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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Ramadan Crescent
(1427 AH)

Last Updated 05 October 2006
In This Page:-

When to Observe Ramadan Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Friday 22 September 2006) at 11:45 UT.

Sighting the new crescent on (Friday 22 September 2006) and on (Saturday 23 September 2006) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Friday 22 September 2006

Saturday 23 September 2006

According to the actual sighting of the crescent, the start of Ramadan should be on Sunday 24 September 2006 in most parts of the world, or on Monday 25 September 2006 in some northern parts of the world.

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

Ramadan Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Saturday 23 September 2006 from Germany, the crescent was also seen on Saturday from South Africa, Nigeria, Guyana and USA.

Friday 22 September 2006:

  • Indonesia: ICOP member, Mr. Mutoha MMC said: "Today 22/9 (29 Sha'ban in my country) with two member of Jogja Astro Club (JAC) together with Committee for Calculation and Observation of Crescent of Yogyakarta Region and others people went to sighting site in Parangkusumo Beach as formality only and it was confirmed that the crescent was not seen on evening of 22 Sept 2006. Insha Allah in 23/9 we are trying to observe again."

  • Malaysia:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Kassim Bahali said: " Hilal sighting was done at Khawarizimi Observatory in Melaka about 130 km from Kuala Lumpur. More than 300 people joined to observe the hilal but it was not seen because the conjuction not happened yet at sunset time. The western sky was cloudy. The hilal sighting was transmitted live via internet at www.khawarizmiobs.com. The first of Ramadhan was announced officially at TV that Ramadhan will begins on Sunday, 24 september 2006."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Abdul Majid Abdul Wahid mentioned it was cloudy.

  • Algeria: ICOP member, Mr. Jamal Mimouni said: "The National Crescent Committee in Algeria has officially declared on National TV that the crescent hasn't been seen anywhere in Algeria, in concordance with the astronomical computations which predicted its non visibility. It thus declared Saturday as the last day of Shaabane, and Sunday 23 September the first day of Ramadhan 1427. We may mention that our Association, the Sirius Astronomy Association, which has several of its members as ICOP members, has led a vigorous media campaign in the past week, with the major newspapers in both Arabic and French publishing our communiqué some in their front page, in addition to extensive talks on the at the national radio station, as well as Radio France International (RFI) (Check at: http://www.siriusalgeria.org/ram06.htm). We think in all modesty that our campaign played not a small role in leading to the correct assessment of the situation by the Crescent Committee. It is indeed the first time that the official communique read on TV explicitely mention the astronomical computations as a way of corroborating the non visibility of the crescent. In addition and in line with this new turn of event, it didn't take into account the claimed (and in fact spurious) observation of the crescent in the Middle East countries as it has been their previous policy when the crescent was not seen locally. Ramadhan karim to all the Muslims. Brotherly yours. Jamal MIMOUNI. President Sirius Astronomy Association. ICOP member."

  • Tanzania: ICOP member, Mr. Hamzah Rijaal said: "We are in 28 of Ramadhan, however I had tried to observed Hilal after Maghrib eventhough today is 28 no sign of Hilal. We heard the news that our Muslim brothers in Saudi they declared tomorrow to be the first of Ramadhan and a group of brother Muslim who are commonly known by the name of Ansar Sunnah Tanzania they have decided to commence Ramadhan by tomorrow. As member of ICOP and someone who have gone through moon observation for quite sometimes I have decided to complete Shaaban by 29 or 30 and I pray to the almighty Allah to show us the right direction. I had recieved number of Calls from my freinds and some Sheikh to know my stands, I have request them to comply on what Habib Mustapha have left us which are Quraan and Hadith on either to sight on 29 or complete 30 days, there is no any written literatute in Islamic history whereby Muslim fast or celebrate EID after completion of 28 days."

  • Nigeria: ICOP member Mr. Oba Ibrahim said: "I tried to search for the new moon, I couldn't see it, reports from some other part of the country is as well negative. Though tommorrow Saturday 23rd Sep. 2006 was declared to be 1st of Ramadan 1427, by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Nigeria."

  • Bosnia and Herzegovi: ICOP member Mr. Kemal Sehbajraktarevic said: "I didn't even try to observe the crescent because it was 28th day of Sa'ban, and all calculations shows that it is impossible to see it. I'm going to try tonight (23 Saturday) but all calculations shows again that the crescent will not be visible. In that case the month of Ramadan should start here in Bosnia at Monday, after 30 day of Sa'ban."

  • Guyana: ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz said: "I and the members of the Rose Hall Town Masjid and Islamic Center (Guyana) tried to observe the Hilaal on Friday, 22nd September, 2006 after sunset. No Hilaal was observed. Following Hilaal sighting on Saturday based on the stipulations of the Quran and Sunnah, the 1st day of fasting will be on Sunday, 24th September, 2006 in Guyana."

  • USA:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Belal Gharaibeh said: "The crescent was NOT observed due to severe thunderstorms. the local community is starting Ramadan on Saturday 23, 2006 as they follow any two Muslim countries sharing a night with us."

    2. ICOP member Mr. Abdul Rashid Abdullah said: "Hawai'i Muslims begin Ramadhan on Sunday. No one saw the Hilal in Hawai'i despite several teams looking for it. Some teams also used optical aids (binoculars and telescope)."

    3. ICOP member Mr. Qaiser Imam said: "We five brothers (Sheikh Nur Ahmed, Syed Afzal Ahmed, Abdul Kabir, Nazim Ali, Qaiser imam) went to see the moon at Round Rock Higher Education Center and we were not able to see the new moon. The weather was also partly cloudy. Based on our moon-sighting, tomorrow is 29th of Shaban. We will look for the moon tomorrow and inform you about the starting of month of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah neighboring Arab Countries Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Syria, Tunis, and Algeria among many others refused to follow the erroneous Saudi announcement of Saturday and announced Ramadan start for Sunday. Hilal Committee of Greater Austin."

    4. ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: "Today Friday evening Sept. 22nd, 2006 tried to sight the crescent for Ramadhan here in Long Beach Ca. but unable to sight. The time was 6:50pm to 7:15pm. Weather conditions were as follows:
      Temperature: 64°F 18°C
      Conditions: Partially Cloudy
      Winds: SSE 5 MPH SSE 8 KPH
      Relative Humidity: 80%
      Barometer: 29.81 Rising
      Visibility: 10.00 Miles 16.09 Kilometers
      Feels Like: 64°F"

Saturday 23 September 2006:

Sunday 24 September 2006:

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Saturday 23 September 2006:

  1. Libya (Conjunction Before Dawn)
  2. Saudi (Claim of Sighting from 4 persons)
  3. UAE (Following Saudi)
  4. Qatar (Following Saudi)
  5. Bahrain (Following Saudi)
  6. Yemen (Following Saudi)
  7. Palestine (Following Saudi)
  8. Sudan (Following Saudi)
  9. Denmark (Following Saudi)
  10. Austria (Following Saudi)
  11. Switzerland (Following Saudi)
  12. Italy (Following Saudi)
  13. Bosnia & Herzegovina (Following Saudi)
  14. Afghanistan
  15. Iraq (Claim of Sighting from 6 persons) and on Sunday
  16. Lebanon (Following Saudi) and on Sunday
  17. Nigeria (and on Sunday)
  18. UK (and on Sunday)
  19. USA (ISNA, following Astronomical Calculations) and on Sunday

Sunday 24 September 2006:

  1. Malaysia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Brunei
  4. Philippines
  5. Singapore
  6. Sri Lanka
  7. Turkey
  8. Oman
  9. Jordan
  10. Syria
  11. Egypt
  12. Tunis
  13. Algeria
  14. Morocco
  15. Mauritania
  16. Somalia
  17. Albania
  18. Azerbizan
  19. Bangladesh
  20. Belgium
  21. France
  22. Germany
  23. Guyana
  24. Kazakhstan
  25. Kosova
  26. Macedonia
  27. Magnolia
  28. Norway
  29. Romania
  30. Russia
  31. Senegal
  32. Spain
  33. South Africa
  34. Tajikistan
  35. Tanzania
  36. Trinidad and Tobago
  37. Turkmenistan
  38. Ukraine
  39. Uzbekistan
  40. White Russia
  41. Australia (and Monday)
  42. Lebanon (and on Saturday)
  43. Iraq (and on Saturday)
  44. Nigeria (and on Saturday)
  45. UK (and on Saturday)
  46. USA (ICNA and the Majority of Islamic Organisations/Masjids) and on Saturday
  47. Canada

Monday 25 September 2006:

  1. Australia (and Sunday)
  2. India
  3. Iran
  4. Pakistan

ICOP Official Statement Regarding Ramadan

Kindly Click Here to download ICOP official statement regarding the beginning of Ramadan (Arabic Version).

ICOP Comment on Ramadan's Saturday Beginning

Kindly Click Here to download ICOP official statement regarding Ramadan's Saturday Beginning (Arabic Version).

Saudi Will Look for The Crescent on 28 Shaban!

In a surprising announcement, the official authorities in Saudi asked the people to look for Ramadan crescent on Thursday 21 September 2006, which is 28 Shaban 1427 AH in Saudi. The announcement is really strange especially that it is impossible to see the crescent from Saudi even on Friday 22 September 2006, where the Moon will set one minute before the Sun, moreover, even on Saturday the crescent can be seen form Saudi by optical aid ONLY, and it will not be visible by naked eyes! So we wonder if the crescent can't be seen on Saturday except by optical aid, then why should the people look for it two days ago!

Officially Ramadan on Sunday 24 September in Turkey

When to Observe Shaban Waning (OLD) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Friday 22 September 2006) at 11:45 UT.

Sighting the OLD crescent on (Thursday 21 September 2006) is shown in the below graph using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Thursday 21 September 2006

Shaban Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results

Thursday 21 September 2006:

  • Iran: ICOP member Mr. Alireza Mehrani said:
    Observer: Alireza Mehrani
    Date: September 21, 2006
    Time Zone: +3.5
    Location: Tehran, Iran (35 45' 16" N, 51 24' 55" E)
    Time: 05:04 AM (LT)
    Moon Age: -34h 12m

    Thursday 21 September 2006

    Shaban Waning (OLD) Crescent

  • Iraq: ICOP member Mr. Bacil Moudhaffar said: "Old cresecnt was seen on Thu. 21/9/2006 between 6:15 to 6:30 AM from Baghdad by binocular and then naked eyes."

  • Kuwait: ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khushaish said: "I saw the old crescent with naked eyes when I reached the site at 4:45 thats 17 minutes after the moon rise till 5:22 and with binocular till 5:30 while our local sun rise was at 5:35 .Venus was seen esily with naked eys thouh it was 9 degrees above the Sun. Saturn and Regulus were good indicators to the crescent."

  • Algeria: ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem said:

    "Location: Beni Isguen (32:28N 03:41E). Time Zone: UT+01. The Eastern horizon was clear and partly cloudy. Orientation of the crescent: 3-9. The crescent was seen easily by naked eyes and by binoculars (20x60). First crescent observation: at 05:58 by naked eyes. Final Observation: at 06:05 by naked eyes. Final Observation: at 06:27 by binoculars (20x60). In this observation I have tried to know at what time I can't see the crescent with binoculars. It's intrecent to inverse the situation to know this time for the new crescent."

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