMT)
Equipments: Two set of 20*90 binocular – One set of 15*70 binoculars, One compass.
Atmospheric condition: clear
Horizon obstacles: about 2°
Apparent Sunset: 17:31
Results: Moon crescent was not seen by binocular.
1.Reza Janghorbani 2.Ali Janghorbani 3.Hossein Janghorbani
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Naser Barbourah said: "تعذرت رؤية هلال اليوم الأربعاء 06 اكتوبر 2021 من مدينة المهدية ، لم اتمكن من رؤيته :
يمكث القمر بعد غروب شمس يوم الأربعاء 06 أكتوبر 2021 حوالي 18 دقيقة. الارتفاع عن الأفق بحوالي 3.5 درجة وقوس أي البعد الزاوي بالدرجة القوسية بين مركزه ومركز الشمس بحوالي 4.96 درجة. "
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bastaki from الإمارات City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Thu 07 October 2021
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "بفضل الله و توفيقه تمت اليوم الخميس 7 أكتوبر رؤية هلال شهر ربيع الأول بالعين المجردة لحظة غروب الشمس. أهله الله علينا بالأمن و الأمان و السلامة و الإسلام ربي و ربك الله. "
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune from بوهراوه- المستجاب City in غرداية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، اللهم صل و سلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه، تمت رؤية هلال ربيع الأول والحمد لله في الجهة التي دلّت عليها حسابات برنامج المواقيت الدقيقة، وتمت المشاهدة مباشرة بالعين المجردة وبالقياسات اليدوية التقريبية دون الاستعانة بأي آلة، وكانت بسهولة وسرعة نظرا لعمر الهلال وكون السماء صافية و الأفق الغربي خال من السحب مكنت من رؤيته المبكرة، فتمت أول مشاهدة بعد ٧ دقائق من غروب الشمس التي غابت خلف الأفق (أي ١٨ دقيقة قبل أحسن وقت للرصد المقدر على الساعة ١٨:٤٦) وكانت الرؤية الأولى صعبة ومتقطعة نظرا لنور الشمس الباقي بعد الغروب وسرعان ما استقرت بعد حوالي ٥ دقائق، وكان الهلال أبيضا ذا لمعان خافت جدا في البداية شوهد في الشريط المنير الذي يدنو السماء الزرقاءالفاتحة ثم اتّضحت معالمه بالتدريج واصفرّ مع دخوله في الحزام الأصفر البرتقالي ، وكان عند الساعة ١٨:٣٨ مرتفعا بثلاثة أصابع عن الأفق (مع مدّ الذراع) و سمته مبتعدا عن موقع غروب الشمس بعرض اليد مضمومة الأصابع (مع مدّ الذراع)، مشيرا بقرنيه إلى عقارب الساعة ٢ والساعة ٧، وغادرنا المكان قبل غروبه وهو داخل في الحزام البنّي حوالي الساعة السابعة مساء. والسلام عليكم.
أجدد ندائي لهواة رصد الأهلة بالعين المجردة من بلدان غرب ليبيا تونس الجزائر والمغرب:
رجاء أن يضيفوا في تقاريرهم ٣ معلومات:
١- هل استعانوا ببرنامج لتحديد موقع الهلال أم لا؟ و ما هو؟
٢- كم دقيقة بعد غروب الشمس الظاهري تمت أول رؤية للهلال بالعين المجردة؟
(نود فتح المجال لمسابقة جهوية بيننا مع مراعات اختلاف المطالع طبعا)
٣- في حال تمت الرؤية بالعين المجردة و بالآلة نرجو فقط التحديد: هل الرؤية بالعين المجردة تمت دون آلة أو بعد الاستعانة بالآلة؟
هذا هو بريدي: والشكر الجزيل للمشاركين. "
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Anouar Zine elabdine Bouabdallah from حاسي بحبح City in الجلفة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Anouar Zine elabdine Bouabdallah said: "اللهم اهله علينا بالخير والبركات يارب"
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. ABM Ruhul Hassan from Dhaka City in Dhaka State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Brunei Darussalam
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hazarry Haji Ali Ahmad from Tutong City in Tutong State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hazarry Haji Ali Ahmad said: "The sky condition was fairly good, Venus was visible in daylight.
The Thin crescent of Rabiulawal 1443H was sighted from Brunei Darussalam a few minutes after sunset today, October 7, 2021 (30 Safar 2021).
The young 23.5-hour old Hilal was visible with the naked eyes (first seen 18 minutes after sunset) and optical aids (firstly seen 7 minutes after sunset), also seen by other members of the Astronomical Society of Brunei Darussalam (PABD) from various location in Bandar Seri Begawan, Tutong and Belait districts.
Since Brunei is currently under movement restriction order, observation activities were conducted individually at home or own site in accordance to Covid-19 protocols."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdoul Karimi Fatihi from Douala City in Littoral State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Khaled Abdelrahman from القاهرة City in القاهرة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdul-Aziz Anyang from Accra City in Greater Accra State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdul-Aziz Anyang said: "The New Crescent for Rabi Awwal 1443 H was seen in two regions (Northern and Bono East regions in Ghana after our sunset time of 5:50 pm."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. ِِِArwinjuli from Medan City in Sumatera Utara State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. ِِِArwinjuli said: "sejak awal pengamatan langit sudah mendung dan ketika sedang melakukan pengamatan turun rintik hujan, sehingga pengamatan hilal dihentikan"
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The new crescent of Rabiul Awal 1443 AH was seen from my location on Thursday, Oct 07, 2021. We conducted rukyat hilal at Assalaam Observatory Sukoharjo and Asy-Syi'ra Observatory MAN 1 Surakarta."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "In the name of God
Rabee' Al-Awwal Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Thursday , 10/07/2021
Location: Damzad foothills in the East of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +3.5 GMT)
Equipments: One set of 20*90 binocular, Three set of 15*70 binoculars, One set of 30*60 binocular, One set of 7*50 binocular, One compass.
Atmospheric condition: Hazy
Horizon obstacles: about 2°
Apparent Sunset: 17:31
Results: Moon crescent was seen by 15*70 binoculars by Reza Janghorbani at 17:50, for the first time.
Other group members observed crescent by binoculars subsequently.
Moon crescent was seen by naked eye by Reza Janghorbani And Hossein Janghorbani at 17:55 , for the first time. Other group members observed crescent by naked eye subsequently.
1-Dr. Ali Akbar Taki 2.Mostafa Rahmati 3.Sayed Akbar Chavoshi 4.Abdolreza Gholami 5-Eng. Javad Amiri 6.Reza Moosavi 7.Majid Zare 8.Meysam Salek 9.Ali Aghabozorgi 10.Davood Javeri 11.Mohammad Sadra Nikeghbal 12.Mohammad Javad Nikeghbal 13.Reza Janghorbani 14.Ali Janghorbani 15.Hossein Janghorbani 16.Shahnaz Soroori 17.Shahnaz Same 18.Zahra Jamali 19.Masoomeh Hafar 20.Ziba Hafar 21.Maryam Parsania 22.Narjes Zare 23.Ameneh Poorsharif 24.Nazanin Piroozmandan 25.Zeynab Piroozmandan 26.Fatemeh Ansari 27.Zahra fallahi
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunset .
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from إربد City in إربد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Dr. Anas Sawallha said: "تم تصوير الهلال قبل غروب الشمس, و رصد الهلال بواسطة الدربيل و العين المجردة بعد غروب الشمس."
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Muzamir Mazlan from Telok Kemang Observatory, Port Dickson City in Negeri Sembilan State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Saudi Arabia
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Sami Al-Harbi said: "تمت مشاهدة هلال ربيع اول بواسطة المنظار وحاولت اصور بالجوال لكن لم يظهر معي "
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from Dubai City in Dubai State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Dr. Belal Alshammaa said: "تمكنت أولا من تصوير الهلال بواسطة الكاميرا، ثم رأيته من خلال المرقب، وكذلك رأيته بالمنظار بعد تحديد مكانه بواسطة المرقب؛ لكن رؤيته بالعين المجردة كانت بصعوبة بالغة بحيث لا أسطيع الجزم أني رأيته بالعين المجردة"
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from ِAl Khatim City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Mohammad Odeh said: "تم تصوير الهلال بواسطة مرصد الختم الفلكي، وذلك بالتحكم عن بعد بالمرصد من الطائرة على ارتفاع 11 كم عن سطح البحر، أثناء رحلة جوية من جدة إلى أبوظبي. "
3 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Eng. Ibrahim Ghneimat from الحمرية City in الشارقة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Ibrahim Ghneimat said: "تمت رؤية الهلال بالكاميرا وتصويره وتمت رؤيته بالتلسكوب وتصويره وتمت رؤيته بالعين المجردة بصعوبة من قبل 6 أشخاص وذلك بعد 20 دقيقة غروب الشمس"
United Kingdom
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Qamar Uddin from York City in North Yorkshire State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Eng. Qamar Uddin said: "It was partly sunny during the day in York on 7/10/2021 but it became totally cloudy after sunset so the moon wasn't seen (not even the Venus star!). However, the moon was easily seen on the next day (8/10/2021), Alhamdulillah (see"
United States
1 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Haythem Hamdi from لورنس Lawrence City in ماساتشوستس Massachusetts State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
2 . Time of observation:
After sunset.
Not Seen: ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad from Blacksburg City in Virginia State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Dr. Javad Torabinejad said: "I arrived at my sighting location at 6:42 pm EDT (sunset 6:57 pm). Using a pair of binoculars (7X50), at times I scanned a mostly cloudy western horizon with no success. Hoping for appearance of a clearing in the right section of the horizon, I stayed there till moonset (moonset: 7:56 pm)."
The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries
Thu 07 October 2021
1 .
2 .
Fri 08 October 2021
1 .
2 .
Brunei Darussalam
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 .
9 .
10 .
11 .
12 .
13 .
14 .
15 .
Saudi Arabia
16 .
United Arab Emirates
17 .
United Kingdom
Sat 09 October 2021
1 .
When to Observe Safar Waning (OLD) Crescent ?
The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Wedensday 06 October 2021) at 11:05 UT.
Sighting the OLD crescent on (Wedensday 06 October 2021) and (Tuesday 5 October 2021) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-
- It is impossible to see the OLD crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day rises after the Sunrise and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunrise.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
- The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
- The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
- The crescent cannot be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon rises in these locations before the Sunrise and the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunrise, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
- Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Wedensday 06 October 2021
Tuesday 5 October 2021
Safar Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results
Tue 05 October 2021
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen by others: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "قام النادي الفلكي بكوينين هذا الصباح 28 صفر بتحري هلال آخر الشهر إلا أننا لم نتمكن من رؤيته بسبب تراكم السحب شرقا، لكن تمت رؤية الهلال من طرف صديق بالعين المجردة في منطقة قريبة من كوينين "الرباح ولاية الوادي. "
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The old crescent of Shafar 1443 AH was not sighted from Rowasiya Observatory on Tuesday, Oct 05, 2021. The sky was rather cloudy."
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from Irbid City in إربد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
United Arab Emirates
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from Dubai City in Dubai State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Wed 06 October 2021
1 . Time of observation:
Before sunrise.
Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging