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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Shawwal Crescent
(1429 AH)

Last Updated 02 December 2008
In This Page:-

When to Observe Shawwal Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 29 September 2008) at 08:12 UT.

Sighting the new crescent on (Monday 29 September 2008) and (Tuesday 30 September 2008) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Monday 29 September 2008

Tuesday 30 September 2008

According to the Universal Hejric Calendar (UHC), which is based on the calculated crescent visibility, the start of this month in the Eastern Region will be on Wednesday 01 October, and in the Western Region will be on Tuesday 30 September.

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

Shawwal Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent -after sunset- was on Tuesday 30 September 2008 by ICOP member Mr.Salah Sukkarieh from Australia, the crescent was also seen on this day from Indonesia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iran, Oman, Bahrain, Morocco, Senegal, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and USA.

Monday 29 September 2008:

Tuesday 30 September 2008:

Wednesday 1 October 2008:

  • Macedonia: Seen: ICOP memeber Mr. M. al-Mjri mentioned that he was able to see the crescent by naked eye.

  • Germany:
    1. Not seen: ICOP memeber Mr. Samy Khadem-Al-Charieh said: "We were going today (Oct 1st) to an observation location here in Berlinand we had a good view on the horizon and the sky was clearin the interesting areas.Sunset was at 18:43 and moonset was at 18:49.We were on location from about 18:30 till 19:00 o'clock.We saw a beautiful sunset and at 18:48 Venus was visible with binocular and five minutes later we could see it also with unaided eyes.But all of us we couldn't see the crescent"
    2. Not Seen: ICOP memeber Mr. Gerhard Ahmad Kaufmann mentioned that it was totally cloudy.
  • UK:
    1. Not seen: ICOP member Mr.Qamar Uddin said: "On Wednesday 1 October 2008, corresponding to 1 Shawwal 1429 AH, I (Qamar Uddin) was invited by my colleagues from York Astronomical Society (YAS) to observe the crescent moon (Hilal) with the aid of a Meade LX200GPS (computerised) telescope. Although we had already begun the Islamic lunar month (see my previous report), I needed no second bidding, as I was very keen to check if the 57 hours old crescent moon could be visible or not from UK as predicted by visibility calculations. I have observed the western horizon (which was fairly clear) at the left of sunset, from before and after the Magrib (sunset) prayer (18:30 - 19:00 hrs BST), but I was unable to sight it. I had two experienced YAS amateur astronomers with me, but they were unable to sight it either.This observation experience left me wondering how could some people in the Middle East claim to have sighted the 6 hours old Hilal on Monday 29 September 2008, when the visibility predictions indicated it to be impossible (as it had set before the sun). I would like to request all Muslims to attempt observing the Hilal every month so that the Fard (obligatory) Ibadah (worship) of millions of Muslims are not ruined due to the mistakes made by a few inexperienced people!"

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Countries in Green color are Muslim countries (member of the Organization of The Islamic Conference [OIC])

Monday 29 September 2008:

  1. Nigeria (Claim of Sighting)

Tuesday 30 September 2008:

  1. Afghanistan (following saudi)
  2. Saudi (Claim of Sighting)
  3. UAE (following saudi)
  4. Kuwait (following saudi)
  5. Qatar (follwing saudi)
  6. Bahrain (following saudi)
  7. Yemen(following saudi)
  8. Iraq (following saudi)
  9. Lebanon (following saudi)
  10. Jordan (following saudi)
  11. Palestine (follwing saudi)
  12. Sudan (following saudi)
  13. Libya (Conjunction before Dawn)
  14. Somalia
  15. Uganda
  16. Burkina Faso
  17. Ivory Coast
  18. Mali
  19. Niger
  20. Albania
  21. Azerbaijan
  22. Kazakhstan
  23. Turkey (Astronomical Calculations)
  24. Ethiopia
  25. UK (Following Saudi / Also on Wednesdsay 01 October 2008)
  26. USA (Following Saudi / Also on Wednesdsay 01 October 2008)

Wednesday 01 October 2008:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Maldives
  4. Pakistan (Claim of Sighting)
  5. Iran (Actual Crescent Sighting)
  6. Oman (Actual Crescent Sighting)
  7. Syria
  8. Egypt
  9. Tunisia
  10. Algeria
  11. Morocco
  12. Mauritania
  13. Senegal
  14. Suriname
  15. Sierra Leone
  16. Gabon
  17. Gambia
  18. Mozambique
  19. Tanzania
  20. Guyana
  21. Uzbekistan
  22. Tajikistan
  23. Australia
  24. Phillipines
  25. Thailand
  26. Singapore
  27. Japan (Islamic Center)
  28. Kenya
  29. South Africa
  30. France
  31. Switzerland
  32. Norway
  33. Poland
  34. Moldavia
  35. Sweden
  36. Finland
  37. Iceland
  38. USA (ISNA). Also on Tuesday 30 Septemeber 2008
  39. UK (Also on Tuesday 30 September 2008)
  40. Canada (Muslim Council of Montreal)

Thursday 02 October 2008:

  1. India
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Brunei Darussalam
  4. Turkmenistan

ICOP Official Statement

  • Kindly Click Here to read ICOP official statement (Arabic).

When to Observe Ramadan Waning (OLD) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Monday 29 September 2008) at 08:12 UT.

Sighting the OLD crescent on (Monday 29 September 2008) and on (Sunday 28 September 2008) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

  • It is impossible to see the OLD crescent from the areas located under the red color. Because either the Moon on this day rises after the Sunrise and/or the topocentric conjunction occurs before the Sunrise.
  • The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid only from the areas located under the blue color.
  • The crescent is expected to be seen by optical aid from the areas located under the magenta color.. In these areas the crescent could be seen by naked eye if the atmospheric conditions are superb and the observer is experienced.
  • The crescent is expected to be easily visible by naked eye from the areas located under the green color.
  • The crescent can not be seen from uncolored areas, even though the Moon rises in these locations before the Sunrise and the topocentric conjunction occurs after the Sunrise, but the Moon is not sufficiently illuminated in order to be seen as crescent even by optical aid.
  • Kindly notice that the below graph shows the possibility of seeing the crescent from areas between 60 degrees north of Equator down to 60 degrees south of Equator.
Monday 29 September 2008
Sunday 28 September 2008

Ramadan Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results

Sunday 28 September 2008:

  • Indonesia:
    1. Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "On Sunday 28 Sept 2008, We Could See the Waning Crescent of Ramadhan 1429 H naked Eye from PPMI "Assalaam" Surakarta Indonesia (7° 33' 11.49" S,110° 46' 14.83" E, GMT+7, elev=111). Moonrise @ 04:20 LT, Sunrise @ 05:23 LT. The Old Crescent was SEEN from 04:40 LT, alt=3°55' up to 05:17 LT, alt = 13°18'."

    2. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Ma'rufin Sudibyo said: "The old crescent observation conducted at Sunday 28th September 2008 at 7deg 40min South 109deg 40min East height 21 m ASL and time zone = GMT + 7, with naked eye and optical aid (a 7 x 35 mm binocular). We was started it at 04:57 local time. The eastern sky was clear but horizon covered by thin clouds until altitude approximately 1 degree. We was used visibility of bright stars like Sirius and Canopus where both stars located at high altitude as twilight – increase indicator. The crescent was seen at start of our observation, both by naked eye or optical aid. It elongate to north and its horn (crescent tip) has orientation 3 – 7. The old crescent was seen obscurely since 05:05 and begin not seen with naked eye at 05:09. Canopus was not seen since 05:12 and Sirius since 05:15. At 05:25 the old crescent only seen by optical aid and look thinner in width than 20 minutes before, with it orientation drop to 3,5 – 6,5. At 05:31 we observed local apparent sunrise in our place. At that time the old crescent was seen but with very thin width than before sunrise and has orientation 4 – 6. The crescent started unseen by optical aid since 05:36 local time."

  • Iran:
    1. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Alireza Mehrani said:Location: Esfahan, Iran
      Latitude: 32° 35' 41.95" N
      Longitude: 51° 39' 14.34" E
      Elevation: 1789 meters from sea level
      Time zone: +3.5

      Date: Sunday September 28, 2008 (Mehr 7, 1387)
      Temperature: +11 C°
      Barometer: 1016 mb
      Visibility: 6 km
      Wind: 8 kph
      Humidity: 44%

      Topocentric and local time values from "Moon Calculator" (Refrac off):
      File name: amehrani sep 28, 2008-old-1.jpg
      Time: 05:20 LT (01:50 UT)
      Moon Alt: 5° 24' 37"
      Sun Alt: - (8° 18' 24")
      Elongation: 14° 39' 29"
      Rel Azi: 5° 10' 56"
      Moon Width: 0.51'
      Moon Phase: 1.84%
      Moon Age: 30h 22m before conjunction

      Camera: Digital camera (Sony DSC H9)
      Focal Length: 58mm
      F-Number: F/4.5
      ISO Speed: ISO-80
      Exposure Time: 1.6 sec
      Observer & photographer: Alireza Mehrani
    2. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Zahed Aram mentioned that he was able to see the crescent from Saravn by naked eye.

    3. Not Seen/Hazy: ICOP member Mr. Kian Heidari said: "By the name of Allah on Sunday Ramadan27th,1429 September28th,2008 Ramadan old hilal wasn't seen neither by Mr.Akhtarkavian in Nashtarud ,nor by Kian Heidari in Tonekabon. In Nashtarud because of dusty horizon and in Tonekabon maybe for daylight and humidity of the Caspian Sea. Caspian Sky Crescent Observation Group Islamic Republic of IRAN Tonekabon"
  • Germany:
    1. Seen: ICOP Member Mr.Martin Elsaesser said:"Due to autumn fog (visibility<50m) i could not observe the "old" lunar crescent during morning twilight from munich. The fog/clouds departed around noon, so i used the well established realtime-video technique to capture/observe the crescent during the day.The crescent could be easily seen on the monitor for several hours in the afternoon. Later, the crescent vanished in the clouds again, about 1 hour before moonset. Attempts to observe the crescent visually through the same telescope were not successfull, due to low contrast with the remaining haze"

  • USA:
    1. Not seen: ICOP member Mr.Jim Stamm said:
      Old Moon Crescent Observation Report
      Observed: 2008 Sep 28
      Location = Tucson, Arizona (USA)
      Longitude = 110.9645 W
      Latitude = 32.4204 N
      Elevation = 842 meters
      Time Zone = -7.0 hours
      Surface conditions at
      Tucson International Airport (805 m):
      Temperature = 22 degrees Celsius
      Relative Humidity = 47 percent
      Sea Level Pressure = 1013 mb

      Magnitude limit at 13 degrees altitude with 55 power
      in C-8 telescope, before onset of twilight = 11.0

      Topocentric and local time values from “Accurate Times”:
      Moonrise (at sea level) = 05:32
      Sunrise (at sea level) = 06:11
      Time from new moon at 06:45 = 17 hr. 55 min.
      Moon lag time = 39 min.
      Relative Altitude = 4.83 degrees
      Elongation from sun = 19.00 degrees
      Crescent width = 12 arc seconds
      Illumination = 0.62 percent

      I was NOT able to see the crescent, even through a telescope. There was a tree branch in the FOV at 7 degrees altitude, so I had to raise my telescope to 13 degrees altitude. I chose to do this rather than move the telescope, so as to practice acquiring the crescent in a brighter sky.

      Observer(s): Jim Stamm

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