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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Ramadan Crescent
(1426 AH)

Last Updated 02 November 2005
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When to Observe Shaban Waning (OLD) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 03 October 2005), at 10:28 UT. On this day, it is either impossible or not possible to see the old crescent. While on the previous day (Sunday 02 October 2005) the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh -according to Odeh criterion- showed that the OLD crescent should be visible by optical aid or by naked eyes with difficulty from most parts of America continents, where as it should be easily seen by naked eyes from eastern parts of the world.

The visibility parabola as plotted by the program Accurate Times

When to Observe Ramadan Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 03 October 2005), at 10:28 UT. On this day it is either impossible or not possible to see the NEW crescent from almost all parts of the world. Because the Moonset occurs BEFORE Sunset in the eastern parts of the world, or the Moonset occurs at or after very few minutes of Sunset in the rest parts of the world! The only location which has a possibility to see the crescent (with optical aid) on Monday 03 October is the western parts of the Pacific Ocean. While on the next day (Tuesday 04 October 2005), the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh -according to Odeh criterion- showed that the visibility of the NEW crescent still difficult in many countries! Where the crescent is still not visible in Northern parts of Asia, most parts of Europe and northern parts of North America. Where as it should be visible with optical aid from parts of Asia, southern parts of Europe and parts of North America. While it could be seen by naked eye (or still by optical aid only) from Australia, Southern Asia, Northern Africa and USA. Where as it should be easily seen by naked eye from South Africa, Central and South America.

According to the actual sighting of the crescent, the start of Ramadan should be on Wednesday 05 October 2005 in almost all the world.

The visibility parabola as plotted by the program Accurate Times

Ramadan Crescent Visibility on Monday 03 October 2005

Ramadan Crescent Visibility on Tuesday 04 October 2005

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

AUASS Official Statement (Beginning of Ramadan)

Kindly Click Here to read the AUASS official statement regarding the beginning of Ramadan 1426.

AUASS Official Statement (Solar Eclipse)

Kindly Click Here to read the AUASS official statement regarding the Ramadan Solar Eclipse.

Shaban Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results

Sunday 02 October 2005:

  • UK: ICOP member Mr. Syed Hashmat Wasty said: "It was very very difficult, the time was 05:30 GMT(UT), the sunrise is at 06:02. The sky is clear but on the Eastern horizon a bit misty. The moon was at about 30 degrees height, very agile with slight tilt, right edge a bit lower than the left"

  • USA: ICOP member Mr. Jim Stamm said:

    Location     = Tucson, Arizona (USA)
       Longitude = 110.9645 W
       Latitude  =  32.4204 N
       Elevation = 842 meters
       Time Zone = -7.0 hours
    Surface conditions at
    Tucson International Airport (805 m):
       Temperature          =   70 degrees F.
       Relative Humidity    =   44 percent
       Atmospheric Pressure =  29.94 in.
    Topocentric and local time values from “Accurate Times”:
       Moonrise (at sea level)  =  05:24
       Sunrise (at sea level)   =  06:19
       Time from new moon at   05:49   =  21 hr. 06 min.
       Moon lag time                   =  45     minutes
       Relative Altitude               =   9.4   degrees
       Elongation from sun             =   10.1   degrees
       Crescent width                  =  12     arcseconds
       Illumination                    =   0.68  percent
    Clouds prevented me from acquiring the FOV, and I scanned 
    the area  after using setting circles to approximate the 
    Moon’s position.  I  was not able to see any crescent 
    with my C-8 under a clear morning sky. 

    Ramadan Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results

    So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Tuesday (04 October 2005) from Australia. Knowing that the most difficult observation was on Tuesday (04 October) by ICOP member Mr. Mousa Zamani from Shiraz in Iran and ICOP member Mr. Majid Marzani from Tehran in Iran. The crescent was also seen on Tuesday from Morocco, Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa and USA.

    Monday 03 October 2005:

  • Indonesia: ICOP member, Mr. Muhammad Thoha said: "Instrument: Naked Eye, Binoculars 10x50 and Theodolit. It was clear and little cloudy at sunset location, but we did not see the Hilal."

  • Malaysia:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Kassim Bahali said: "Seeing the hilal was tried by binocular, telescope and theodolite but it was not seen from the Al-Khawarizmi Observatory in Melaka. We used Takahasi 5" and RCOS 16" telescope. The western sky was cloudy. The government of Malaysia announced the first of Ramadhan begins on Wenesday, 5 October 2005. May Allah keeps us alive for this holy month and accept our fasting and prayers Ameen"

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Abdul Majid Abdul Wahid mentioned it was cloudy.

  • Brunei Darussalam: ICOP member Mr. Mahadi Tahir said: "Survey Department together with Judges from Syariah Court and others went to sighting site as formality only and it was confirmed that the crescent was not seen on evening of 3rd October 2005."

  • Saudi Arabia: ICOP member Mr. Saleh Al-Saab said: "The crescent was only 1/4 degree above the horizon at sunset and remain for 3 minutes only after the sun, so it was normal not to see the crescent by any of the 60 persons joined the committee or any person in the 6 other committees. For me what is NOT normal is sighting the crescent under these conditions!"

  • Syria: ICOP member Mr. Ayman Saddik mentioned that he couldn't see the crescent by naked eye.

  • Algeria: ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem said: "Seven (07) persents have tried to observe the Ramadan 1426 crescent with naked eyes and 8X30 binocular, but it was not seen from Merkich station in Beni Isguen."

  • Nigeria:

    1. ICOP member Mr. Lukuman Aminu said: " The crescent was not seen on Sunday in Lagos Nigeria, but as usual, some group from Abuja, Kano and Shaki in Oyo State Nigeria Claim that the crescent was seen and hence they have commence their fasting. In Nigeria fasting commence on Sunday (02/10/2005) by some group while others after claiming of sighting start theirs on Monday (03/10/2005)". In another email he added: "It was partly cloud on Monday(03/10/2005), so the crescent was not seen. Tuesday is Shaban 29 according to the actual sighting of the cresecnt. The Zumratul Jamiu Society of Nigeria and other few groups are instisting on sighting the crescent or counting month of Shabban up to 30 days, before they would commence their fasting. Most Nigerian began fasting today Tuesday (04/10/2005), some started on Monday while very few people commence fasting on Sunday. According to official statement, the first day of this month begins on Monday, 03 Octomber 2005"

    2. ICOP member Mr. Muhammed Ya'sin Qamardeen said: "Here in Gwagwalada, two brothers include me, try to sight the crescent of Ramadan, but perharp due to cloudy sky it is not visible. Also in phone chat with Malam Uthman dukku from Bauchi and Malam Shuaib Eleran from Ilorin city indicate negative sighting at the time of reporting. Meanwhile There is rumour from Ilorin City Yesterday (october sunday 2, 2005)that some brothers three in number claimed to sighted the crescent at evening of sunday, so some Muslim had commenced fast today Monday. On the other hand SCIA, Nigeria had declare shaban 29th to be Monday so we are waiting for the report."

    3. ICOP member Mr. Usman Duhhu said: "21 of us attempted sighting the crescent but we did not see it. The western horizon was cloudy. However, as usual, the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs declared Tuesday 4 October the official beginning of Ramadan following claims of sighting of the crescent in some states of the country."

    4. ICOP member Mr. Bashir Sani said: "Cloudy skies probably prevented the crescent from being seen. Tuesday Oct 3 was first day of Ramadan in Nigeria."

  • Norway: ICOP member Mr. Imran Mushtaq said: "The Islamic Council of Norway and organisation representing almost 70% of Muslims in Oslo have decided to start Ramadan in Norway on wednesdag 05.10.2005. A few exceptions are starting on Tuesday. A happy blessed ramadan to all of you."

  • USA:

    1. ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz said: "I tried to observe the Hilaal on Monday, 3rd October, 2005 after sunset from Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA. No Hilaal was observed despite clear skies. We wonder who in Saudi saw the Hilaal when the 6 Official Saudi Hilaal Sighting Committees could not see anything on the day that the Solar eclipse occured in Saudi, making it impossible to see the Hilaal. Eight hours after, we in North America could not see the Hilaal which should be easier to see, showing once again the Saudi error. Majlis Al Qadah Alala of Saudi Arabia has once again divided Muslims in North America."

    2. ICOP member Mr. Jim Stamm said: "The plans to attempt the viewing of the < 7° elongation Moon have been dropped, because of the clouds, haze, and water vapor, any one of which would have made it impossible. "

    3. ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: "Unable to sight crescent this evening of Monday, Oct 3rd, 2005. I was in Long beach (CA) area sky was clear sunset was at 6:33pm local time (pacific). Tried for 45 mins after sunset but unsuccessful."

    4. ICOP member, Mr. Belal Gharaibeh mentioned that he could not see the crescent by naked eye, he added: "It is great that ISNA has followed the right way to set the first of this holly month, unfortunately in some cities, like my city Lexington Kentucky, the Masjid Imam follows what the majority of the "Arab Islamic" countries doing hence today Tuesday is the first day of Ramadan. I'm sure it happened in other cities around the states but I hope the majority will follow ISNA's correct approach."

    5. ICOP member, Dr. Salman Shaikh mentioned that he couldn't see the crescent by naked eye, where the sky was partly cloudy and hazy, he added: "North America correctly decided start of Ramadan as Wednesday, Alhamdulillaah."

    6. ICOP member, Dr. Raza Khan said: "Unfortunately, it has been raining all day and night and there was simply no way to sight the crescent with so much thick clouds in the evening."

    Tuesday 04 October 2005:

  • Australia: ICOP member Mr. Afroz Ali said: "The moon was sighted in Australia on 4th October, and the 1st of Ramadhan commenced today, 5th October."

  • Malaysia: ICOP member, Mr. Kassim Bahali said: "Today is my second day that I have tried to see the hilal. I have used the RCOS 16" telescope from Khawarizmi observatory. Ustaz Hanafiah from Johor state Mufti department also have joined to see the hilal but the hilal was not seen because the western sky was totatly cloudy."

  • India: ICOP member Dr. Sultan Ismail said: "As the Moon was not sighted anywhere near Chennai on 4th night, fasting in Chennai India is from 6th October."

  • Iran:

    1. ICOP member Mr. Mousa Zamani mentioned that he sighted the crescent by binoculars, where as he didn't see it by naked eye. Knowing that the sky was hazy. He was observing from Shiraz.

    2. ICOP member Mr. Majid Marzani said: "Ramadan Mubarak for all, The Moon was sighted at hight 3969 meter "Tochal Mountain" in north of Tehran city, by five (05) persents of Iranian observer at (Tuesday, 4/10/2005) whit telescope (10",8") and binoculars (25*100,20*120)."

    3. ICOP member Mr. Alireza Mehrani sent us a detailed report about crescent observation results from Iran on Tuesday 04 October from different parts of Iran, kindly Click Here to see the detailed report.

      Below is a photo of the crescent taken by Mr. Karimi

  • Iraq: ICOP member Mr. Bacil Moudhaffar said: "Ramadan Mubarak for all, although the fasting day is wrong. I fell sorry to all your efforts to correct the date. Crescent was not seen this evening (Tuesday, 4/10/2005) from Baghdad-Iraq not even with binocular. That's strange, Muslims here in Iraq did not see the crescent, the authorities just followed Saudi Arabia. The sky was clear but the horizon was a little bit haze though the Sun set few minutes before actual time."

  • UAE: ICOP member Mohammad Odeh said: "Left Abu-Dhbai at 15:00 headed to Hafit Mountain (1000 m) in Al-Ain city, even thong it does not need more than 90 minutes to reach the summit, I arrived late at 17:30 due to several 'surprises'! I did my best to do the alignment for the 10" LX200 Meade telescope as soon as possible! The Sun would disappear around 18:00! What made the situation worse was the partly cloudy sky! Where whenever I pointed the telescope to an object I found it cloudy!! Anyhow, after struggling, I was able to do the two-star alignment, but unfortunately it was too late! I pointed the telescope towards the Moon 11 minutes before its set time! Since the western horizon was not that clear, having the thin crescent at such low altitude won't make this sighting a successful one! I was able to see Venus and Jupiter, but neither Mercury NOR the crescent!"

  • Kuwait: ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khushaish said: "In Kuwait on Tuesday 4 oct 2005 I and a group of 25 persons could not see the crescent even with 20*60 binocular. The western horizon was very clear to the last 2 degrees. I could see the upper limb of the Sun disk. I could see Jupiter with binocular very clear but could not see the crescnt!!!!!!!!"

  • Saudi Arabia: ICOP member Mr. Anwar Al-Muhammad said: "I with about 70 parsons tried to sight the new crescent of Ramadan-1426, 40 minutes before the time of sun set at Tusday, 4th Oct 2005, in the eastern area of Saudi Arabia “Al-Aujam- 26:34N, 49:47E” at the observatory of Qatif Astronomy Society (QAS). We used a computerized 10” LX-200 GPS telescope, which is fixed and well aligned. We tested its alignment by pointing it toward Venus and Jupiter first then to the Moon. The western horizon was clear, such that sun disappeared almost at a time of sunset. We could not see it nither by naked nor by telescope. We also broadcast the observation live online in the website of QAS as we did yesterday (Monday 3 Oct) with the same result. More detail is available at: ( http://qasweb.org/newcrescents.htm ) or qas-forum: ( http://qasweb.org/qasforum/index.php?showtopic=1351&st=0&#entry4395 )"

  • Lebanon: ICOP member Dr. Ahmad Raad mentioned that he couldn't see the crescent niether by naked eye nor by binoculars, where the sky was partly cloudy and hazy.

  • Sudan: ICOP member Mr. Hani Dalee said: "I was with Dr. Muawiah Shaddad but both couldnt see the crescent." He added that he tried to see the crescent by binoculars, and the sky was hazy.

  • Algeria: ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem said: "The Ramadan crescent was not seen from Merkich station, the western horizon was hazy. 23 persents have tried to observe the crescent with 5 Binoculars and one refractor telescope. We have seen Venus before sunset (18:08) and haven't seen Mercury and Jupiter."

  • Morocco:

    1. ICOP member Mr. Othman Fadli mentioned it was cloudy.

    2. ICOP member Prof. Abdelkhalek Cheddadi said: "The Ministery of Awqaf declared in a statement that the new crescent has been observed on the evening of Tuesday 29 of Shaaban 4 October, so the first day of Ramadan in Morocco is officially Wednesday 5 October 2005. "

  • Senegal: ICOP member Dr. Abdoulaye Gaye said: "The Senegalese National Committee for the Hilal has decided the Official Beginning of Ramadan today Wednesday 5 October after sighting of the Hilaal in many locations of the country."

  • Zanzibar: ICOP member Mr. Hamza Rijal said: "In a tiny island of Zanzibar the Hilal was sighted around 18:40 East African Time (15:40 GMT). I really had a good time since a good number of Muslim gathered for sighting, always I use to sight the new crescent with my 3 children but yesterday in my common spot to view the crescent we were over 50 people. Majority of Zanzibarian begin Ramadhan today 5 th October however for those who called themselves ANSARI SUNNAH begun fasting officially on 4 th October, 2005."

  • Nigeria:

    1. ICOP member Mr. Usman Duhhu said: "Eight of us, out of the 15 in the group, saw the crescent about 20 minutes after sunset."

    2. ICOP member Mr. Oba Bolaji said: "The western horizone were the sun set was partialy cloudly, thus making it difficult to observe the new crescent."

    3. ICOP member Mr. Lukuman Aminu said: " Several members of the Zumratul Jamiu Muminu Society of Nigeria (ZJMSN) sigthed the crescent today (Tuesday:04/10/2005) at their Headquarters (Mowe Town) in Ogun State, Nigeria. The crescent was visible to the naked eye. In-Sha-Allah the ZJMSN and some group shall commence their Ramadan fasting tomorrow (Wednesday:05/10/2005). In Lagos State, due to the tick cloud, I and several people was not able to sight the crescent. Ramadan Kareem to all ICOP members."

  • South Africa:

    1. ICOP member Mr. Hashim Salie: "Many muslims saw the hilaal for Ramadaan 1426 from the traditional vantage points. The hilaal was sighted above the first visible star (planet). An absolutely beautiful sight. Ramadaan Kareem. May Allah accept our worship, Aameen"

    2. ICOP member Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim said: "The Ramadaan Hilaal was sighted in Cape Town this Tuesday evening, 04 October 2005, approximately 17 minutes after sunset. Jupiter was clearly visible to the right of the crescent and Mercury appeared below the crescent just before disappearing into thick cloud cover. The official First Day of Ramadaan in Southern African states will correspond to Wednesday, 05 October 2005. Wishing all well over the fast and may the Almighty Allah Bless and Guide you and your families." Dr. Ebrahim added in another email:

      A very faint image at first sighting of the Ramadaan 1426 AH Hilaal. Altitude: 09°:41':51" Elongation: 14°:50':10" Width: 00°:00':31" Illumination: 01.68 % Cusps: 4 o’clock to 8 o’clock Distance: 391871.67 km Lunar-age: 30 hr 43 min Observation point: 0 above sea level.

  • Germany: ICOP member Mr. Gerhard Ahmad Kaufmann mentioned it was cloudy. He added: "After a two-week-long period of perfectly clear skies in September, the sky has been totally overcast by heavy clouds since a week. No observations possible. Most Muslims in Germany were prepared to start Ramadan on 5 October. But as usual, the semi-official ZMD (Central Council of the Muslims in Germany) obediently followed the Saudi announcement as "being in accordance with their calculations". Actually, this led to a split beginning of the month Ramadan among the Muslims, most of them starting Ramadan on 5 October, but many already having started their fasting on 4 October.

  • UK: ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Baig: "Crescent was not expected to be sighted Monday or Tuesday and it was not. Some people have followed the Saudis as usual but majority is starting Ramadan on the 5th like most of the Islamic world barring the middle east. Despite these differences, which we will inshallah resolve soon, a very happy Ramadan mubarak to all. Please also note that I have also been in touch with people in Pakistan and they too have not been able to sight the moon on either of the days and therefore Ramadan in Pakistan starts on Thursday 6th."

  • USA:

    1. ICOP member Dr. John Caldwell mentioned that he sighted the crescent from Fort Davis (TX) by naked eye.

    2. ICOP member Mr. Javad Torabinejad mentioned that he saw the crescent by naked eye from Blacksburg (VA), he added: "The crescent was very thin; if it were not for the binoculars, the naked eye sighting was not possible!"

    3. ICOP Member, Ms. Mary Singer said: "Lunar crescent was not seen on October 4th, 2005 from Spokane (WA). It was totally cloudy."

    4. ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: "Sighted the crescent for the month of Ramadhan here in Long Beach (CA) local time 6:55pm on Tuesday, October 4, 2005. The top horn of the crescent was just after 12:00 o'clock and bottom horn was just after 7:00 O'clock. The sighting was on the left side of the sunset. May Allah grant us Maghferat and guide us on the right path. (Ameen)"

    5. ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz said: "I tried to observe the Hilaal on Tuesday, 4th October, 2005 after sunset from Opa Locka and Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA. No Hilaal was observed due to rain clouds and thunder storm. Sultan Hafiz (Imam of Rose Hall Town Masjid, Guyana) reported that the Hilaal was seen in Demerara, Guyana after sunset on Tuesday, 4th October, 2005. He stated the entire Guyana started the first day of Ramadan on Wednesday, 5th October, 2005. Once again the calculated Hilaal visibility curves presented as a calendar that supports Hilaal sighting for the 12 lunar months, have scored above the incorrect Sauid calendar system that creates division and choas in North America and the entire Ummah."

    6. ICOP member Mr. Abdul Rashid Abdullah said: "Here in Hawaii the weather was too poor to see the Hilal. We have been under a tropical depression for the past week. "

    7. ICOP member Mr. Isa Alsup said: "We attrmpted observation from approximately 6:56 PM through 7:20. Forest fires had given sky an orange cast on horizon. It is possible that the Moon was either below tree tops by this time or that brightness of the sky overwhelmed brightness of hilal."

  • Canada: ICOP member Mr. Mohammed Murad said: "Montreal and Canadian Muslims have followed ISNA announcement and started Ramadan on Wednesday 5 October 2005. The announcement can be seen on ( www.montrealmuslims.ca ). According to ISNA, ICNA and MCM Ramadan in North America begins on Wednesday October 5th, 2005.

    Saudi Astronomer Confirms That The Crescent Was NOT Seen by the 6 Official Saudi Hilaal Sighting Committees in Saudi on Monday

    Mr. Saleh Al Saab, member of the 6 Official Saudi Hilaal Sighting Committee confirms that the Hilaal was not seen by them in Saudi on Monday. Contact him and he will explain all the errors and how he has been trying to correct the error for the last 20 years in vain. However Majlis Al Qadah Alala ignored their testimony and follow the error to begin fast on Tuesday.

    Saudi Astronomer Confirms That Wednesday 05 October is The First Day of Ramadan

    Prediction of the Start of the Holy Month of Ramadhan 1426 H

    The Calculations are done for the Longitude and Latitude of Makkah AlMukarramah Area and the times are for Local Time of Saudi Arabia

    Makkah Al-Mukarramah: Latitude = 21:39° N , Longitude = 39:46° E

    Calculations show that the birth of the new moon occurs about 4.75 hours before the sunset on 3 October 2005 in Makkah AlMukkaramah area and the moon sets about three minutes after the Sunset. Therefore and according to calculations, the last day of month of Shaaban 1426 H will be on Monday 3 October 2005 where the moon sets after the sun as indicated in the table. Then, astronomically (solely based on calculations), the first day of Ramadhan 1426 H will be on Tuesday 4 October 2005. For crescent sighting, the Moon will be about 0.4 degree above the horizon and, horizontally, about one degree to the left (south) of the sun on Monday at the sunset moment and its luminosity is about five ten thousands (0.05 %) of the full moon which is much below the ability and sensitivity of normal human eyes detection, therefore it is not possible to sight that extremely faint crescent by a human. But it is possible to sight the crescent on the Tuesday evening since the age of the Moon will be about 29 hours and it will be about 7.4 degrees above the horizon and, horizontally, about ten degree to the left (south) of the sun at the sunset moment and its luminosity is about 1.5 % of the full moon which is in the range of the ability and sensitivity of normal human eyes. The shape of the crescent moon should look as shown in the figure. Taking all the previous points into account, the possibility is that according to calculation Tuesday 4th will be the first day of Ramadhan and according to actual sighting of the crescent Wednesday 5 October 2005 will be the first day of Ramadhan.

    The above prediction is based on calculations and may be used merely for the purpose of a general guidance and one must go with the method of actual sighting of the moon, the method which, our Prophet Mohammad - PBUH - (SallAllhuAlihiWassallam) guided and ordered us to observe and follow, and Allah has the knowledge (wAllahuAllam).

    Dr. Ali Mohammad Al-Shukri
    Chairman of Physics Department
    Physics Department, KFUPM
    email: alshukri@kfupm.edu.sa
    Home-page: faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/phys/alshukri

    Turkey Announced Officially That Wednesday 05 October is The First Day of Ramadan

    Kindly Click Here to read the news.

    Indonesia Announces That Ramadan Will Start on Wednesday 5 October 2005

    Assalaamu'laikum. wb.
    Dear Mr. Moh. Odeh in JAS

    In my Country, Indonesia, which owning the Islamic majority population, around 200 million peoples, agree to started Ramadan on Wednesday, 5 October 2005. This matter is based on the astronomical calculation (Hisab) that on Monday, 3 October 2005 ( 29 Shaban 1426 H) position of Hilal is below/under horizon for the all region of Indonesia, so that it is not possible to sight the Hilal. Pursuant to the mentioned, month of Shaban have 30 days. This agreement is supported by 2 biggest people organizations that is Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama (NU). Completed http://www.mediaindo.co.id/berita.asp?id=73246

    Thank You, Wassalam,

    Muhammad Thoha (ICOP member)
    Jogja Astro Club Indonesia

    The Islamic Councils in Holland Agree to Start Ramadan on Wednesday 05 October 2005

    The Islamic councils in Holland agree to start Ramadan this year on Wednesday 05 October 2005, since it is not possible to see the crescent from almost anywhere on earth on Monday 03 October

    The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

    Tuesday 04 October 2005 :

    1. Iraq (and on Wednesday)
    2. Yemen
    3. Saudi (Claim of Sighting)
    4. UAE (Followed Saudi)
    5. Qatar (Followed Saudi)
    6. Kuwait (Followed Saudi)
    7. Bahrain (Followed Saudi)
    8. Jordan (Followed Saudi)
    9. Palestine (Followed Saudi)
    10. Syria
    11. Lebanon (and on Wednesday)
    12. Egypt (Claim of Sighting)
    13. Sudan (Followed Saudi)
    14. Libya (Conjunction Before Dawn and After 30 Days of Shaban)
    15. Algeria (Claim of Sighting)
    16. Mauritania (Claim of Sighting)
    17. Ethiopia (Followed Saudi)
    18. Nigeria
    19. France
    20. Germany
    21. Austria
    22. Switzerland

    Wednesday 05 October 2005 :

    1. Australia
    2. Indonesia
    3. Malaysia
    4. Brunei Darussalam
    5. Turkey
    6. Oman
    7. Iran
    8. Iraq (and on Tuesday)
    9. Lebanon (and on Tuesday)
    10. Tunis
    11. Morocco
    12. Senegal
    13. Zanzibar
    14. South Africa
    15. Albania
    16. Kosova
    17. Holland
    18. Ukrania
    19. Norway
    20. UK
    21. USA
    22. Canada
    23. Guyana

    Thursday 06 October 2005 :

    1. Pakistan

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