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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Ramadan Crescent
(1422 AH)

Last Updated 24 December 2001

In this page:-

When to Observe ?

- The geocentric new Moon (Wane Phase) will occur on Thursday 15 November 2001, at 06:40 UT.

- Wednesday 14 November 2001: On this day, it is completely impossible to see the crescent of Ramadan from anywhere on Earth.

- Thursday 15 November 2001: On this day, the crescent will not be seen by naked eyes from anywhere on Earth except from Hawaii, where as it might be seen by optical aid from few countries located in Central and South America.

- Friday 16 November 2001: On this day, the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that Inshalla the crescent should be seen by naked eyes from nearly all countries.


- Kindly click on the below icon to see the visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

The Official Jordanian Meetings on 29 Sha'ban

As usual Jordan behaved as a Saudi state.... As soon as Saudi declared the beginning of Ramadan, Jordan DIRECTLY announced so without even any discussion!

Results of Observation

So far, the earliest reliable and authentic sighting of the crescent was on Friday 16 November from Brunei by Mr. Mahadi Mohamad Tahir. The crescent was also seen on this day from nearly all countries.

Thursday 15 November

  • Indonesia:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Djamaluddin said: "In Bandung it was rainy. The government has decided to announce the beginning of Ramadhan on 17 November after meeting with all major Islamic organization and experts on "Hisab & Ru'yat" considering all methods of hisab (traditional and modern astronomical calculation) and reports from crescent observers all over Indonesia. But the government allows people with different opinion to start fasting on 16 November. "

    2. ICOP member, Suwandojo Siddiq said: "Al-Hamdulil-Lah, as I mentioned before, on my e-mail dated Nov 07, 2001 at 09:01 PM, finally my Government (Ministry of Religion Affair) has announced through the official television channel : TVRI, at Thursday evening, 15-No-2001, 20:00 West Indonesian Time (13:00 GMT), that the beginning of Ramadhan 1422 H. for Indonesia is Saturday, 17-November-2001 CE. The date -- (17-11-2001 as the beginning of Holly Ramadhan-1422H)-- is cooresponding to the calculation and my statement, which I sent before, which was based on "Expected Early Crescent Visibility Criteria", as guided by Al-Quran al Karim (Al-Baqarah 189) and as Sunnah."

  • Malaysia: ICOP member, Mr. Kassim Bahali said: "The hilal sighting committe and me have tried to see the hilal but it was not seen and the western sky was cloudy. Saturday 17 November was declared by the government as the 1st of Ramadhan." "

  • India: ICOP member Dr. Sultan Ismail said: "In south India especially in and around Chennai (formerly called as Madras) the moon has not been sighted"

  • Maldives:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Muthasim Fahmy mentioned it was cloudy.

  • Kuwait: ICOP member Mr. Msaed Al-Hammad said: "We did not see the crescent using Meade 10 inch telescope. The place was 85 north-west of Kuwait city."

  • Saudi:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Saleh Al-Saab said: "I was joining the committee in Gaseem (one of the official Saudi observing committees), about 400 km north of Riyadh where my pc is, if we could see the crescent I would report to you by fax, but wee could not see the crescent."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Ismail Al-Abdulmohsen said: "We went out side (15 persons) and the horizon was cloudy and we hoped it will clear later at sunset. However, we could not see the crescent even we have a 20X50 binaclores since it was cloudy, and we will try tomorrow to look for the crescent."

    3. Mr. Ahmed Al-Hamadah said: "Ramadhan Mubarak to you and to every body in JAS. I want to tell you that we ( a group of 10 people) attempted to see the crescent on Thursday afternoon based on information obtained from your web site and other sources. However, we were not able to do so."

  • UAE: ICOP member, Mr. Abdulkarim Chalermthai said: "Moon above Sun only 4 degree when the sunset couldn't see the Moon crescent today."

  • Jordan: ICOP member, Mr. Moh'd Odeh said: "Superb Sky! More than 100 persons gathered to observe the crescent using their naked eyes, binoculars and telescopes. None could see the crescent even by using the 10" LX200 Computerized telescope!!! "

  • Palestine: ICOP member, Mr. Ayman Tirhi said: "PAS tried to observe the crescent from Jerusalem & Nablus areas but as expected , it was not seen.At the official Palestinian meeting, the decision was to start Ramadan tomorrow (Friday) following the decision of Saudi Arabia!!. The observers in Saudi Arabia managed to see what telescopes can't see!!"

  • Sudan: ICOP member, Dr. Muawia Shaddad said: "Salam and thank you for your e-mail. The Ramadan statement that I have sent you, which we produce every year, gets published in many newspapers and the media in Khartoum. On Thursday I went 50km outside Khartoum with a group of eleven Students (M.Sc.+undergraduate) for the exercise of Hilal sighting. We already knew it was not possible, but the exercise was needed. The sky was very perfect judging by the sunset. None of us was able to see the new crescent. In coming back we were delayed and so I reached the meeting of EL Majlis Elfeqhi rather late. The Majlis decision to start Ramadan on Friday 16-11-2001 was based on a mix of following Saudi Arabia and the third criterion in our earlier published statement, of starting Ramadan on the basis of conjunction before sunset and the setting of the moon is after sunset. Best regards and Ramadan kareem."

  • Algeria:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Bankih Bankacem said: "Fine layer of haze existed to the west hrizon, this young crescent was not observed. there were ten people in the site of observation."

    2. ICOP member, Dr. Jamal Mimouni said: "The National Committee for the Observation of Hilal in its meeting of Nov 15 2001 (29 Shaabane 1422) at the Ministry of Religious Affairs at Algiers, declared the first day of Ramadhan 1422 to be on Friday 16 Nov. 2001 based on claimed observations of the crescent in three locations in Algeria, namely in the Tipaza, Khenchela, and Djelfa prefectorats. The Algerian skies were mostly clear. We must add that the Sirius Astronomy Association led a nation wide campaign through the media and the radio in order to inform the public of the impossibility to see the crescent on Thursday due to the too short time from the conjonction. A dozen newspapers in both Arabic and French as well as the official Algerian Press Agency picked up our press release and published it. We also record quite few members of our Association who actually sighted the Wednesday 14 November MORNING crescent. The present author has observed it during some 35 mn with the naked eye, forming a triangle with Venus and Mercury on that 'morning'."

  • Morocco: Dr. Abdelkhalek Cheddadi said: "the Moroccan Ministry of Awaqf has just announced on radio that the crescent was not observed, thus Ramadan will start on Saturday November, 17 Inshallah. So, Ramadan Mubarak ! A suggestion : fore more precisness, I think it is better to state in the page on Ramadan 1422 the condition of beginning. For example Saudi : crescent observed; Jordan : following Saudi Morocco : crescent not observed on Thursday etc..."

  • Nigeria:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Usman Dukku said: "Thirty eight of us gathered at the Central Mosque here in Bauchi in order to search for the crescent. We split into two groups: one of the groups(of 26 people)was led by Dr.Abdussalam Sambo and the other(of 12 people) by Ustaz Ahmad Muhammad Imam .The groups went to different locations in the outskirts of the town in order look out for the new crescent just before local sunset.Nobody in either of the groups sighted the crescent even after sunset. However, some people from three different places in the town, outside our group, reported having sighted the crescent and their reports have been accepted by the local authorities."

  • South Africa:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Hashim Salie said: "No crescent was seen from anywhere in South Africa. Ramadaan 1422 commences on 17 November 2001 Insha-Allah. Ramadaan Kareem."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim Snr said: "Members of the Cape Town Crescent Observer's society and many Muslims of the local community gathered at the various sighting locations to try and observe the Hilaal today, Thursday 15/11/2001. Today is the 29 Shabaan 1422. The Hilaal was not sighted due to many factors, the primary one being the young age of the moon at sunset, viz., 10hr 50min. Shabaan is now extended to 30 days."

  • Bosnia and Herzegovi: ICOP member, Mr. Kemal Sehbajraktarevic said: "Esselamu alejkum. Unfortunately, the sky over Bosnia was totaly cloud, therefore the crescent couldn't be observed."

  • Canada: ICOP member, Mr. Mohammad Farooq said: "Hamilton Ontario Canada, The Western horizon was totaly cloudy, around sunset time.Isna announced begining of Ramadan on 16th November, there was a confirmed moon sighting in Tucson Arizona on Thursday November 15th. RAMADAN MUBARIK TO ICOP MEMBERS"

  • USA:

    1. ICOP member, Dr. Mohib.N.Durrani said: "The Hilal for Ramadan 14222 AH was sighted and authenticated on the evening of Thu 15 Nov 2001 from Tucon Arizona, USA. The height of the Hillal was from 3 to 4 finger widths above the mountains. The Hilal was to the left of the Sun. The Orientation of the Hilal was from around 2:30 O'Clock to 5:00 O'Clock to 7:00 O'Clock positions."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: "Unable to sight the crescent this evening of Nov. 15th, here in Buena Park or at Long Beach California. USA"

    3. ICOP member, Dr. Rehan Ali Siddiqui said: "There is a claim that it was seen in Arizona. I tried in my town and it was Not visible. Many here are going according to the supposed Arizona sighting."

    4. ICOP member, Mr. Khalid Fituri said: "The San Diego hilal sighting committe and myself have tried to see the hilal but it was not seen. However; the Islamic Shura Council of North America and the Fiqh Council of North America agreed that there was a confirmed moon sighting in Arizona on Thursday evening, November 15th. Therefore, Friday, November 16th will be the first day of Ramadan."

    5. Dr. Omar Afdal (Chairman CFCO) said: "As-Salaamu Alaykum. Committee for Crescent Observation Intl. has decided that Ramadan in the USA/Canada MUST BEGIN on Sat. Nov. 17 2001, as the observers especially in Arizona, and southern California confirmed that NO MOON was SEEN on a clear sky at all those four locations. Each observation team consisted of 15-25 people and are watching the moon for years. ISNA's claim that Hilal was sighted in Tuscon Arizona on the evening of Thu 15 Nov 2001 is spurious. If it was really seen in TUSCON, then IT MUST BE SEEN in BULLET KINGMAN L.A. and MANHATTAN BEACH must have been seen. Also, A group of 8 reliable Muslims in Tuscon also looked for the moon Thursday evening from the same place, and they DID NOT SEE any. It confirms that TUSCON sighting is spurious.


  • Guyana: ICOP member, Mr. Muhammad Hafiz said: "The crescent was not seen in Guyana, South America on 15th November, 2001 at sunset, Guyana time 5:40 pm by Sultan Hafiz (Imam of Rose Hall Town Masjid)."

Friday 16 November

  • Brunei: ICOP member, Mr. Mahadi Mohamad Tahir said: "The crescent was first seen 18:35 ie 33 minutes after sunset, at altitude of 5° 57’. However the horns of the crescent were covered by clouds. The crescent was only seen for about one minute before it was covered by the cloud. The start of Ramadan offically announced on 17 November 2001 (Saturday)."

  • Iran:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. AliReza Mehrani said: "I, together with 3 members of ICOP and 3 members of Adib Astronomical Society (AAS), observed the crescent. The observation was done by a telescope, a binocular as well as with naked eyes. Tomorrow I will send you the photo we have taken from the crescent." Kindly see the below photo.

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Saeed Janghorban said: "I with Mr. Alireza Mehrani and Leila and Soheila Mirshamshirgaran and other members of AAS observed this crescent and see this crescent very clearly."

    3. ICOP member, Mr. Asadollah Khoddam Mohammadi mentioned that he saw the crescent by naked eyes.

    On 16 November 2001, 17:15 LT.
    From Adib Center, Esfahan, Iran.
    Nikon FM2, 12" SCT f/6.3. By Mohammad Rahimi.

  • Mauritius: ICOP member, Mr. Hamade Aubdoollah said: "Ramadaan Mubarak. Crescent of Ramadaan was clearly visible today, Friday 16th Nov 2001, in Mauritius. Tomorrow, InshaAllah, we shall start fasting.

  • Saudi:

    1. Dr. Salman Zafar Shaikh said: "I am currently in Saudi Arabia. Just wanted to inform you that:

      • The 6 official Saudi Hilaal sighting committees had NOT sighted the Hilaal in Saudi Arabia on Thursday evening. The start of Ramadan on Friday was based on the report of one of the usual "early sighters" in Sudayr.

      • On Friday evening (evening before Saturday), I, two Syrian bros, one Saudi bro, one Pakistani bro, and perhaps more saw the Hilaal - very thin - shape about 3PM to 7 PM from the roof of the Haram in Makkah to the right of Hotel DarAlTawheed (newly constructed big building to the right of Hilton / Sharikah Makkah)."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Anwar Al Muhammad said: "Ramadan Mubarak In Shaa Allah, It was easy-seen crescent, but not at sunset or even until 15 minutes after sunset by naked eyes. It is difficut to beleive it was seen yesterdy (Thursday 15 Nov) while it set after 15 minuts of sunset as well it was younger and hence thiner which is more difficult to see. Ramadan mobarak for all muslims in the world."

  • Palestine: ICOP member, Mr. Ayman Tirhi said: "We tried to observe the crescent in Jerusalem , but the sky was very cloudy ."

  • Morocco: ICOP member, Prof. Hamid TOUMA said: "I am very glad to inform you that in Morocco, the Gouvernemnt has decided that the first day of Ramadan was Saturday 17 november 2001. The Crescent was visible very clearly on Friday 16 November 2001. This decision is in concordence with the astronomical previsions. As you know that the New Moon was on 15 Novembre 2001 at 6 O'Clock 40 minutes in the Morning and after the Sunset on the same day, i.e. 17 h 30 min,11 hours after the New Moon, the Crescent was not born yet (Danjon Creteria) so it was impossible in the sens of astronomy to observe the Cresent of the Moon in the World just after the Sunset (local) save the far Ouest of the American Continent (Hawaii,...)But every where it was impossible to observe the Crescent of the Moon on the 15 Novembre 2001 after the local Sunset. So I would like to take this opportunity to ask about the starting the Ramadan on Friday 16 November 2001. Saudi was in the obligation to star Ramadan on Friday 16 November 2001 because, in my opining, they have a mistake on the first of SHAABAN and they can't have 31 days in the SHAABAN. In the end, I would lake to tell you "GOOD RAMADAN 1422 for all ICOP Members and to all Muslims".

  • Kenya: ICOP member, Mr. Mahmood Essa said: "I regret to let you know, that I could not observe the new crescent for Ramadhaan owing to cloudy conditions. However, we completed 30 days of Shabaan, on Friday and Saturday is our first day of Ramadhaan here in Kenya, although a few, who follow Saudi Arabia started fasting on Friday."

  • Nigeria:

    1. ICOP member, Dr. Sani Mustapha mentioned that he saw the crscent by naked eyes.

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Usman Dukku said: "The crescent was easily sighted here in Bauchi at local sunset. The sky was clear as it was yesterday."

    3. ICOP member, Mr. Isiaq Alabi said: "The Crescent was sighted here (Lagos) at about Mogrib Time 18:37 local Time on Friday 16/Nov/2001. Though some people have commenced their Ramadan following Saudi's announcement (Fri 16/11), yet others insist on actual Sighting and started fasting on Saturday 17/11/01."

    4. ICOP member, Mr. Aminu Lukuman said: "The crescent was seen with the naked eye at about (18:36 p.m) on friday. Insha-Allah, we in the Zumratul Jamiu Mumin Muslim Mission of Nigeria commence our fasting today (17/11/2001) after the sighting of the moon on friay. Meanwhile, some group in Nigeria commence their fasting on Thursday(15/11/2001) while others followed the Saudi announcement (friday, 16/11/2001). None of these goup saw the crescent before they start their fasting. Ramadan Mubarak"

  • South Africa:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Hashim Salie said: "Crescent easily seen in Cape Town, as early as 13 minutes before sunset. As the sun set, the crescent became more and more apparent and is now visible to lay people without doubt."

  • Germany:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Gerhard Ahmad Kaufmann said: "RAMADآN MUBآRAK to all! Hilal was sighted tonight in Germany first by binoculars and for a short while also by naked eyes. Sighting by binoculars was easy and clear, whereas sighting by naked eyes was quite difficult because of some winter haze near the horizon. Without the help of binoculars, locating the hilâl by naked eyes alone would have been nearly impossible. Some German Muslim organizations declared yesterday the beginning of Ramadân to be on Friday, 16 November, by simply violating their own (unscientific) sighting criteria to fit with the Sa`ûdi decision. But this time many Muslims are interested in informations about moonsighting, and many will also start their fasting not before Saturday, 17 November."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Kadir Yucel mentioned that it was cloudy.

  • UK: ICOP member, Mr. Mohammad Baig said: "No attempt was made for a sighting on Thursday and Horizon was cloudy today. However we have a split decision as usual. Some have gone with Saudi Arabia and the rest will be starting Ramadan on 17th on Saturday, which obviously is the correct date! Ramadan Mubarak."

  • USA: ICOP member, Mr. Muhammad Hafiz said: "The crescent was seen in Opa locka, Florida, USA on 16th November 2001 at 6:00 pm. There were patchy clouds on the horizon but the crescent’s view was not obstructed."

  • Guyana: ICOP member, Mr. Muhammad Hafiz said: "The crescent was seen in Guyana, South America by many Muslim communities; Sultan Hafiz (Imam of Rose Hall Town Masjid) and the Members saw the crescent on 16th November, 2001 at sunset, Guyana time 5:40 pm."

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Friday 16 November:-

  1. Saudi (Claim of Sighting!)
  2. Nigeria (Claim of Sighting!)
  3. Algeria (Claim of Sighting!)
  4. Kuwait (Followed Saudi)
  5. Qatar (Followed Saudi)
  6. Bahrian (Followed Saudi)
  7. UAE (Followed Saudi)
  8. Jordan (Followed Saudi)
  9. Palestine (Followed Saudi)
  10. Egypt (Followed Saudi)
  11. Sudan (Followed Saudi)
  12. Iraq (After 30 days of Sha'ban)
  13. Libya (After 30 days of Sha'ban)
  14. Yemen (After 30 days of Sha'ban)
  15. Maldives
  16. Syria
  17. Lebanon
  18. Tunisia
  19. Bosnia and Herzegovi
  20. Belgium
  21. Nigeria (and on 17 Nov.)
  22. UK (and on 17 Nov.)
  23. Germany (and on 17 Nov.)
  24. USA & Canadan (and on 17 Nov.)

Saturday 17 November:-

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Brunei
  4. Mauritius
  5. India
  6. Iran
  7. Oman
  8. Morocco
  9. Mauritania
  10. South Africa
  11. Kenya
  12. Guyana
  13. Trinidad and Tobago
  14. Nigeria (and on 16 Nov.)
  15. UK (and on 16 Nov.)
  16. Germany (and on 16 Nov.)
  17. USA & Canadan (and on 16 Nov.)

Sighting the Crescent from Arizona on Thursday 15 November

There is a lot to say about the claim of sighting the crescent from Tucson (Arizona) on Thursday 15 November 2001. Kindly find below what some experts say.

Please visit these sites to know the needed preparations to achieve a successful crescent sighting!

AUASS Official Statement

Kindly click here to read the original AUASS statement.
Kindly click here to read the AUASS statement translated into English by Germany ICOP member, Mr. Gerhard Kaufmann.

18 October is the First of Sha'ban: A Signed Statement

During the Second Islamic Astronomical Conference (29-31 October 2001) which was held in Amman / Jordan, the participants signed on an official paper, which states that the beginning of Sha'ban had to be on Thursday 18 October 2001. The paper was signed by 18 participants, some of which are:-

Although the above mentioned persons who prepare the official calendars in their countries agreed that Thursday 18 October 2001 is the first of Sha'ban 1422 AH, some countries had started Sha'ban on Wednesday 17 October 2001! Such as Saudi, Jordan, Kuwait, ...etc.

Highly notice that according to the correct beginning of Sha'ban (i.e. Thursday 18 October), the 29th of Sha'ban IS Thursday 15 November 2001, and Sha'ban must be 30 days everywhere in the world, and thus the beginning of Ramadan must be on Saturday 17 November 2001 in all countries.

Kindly click here to view the official signed statement.

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Ramadan Begins on 17 Nov. According to The Iraqi Calculations

Ramadan Begins on 17 Nov. According to The Lebanese Calculations

The below announcement is taken from a publication issued by the Lebanese Astronomical Society.

Ramadan Begins on 17 Nov. According to The Iraqi Calculations

The below announcement is taken from a book entitled The Hejric Calendar prepared in An-Najaf city in Iraq.

Saudi and Jordan Correct the Beginning of Sha'ban!

Finally Saudi and Jordan realized that their beginning of Sha'ban (Wednesday 17 October 2001) is wrong. Thus, both Saudi and Jordan ask the people to look for the crescent of Ramadan on Thursday 15 November 2001. Kindly find below the official Saudi statement, in which Saudi clearly says that no one saw the crescent of Sha'ban on Tuesday 16 October 2001.

This statement appeared in Al-Riyadh Saudi Newspaper on Monday 12 November 2001.

The Accuracy of The Astronomical Calculations

To know about the accuracy of the astronomical calculations, then please click here

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