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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Ramadan Crescent
(1424 AH)

Last Updated 03 November 2003 at 15:45 UT
In this page:-

When to Observe ?

The geocentric new Moon will occur Inshalla on Saturday (25 October 2003), at 12:50 UT. On this day the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that it is not possible to see the crescent except from the western parts of the Pacific ocean by optical aid only (fig. 1). While on the next day (Sunday 26 October 2003) the crescent should be seen by naked eyes mostly from all the countries (Fig. 2).

According to the actual sighting of the crescent, the start of Ramadan should be on Monday 27 October 2003 in all the countries.

The visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

Fig. 1 Visibility of the crescent on Saturday 25 October 2003

Fig. 2 Visibility of the crescent on Sunday 26 October 2003

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

Results of Observation

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Sunday 26 October 2003 from Mauritius by ICOP member Mr. Hamade Aubdoollah.

Saturday 25 October 2003:

  • Australia
    • ICOP member Mr. Afroz Ali: Not seen. "Australia failed to observe the moon on Saturday."
  • Malaysia
    • ICOP member Mr. Kassim Bahali: Not seen. "The hilal was not seen. The hilal could not be seen because the conjuction happen at 20:51 (local time) after the sunset at the AlKhawarizmi observatory. The government of Malaysia announced the first of Ramadhan begins on Monday 27 October 2003.May Allah keeps us alive for this holy month and accept our fasting and prayers Ameen."
  • Philippines
    • ICOP member Mr. Mama Mangorangca: Not seen. " Cloudy sky after sunset in this south Philippine city of Marawi. Sighting negative tho such is expected."
  • Brunei
    • ICOP member Mr. Mahadi Mohamad Tahir: Not seen.
  • Singapore
    • ICOP member Mr. Muhammad Ridhwan Ibrahim: Not seen. "According our Mufti, that the Hilal can't be seen around Singapore, because the Moon set earlier then the Sun about 7 minutes. So the next day is the full 1 month of Shaaban 1424 Hijrah and the first day of Ramadan will be on Monday, 27 Ocotober 2003. We also Fasting on a same day with Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei. It has appeared on Berita Harian Newspaper (Singapore)".
  • UAE
    • ICOP member Mr. Abdulkarim Chalermthai: Not seen.
  • Saudi Arabia
    • ICOP member Mr. Anwar Al-Muhammad: Not seen. "As a monthly activity of Qatif Astronomy Society QAS we tried to sight the new crescent of Rhamadan, in the eastern area of Saudi Arabia “Al-Aujam- 26:33N, 49:47E” 15 minutes before sunset time (5:04) of Saturday 25, October. To do so, we used a computerized 10” LX-200. Few members of QAS were sighting but we could not see the crescent even by the telescope. It displayed a message that the moon is below horizon, 3 minutes after the sunset. No body in the neighborhood areas claimed that he saw the crescent. We hope that most of the Muslims start Rhamadan this year at Monday, 27 October."
  • Jordan
    • ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Odeh: Not seen. "To make it clear! I and other friends were in a plane at 3800 meters above sea level looking for the crescent on Saturday 25 October from Jordan! We did NOT see the crescent. After landing I went to attend the official Jordanian meeting for Ramadan Declaration, since I'm a member of the official Jordanian Crescent-Sighting Committee! I clearly reported that we didn't see the crescent from the plane! Also, NO ONE in Jordan saw the crescent. But as soon as Egypt claimed seeing the crescent the Supreme Judge ordered the Jordanian TV to declare that tomorrow Sunday 26 October 2003 is the first day of Ramadan! "
  • Syria
    • ICOP member Mr. Tsofa Malik : Not seen. "Outside Damascus, Syria with mostly clear skies with slight thin clouds near the area of sunset, we did not see the crescent."
  • Nigeria
    • ICOP member Mr. Usman Duhhu: Not seen. "Over thirty of us attempted sighting the crescent in the ouskirts of the city(Bauchi, Nigeria) but we did not see the moon. The moon was only four hours old at our local sunset: Obviously such a moon cannot be sighted. However, as usual, the authorities have declared Sunday 26th October to be the beginning of Ramadan based on claims of sighting of the crescent."
  • Bosnia
    • ICOP member Mr. Kemal Sehbajraktarevic: Not seen. "I appologise for one day delay in sending report, but it was totaly clear that the crescent could not be seen from anywhere at the Earth. Also, the sky over Bosnia was totaly cloudy therefore, the observetion could not been made. According the wrong criteria (monset after sunset) the month of Ramadhan start in Bosnia today, at Sunday,26. October. Eid mubarek to all brothers and sisters."
  • UK
    • ICOP member Mr. Arshad Baig: Not seen. "Cloudy Horizon prevented even a formal look up but we are exremely excited by the news from Saudi Arabia and equally shocked at the news of Jordanian and Egyptian decisions!!! Have we managed to convince our Saudi brothers? Is it the dream end of our struggle at ICOP? I hope so and look forward to more details. Ramadan in UK will start on 27th, and almost for the entire muslim population - and for almsot entire Muslim Ummah - I have no idea why Jordan and Egypt had to spoil this historic event."
  • Trinidad and Tobago
    • ICOP member Dr. Shirin Haque-Copilah: Not seen. "The hilal was not seen anywhere in Trinidad and Tobago on Saturday. "
  • USA
    • ICOP member Ms. Mary Singer: Not seen. "The western sky and horizon was partially hazy. Crescent was NOT seen on Saturday from Spokane, Washington."
    • ICOP member Dr. Mohibullah Durrani: Not seen. "The following is an approximate statement of the Islamic Shura and Islamic Fiqh Councils of North America, as posted at: http://www.Hilal-Sighting.Com 10:10 pm EST, 25 Oct 2003 "As Salaamu Alykum, "The Islamic Shura and Islamic Fiqh Councils of North America agree that there were NO Hilal sightings on the evening of Sat 25 Oct 2003, the 29th of Shaban, hence we will complete thirty (30) days of Shaban."
    • ICOP member Javad Torabinejad: Not seen. "I arrived in the sighting place before sunset and left at the time of moonset."
    • ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz: Not seen. "Assalam o Alikum WrWb. No Hilal was observed after sunset on Saturday, 25th October, 2003 in Opa-Locka, Florida USA. "
    • ICOP member Dr. Raza Khan: Not seen.
  • Canada
    • ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Farooq: Not seen. "The crescent could not be seen on Saturday Oct 25th, because at sunset,age of the new moon was 9 hrs 35 mins."
    • ICOP member Mr. Mohammed Murad: Not Tried. "I didn't attend any observation. Anyway, the first day of Ramadan in Canada will be Monday October 27th, 2003. Here is the statement found on the website of Muslim Council of Montreal (www.montrealmuslims.ca): "The Muslim Council of Montreal and UMSA is pleased to announce to the Montreal Islamic community that the moon has not been sighted on Saturday October 25th, 2003. Therefore Ramadan will begin on Monday, October 27th, 2003. The M.C.M and UMSA would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah make it easy for us and accept all our good deeds in this holy month of Ramadan."
    Sunday 26 October 2003:

  • Brunei
    • ICOP member Mr. Mahadi Mohamad Tahir: Not seen. (cloudy)" It was public holiday yesterday (Monday) in Brunei. Survey Dept went to the sighting site (Bukit Shahbandar) on Saturday and Sunday tried to sight new moon. On Saturday, obviously the crescent cannot be seen as the moon set before the sun set. On Sunday, the moon was almost 10 deg above horizon during the sunset but unfortunately it was very thick cloud at our western horizon, so no crescent was seen ."
  • Mauritius
    • ICOP member Mr. Hamade Aubdoollah: Seen.
  • Iran
    • ICOP member Mr. Reza Pazhouhesh: Seen.
    • ICOP member Mr. Saeed Janghorban: Seen. "This crescent have a rare situation. The Alt of the crescent was low but it's Rel-Azm was high. This situation caused that observing the crescent become more difficult than other same situation."
    • ICOP member Mr. Alireza Mehrani: Seen.
  • UAE
    • ICOP member Mr. Abdulkarim Chalermthai: Not seen. (cloudy)
  • Kuwait
    • ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khshaish: Seen. "In Kuwait on sunday 26-Oct.-2003 i sighted the crescent only with 20x60 binocular with difficulty because of the haze at the last 4 Degrees after the sunset by 17 minutes till 5:40 pm witch is 12 before moon set, venus was seen easly ."
  • Saudi Arabia
    • ICOP member Mr. Saleh Al-Saab: Not seen. (hazy) "It was not A big challinge seeing the Hilal,so I tried from the roof top of my house only 30 minuets before moon set, but I founed the weather was not helping at all."
    • ICOP member Mr. Anwar Almuhammad: Not seen. (hazy)"Like yesterday, we tried to sight the new crescent of Rhamadan, in the eastern area of Saudi Arabia “Al-Aujam- 26:33N, 49:47E” 20 minutes before sunset time (5:03) of Sunday 26, October. To do so, we used a computerized 10” LX-200. The western horizon was hazy. Also, there were some tries covering the position of the moon from the telescope. Therefore, we could not see the crescent even by the telescope. Most probably it might be seen in the nearby area."
  • Algeria
    • ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem: Not seen. (cloudy) "The sky was cloudy, the crecent was not observed nether Venus nor Mars."
  • Kenya
    • ICOP member Mr. Ali Darani: Seen.
    • ICOP member Mr. MahmoodAli Essa: Not seen. (cloudy) "Please be informed that I was not able to observe the ramadhan cresent owing to cloudy conditions.However, the crescent was observed elsewhere."
  • South Africa
    • ICOP member Mr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim: Seen. "The Ramadaan Hilaal was clearly visible from all sighting points in Southern Africa on this Sunday evening, 26/10/2003 at the end of the correctly marked 29th day of Shabaan."
    • ICOP member Mr. Hashim Salie: Seen. "Beautiful Hilaal was sighted without any difficulty. The Planet Venus, snugly appeared in relation to the crescent, very high up on the western horizon. Hilaal seen in many places throughout South Africa."
  • Nigeria
    • ICOP member Mr. Usman Duhhu: Seen. "Sighting the crescent was easy this evening here at Bauchi. The crescent was thin and stayed for about 55 minutes after sunset. Though the authorities directed that fasting should start today, most people will start fasting tomorrow."
    • ICOP member Mr. Aminu Luqman: Seen. "Myself and several member of the Zumratul Jamiu Mumin Society (ZJMSN) Of Nigeria sighted the crescent (Hilal) at about 6.45p.m today (Sunday:26/10/2003) at different locations in Lagos, Nigeria. In Sha Allah we (ZJMSN)shall commence our fasting tomorrow (Monday:27/10/2003). However, some group in Nigeria commence their fasting yeserday(Saturday: 25/10/2003) while most people commence theirs today(Sunday:26/10/2003) after the official announcement."
  • Germany
    • ICOP member Mr. Gerhard Ahmad Kaufmann: Not seen. (cloudy)
    • ICOP member Mr. Kadir Yucel: Not seen. (cloudy)
  • Trinidad and Tobago
    • ICOP member Dr. Shirin Haque-Copilah: Seen. "The hilal was not seen anywhere in Trinidad and Tobago on Saturday. On Sunday 26, it was a sight to behold with venus at its side in a crystal clear sky! Allahu Akbar ! Ramadan Mubarak to all."
  • USA
    • ICOP member Mr. Javad Torabinejad: Seen.
    • ICOP member Ms. Mary Singer:Not seen. (cloudy) "I tried to sight the crescent for over 40 minutes, but the western horizon up to at least 60+ degrees was clouded over. Lunar crescent was Not seen on Sunday from my viewpoint in Spokane, WA."
    • ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz: Seen. " I tried to oberve the Hilaal after sunset on Sunday, 26th October, 2003 in Opa-Locka, Florida USA. The Hilaal was seen without no difficulty at 6:15 pm. Group Reporting from Guyana Sultan Hafiz, Imam of Rose Hall Town Masjid reported: The members of the Rose Hall Town Masjid and Rose Hall Town Islamic Center attempted Hilaal observation on Saturday, 25th October, 2003, after sunset in Guyana. No Hilaal was observed proving once more the accuracy of the calculation use in the Islamic Hejric Calendar. The Hilaal was observed by the members of the Rose Hall Town Masjid and Rose Hall Town Islamic Center on Sunday, 26th October, 2003 at 6:00 pm without no difficulty. The first day of fasting for the entire Guyana begins on Monday, 27th October, 2003 in accordance with the Islamci Hejric Calendar and sighting of the Hilaal."
    • ICOP member Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo:Not seen. (cloudy)" I tried to sight the crescent here in Long Beach CA. using a binoculars and a telescope as well but unsuccessful from 5:15 pm to 5:50 pm. Very heavy smoke due to fire around the outskirts of Los Angeles and than very thick cloud moved into the sighting area."
  • Canada
    • ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Farooq: Not seen. (cloudy)

    The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

    Sunday 26 October 2003: -

    1. Jordan
    2. Palestine
    3. Egypt
    4. Sudan
    5. Yemen
    6. Nigeria
    7. Bosnia

    Monday 27 October 2003:-

    1. Saudi
    2. Kuwait
    3. Qatar
    4. Bahrain
    5. UAE
    6. Oman
    7. Iran
    8. Syria
    9. Lebanon
    10. Indonesia
    11. Malaysia
    12. Brunei
    13. Singapore
    14. Mauritius
    15. Algeria
    16. Kenya
    17. UK
    18. Australia
    19. Canada
    20. USA
    21. Guyana

    The Accuracy of The Astronomical Calculations

    To know about the accuracy of the astronomical calculations, then please click here

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