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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Rabee' Al-Aakher Crescent 1443 AH

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When to Observe Rabee' Al-Aakher Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Thursday 04 November 2021) at 21:15 UT.

Sighting the new crescent on (Thursday 04 November 2021) and (Friday 5 November 2021) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Thursday 04 November 2021

Friday 5 November 2021

According to the Universal Hejric Calendar (UHC), which is based on the calculated crescent visibility, the start of this month in the Eastern Region will be on Saturday 06 November 2021 and in the Western Region will be on Saturday 06 November 2021. Kindly notice that the UHC is a pre-calculated calendar, which adopts a certain criterion to start the new Hejric month. Your country/organization might adopt different criterion to start the new Hejric month. So it is highly advised to read the UHC website before giving any judgment.

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

Rabee' Al-Aakher Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results

Fri 05 November 2021


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "قام النادي الفلكي بكوينين بتحري هلال شهر ربيع الآخر، لكن تعذرت رؤية الهلال بسبب تراكم السحب في الأفق الغربي. "


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Rami El Sahmarani from LAKEMBA City in NSW State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Rami El Sahmarani said: "بسبب الضباب الكثيف لجهة الغرب لم تتم الرؤية الحقيقية للهلال الجديد"


1 . Time of observation: Before sunset . Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The new crescent of Rabiul Akhir 1443 AH was not sighted in Friday, November 05, 2021 from Assalaam Observatory at PPMI Assalaam, Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Central Java. The sky was totally cloudy.

We were all Teams of CASA and BMKG, started prepare all equipments 30 minutes before sunset. The hilal was seen even by telescope."


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "In the name of God
Rabee' Al-Aakher Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Friday , 11/05/2021
Location: Red Crescent Association of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +3.5 GMT)
Equipments: Two set of 20*90 binocular – One set of 15*70 binoculars,  One compass.
Atmospheric condition: Totally cloudy  and  Rainy
Horizon obstacles: about 2°
Apparent Sunset: --:--
Results: Moon crescent was not seen by binocular.
1.Sayed Akbar Chavoshi 2.Majid Zare 3.Ehsan Fakhar 4.Mohsen Molaee 5.Mohammad Javad Nikeghbal 6.Reza Janghorbani 7.Hossein Janghorbani 8.Shahnaz Same 9.Narjes Zare 10.Masoomeh Hafar 11.Ziba Hafar 12.Nooshin Yazdani 13.Zahra Fallahi


1 . Time of observation: Before sunset .Photographed: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from irbid City in إربد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from Irbid City in Irbid State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Muzamir Mazlan from Telok Kemang Observatory, Port Dickson City in Negeri Sembilan State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sufian Mohammad from MIRI City in SARAWAK State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Saudi Arabia

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Suhail AlRatheea from الرياض City in الرياض State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Suhail AlRatheea said: "كان الجو شبه صافٍ في جهة الغرب، وتمت رؤية الهلال بصعوبة "

2 . Time of observation: After sunset.Photographed: ICOP member Mr. Ahmad Aljahni from أملج City in أملج State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Zaffar Sheriff from Daressalaam City in Tanzania State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Naser Barbourah said: "نظرا لكثافة السماء بالغيوم في الجهة الغربية موقع الهلال لم أتمكن من رصده و السبب الثاني  صعوبة رصده لقلة إضائته حسب البرامج الفلكية لرصد الهلال .

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Naser Barbourah said: "نظرا لكثافة السماء بالغيم في الجهة الغربية أين رصد الهلال لم أتمكن من رصده , العامل الثاني هو قلة الإضاءة الهلال لذالك يكون الرصد صعب."

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: Before sunset .Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bastaki from الإمارات City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

United States

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Milad Ali Ershaghi from Rancho Palos Verdes City in California State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Milad Ali Ershaghi said: "Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. 

as Salamu alaykum wa rahmatulLah

On Friday, November 5, 2021 between 6:25pm-6:30pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), I saw the new crescent moon of Rabi ul Thani 1443 by naked eye.

I was located just outside of Del Cerro Park in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, USA at WGS84 geographic coordinates of: +33.7587335 Latitude, -118.3690562 Longitude.

Sunset at this location was approximately 5:57pm, moonset was approximately 6:47pm and the moon set at an azimuth of approximately 245 degrees.

I searched for the moon using a magnetic compass set to the above azimuth and spotted it by eye without the use of any optical aids.

Then I was able to see the same crescent through my phone camera and took photos - but the camera quality was too poor to show the thin crescent moon in the photos that were taken. (I will try to get a hold of a better camera to use for future months' sightings.)

The sky conditions alternated between clear and overcast - as there was heavy fog just below the horizon - and so there was just a narrow span of about 5 minutes in which I could see the moon before the clouds rose up and obstructed my view of the horizon.

Jazakum Allahu khaira

was Salam

Milad Ali Ershaghi
Palos Verdes Estates, CA, USA

(Photos are attached to show the sky conditions - but the crescent is not visible in the photos due to the quality of the camera used.)"

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad from Blacksburg City in Virginia State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Dr. Javad Torabinejad said: "I arrived at my sighting location at 6:27 pm EDT.  The western horizon was partly cloudy, especially where the moon supposed to be.  Using a pair of binoculars (7X50), I scanned the streaks of clearings with no success.  I stayed at the location till 7:00 pm (moonset: 7:03 pm)."

Sat 06 November 2021


1 . Time of observation: After sunset.Seen by others: ICOP member Mr. ABM Ruhul Hassan from Dhaka City in Dhaka State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Eng. Khaled Abdelrahman from القاهرة City in القاهرة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Saudi Arabia

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Naser Barbourah said: "لقد تمت رؤية هلال شهر ربيع الآخر بالعين المجردة بكل وضوح في الأفق الغربي قبل و بعد غروب الشمس."

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bastaki from الإمارات City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Farrukh Naeem from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. Farrukh Naeem said: "The crescent was sighted above buildings from a building and photographed using my mobile phone."

3 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from Dubai City in Dubai State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

United Kingdom

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Qamar Uddin from York City in North Yorkshire State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Eng. Qamar Uddin said: "It was totally cloudy with light rain today (6/11/2021) in York but I still went to a suitable location to look for the moon, hoping to see the moon through a cloud break, as it happens sometimes with moving clouds by the wind. I stayed at the location until moonset and did manage to see the Venus star through a moving cloud break (by the wind), but unfortunately, the moon position was too low on the horizon behind a thick bank of dark clouds (see photos) so the moon was not seen. PS. It wasn't seen yesterday (5/11/2021) either, even though the weather was much better!"

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Sat 06 November 2021

1 . Algeria
2 . Australia
3 . Bahrain
4 . Indonesia
5 . Jordan
6 . Kuwait
7 . Malaysia
8 . Oman
9 . Palestine
10 . Qatar
11 . Saudi Arabia
12 . Tunisia
13 . United Arab Emirates
14 . United States

Sun 07 November 2021

1 . Bangladesh
2 . Iran
3 . Mauritania
4 . Morocco

When to Observe Rabee' Al-Awwal Waning (OLD) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Thursday 04 November 2021) at 21:15 UT.

Sighting the OLD crescent on (Thursday 04 November 2021) and (Wedensday 3 November 2021) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Thursday 04 November 2021

Wedensday 3 November 2021

Rabee' Al-Awwal Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results

Wed 03 November 2021


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Bachir BENAOUMEUR from غرداية City in غرداية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Bachir BENAOUMEUR said: "تم رصد هلال آخر شهر ربيع الأول بكاميرا تصوير CANON D600 و زوم تيلي  أبجيكتيف 300-75 ملم و آخر EFS 18-55
ملاحظة فردية ، مع تشويش وتلوث ضوئي
يوم الإربعاء 03 نوفمبر 2021"


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The old crescent of Rabiul Awal 1443 AH was easy seen on Wednesday, Nov 03, 2021 from my location at Rowasiya Observatory, Bendo Ketitang Juwiring Klaten Central Java Indonesia.

The sky rather cloudy and hazy."


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Saudi Arabia

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from دبي City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

United States

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad from Blacksburg City in Virginia State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Thu 04 November 2021


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The old crescent.of Rabiul Awal 1443 AH was not sighted on Thursday, November 04, 2021 from Assalaam Observatory, PPMI Assalaam at Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Central Java. The sky was totally cloudy."


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise.Photographed: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from Irbid, Jordan City in إربد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mahmoud Abdul-Jawad from ديربلوط City in سلفيت State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Saudi Arabia

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise.Photographed: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from Dubai City in Dubai State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Dr. Belal Alshammaa said: "تم تصوير الهلال بصعوبة بالغة؛ وقد وجدته في بعض الصور بعد التدقيق بها كثيرا؛ الأفق الشرقي كان ضبابيا جداً؛ لكني رأيت كوكب عطارد بالمنظار وبالمرقب؛ وكذلك رأيت نجم السمّاك الأعزل من خلال المرقب بسهولة؛ وهما كانا قريبين نسبياّ من جرم القمر. لكني لم أرَ المريخ الذي كان أقرب إلى الأفق من القمر"

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