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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Ramadan Crescent
(1425 AH)

Last Updated 21 October 2004 at 13:50 UT
In this page:-

When to Observe ?

The geocentric new Moon will occur Inshalla on (Thursday 14 October 2004), at 02:48 UT. On this day the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that it is only possible to see the crescent by optical aid from Central America and northern parts of South America. And by naked eyes from central and south parts of South America and major parts of the Pacific Ocean.

While on the next day (Friday 15 October 2004) the crescent should be visible easily by naked eyes from most of the countries of the world.

According to the actual sighting of the crescent, the start of Ramadan should be on Saturday 16 October 2004 in most of the countries of the world and on Friday 15 October 2004 in the American continent.

The visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

AUASS Official Statement

Saturday, 16 October is the First Day of the Blessed Month Ramadan

Saturday, 16 October 2004 AD falls in this year upon the first of the days of the blessed month Ramadan, because the geocentric conjunction of the month Ramadan 1425 AH will happen on Thursday, 14 October, at 2:48 am UT. On this day, a sighting of the crescent is impossible from every region of the Islamic world, even if a telescope be used. On the contrary, an easy sighting of the crescent by naked eyes can be expected on Friday, 15 October, from most of the countries of the Islamic world.

Concerning the situation of the moon at sunset on Thursday in some of the Arabic and Islamic cities: In the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, the sun will set at 7:01 pm local time and the moon at 7:15 pm, i.e. the moon will be present in the sky only for a period of 14 minutes after sunset, and the moon-age at the moment of sunset will be 8 hours and 13 minutes. In the city Makka al-Mukarrama, the sun will set at 5:57 pm local time and the moon at 6:15 pm, i.e. the moon will stay only for a period of 18 minutes after sunset, and its age at the time of sunset will be 12 hours and 9 minutes. In the city `Amman, the sun will set at 5:11 pm local time and the moon at 5:26 pm, i.e. the moon will remain for a period of 16 minutes after sunset, and its age at the moment of sunset will be 12 hours and 22 minutes. In the Mauritanian capital, Nuakchott, the sun will set at 6:42 pm local time and the moon at 7:07 pm, i.e. the moon will stay only for a period of 25 minutes after sunset, and its age at the moment of sunset will be 15 hours and 54 minutes.

Those values are not sufficient to sight the crescent on Thursday from any region of the Islamic world, this state of the moon is still the phase of invisibility, it has not yet reached the phase of hilal (visible crescent) at sunset in all regions of the Islamic world. It is worth to mention that the possibility of a sighting of the crescent always increases the more one moves to the West. This is so because the moon-age, its time of remaining and its height above the horizon, and the measure of its illumination increase the more we move towards the West. This means that the regions of the Arabic West are the preferred regions of the Islamic world to sight the crescent. And if the sighting of the crescent is impossible on Thursday in the Arabic West, this certainly means that it is impossible from all regions of the Islamic world.

Concerning Friday, sighting of the crescent after sunset will be easily possible from most of the countries of the Islamic world. Because sighting of the crescent on Thursday is impossible from every region of the Islamic world, whereas its sighting on Friday is possible from most of the regions of the Islamic world, the beginning of the month Ramadan 1425 AH should be on Saturday, 16 October. But as there are some Islamic states that don’t use the sighting of the crescent as the condition to begin a hijric month, but content themselves with [the condition] “moonset after sunset”, and so in these countries the beginning of the month Ramadan will be on Friday, 15 October. Herewith the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences calls upon the population to search for the crescent of the month Ramadan on both of the days Thursday and Friday, and to report their results to the Union, because since five years the Union publishes every month the results of observation of the crescent, and this is done on the Internet at the address http://www.jas.org.jo/icop.html.

Kindly click here to read the original AUASS statement.

Saudi Will Look for the Crescent on Wednesday 13 October.

AUASS Comments on The Saudi Call for Observation on Wednesday.

Saudi declared that they will look for the crescent of Ramadan on Wednesday 13 October 2004 AD because this is the 29th day of Shaban, and the official Saudi statement added that the first of Shaban was on Wednesday 15 September. We wonder how could the crescent of Shaban be seen on Tuesday 14 September if the topocentric conjunction in Mecca occurred after Sunset! The full AUASS comment can be read here (Arabic Version).

Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS)

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Search for the Crescent of the Month Ramadan on the Wrong Day

The Kingdom of Sa`udi-Arabia announced that they will search for the crescent of the blessed month Ramadan on Wednesday, 13 October 2004 AD, because in Sa`udi[-Arabia] this day will fall upon the 29th day of the month Sha`ban, and because the beginning of the month Sha`bân in Sa`udi[-Arabia] was on Wednesday, 15 September 2004 AD. But this implies that a sighting of the crescent of the month Sha`ban occurred in Sa`udi[-Arabia] on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 AD! We ask ourselves, how a sighting of the crescent could occur on this day in Sa`udi[-Arabia] when the conjunction happened after sunset? Concerning the city Makka al-Mukarrama, the sunset on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 AD was at 6:25 pm Sa`udi time, and the conjunction (new moon, or birth of the hilal) happened for the city Makka al-Mukarrama on this day at 6:48 pm Sa`udi time, i.e. the conjunction happened 23 minutes after sunset. Consequently, a sighting of the crescent of the month Sha`ban on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 AD from Sa`udi[-Arabia] was absolutely impossible, because the conjunction happened after sunset.

It looks like the responsible persons regard Wednesday as the first of the days of the month Sha`ban because they apply the moment of the [geocentric] conjunction for the Earth’s centre, instead [of the moment of the topocentric conjunction] for the city Makka al-Mukarrama! The moment of geocentric conjunction is what the Westerners use for their calculations, regarding their lack of interest in sighting the crescent, and for the month Sha`ban it happened at 5:29 pm Sa`udi time.

The definition of the correct start of the month Sha`ban is necessary because the definition of the start of the blessed month Ramadan is based upon it. Based on the current Sa`udi calendar, Wednesday, 13 October 2004 AD is the 29th day of the month Sha`ban, consequently it is the day of searching, and if a sighting of the crescent on Wednesday is not confirmed, Thursday, 14 October 2004 AD will be the 30th day of the month Sha`ban. Based upon this, the month Ramadân will start automatically on Friday, 15 October 2004 AD! But in reality, sighting of the crescent will be impossible on Thursday from all regions of the Islamic world! If the start of the month Sha`ban was correct, i.e. on Thursday, 16 September 2004 AD, then Thursday, 14 October 2004 AD would be the 29th day of the month Sha`ban, and because sighting of the crescent on Thursday is impossible despite moonset after sunset and a moon-age of about 12 hours, one may assume that Friday is the final [day] of the month Sha`ban, and Saturday, 16 October 2004 AD is the first of the days of the blessed month Ramadan.

Unfortunately, we in our Islamic states still suffer from the error in defining the start of the hijric months, as a result of lack of interest of some responsible persons in the well-defined scientific facts. And [again] some Islamic states are going to announce the start of the month Ramadan wrongly, as we are already accustomed to since the previous years, a result of disregard of the clear scientific facts.

Crescents, Calendars, and Mawaqeet Committee

Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS)

Shaban Waning Crescent Observation (New Global Record)

Stamm Saw 6.4 Degrees Elongation Crescent!

  • USA:
    • ICOP member, Mr. Jim Stamm said:
      Old Moon Crescent Observability
      October 13, 2004
      Age of Moon at 06:16 LT = -14:23
      Location  = Tucson, Arizona (USA)
      San Pedro Vista on Mt. Lemmon Hwy.
      Longitude = 110.68 W
      Latitude  =  32.4 N
      Elevation = 2210 meters
      Temperature          =  54 degrees Fahrenheit ?
      Relative Humidity    =  42 percent ?
      Local moonrise at   5:46 a.m. (MST)  13 Oct. 2004
      UT Time and Date of moonrise = 12:46 13 Oct. 2004
      Local sunrise at    6:18 a.m. (MST)  13 Oct. 2004
      UT Time and Date of moonrise = 13:18 13 Oct. 2004
      Crescent first observed through 8” SC telescope:
      Time     =    6:09 a.m. (MST)   13:09 (UT)
      Altitude =    2.2 degrees
      Azimuth  =   96.4 degrees
      Elongation of the Moon from Sun =   6.5 degrees
      Percent of surface that was lit =  0.32 percent
      Final observation with telescope:
      Time     =    6:16 a.m. (MST)   13:16 (UT)
      Altitude =    3.6 degrees
      Azimuth  =   97.3 degrees
      Elongation of the Moon from Sun =   6.4 degrees
      This attempt was to test Danjon’s Limit.  The crescent was easily seen 
      in the field of my 55mm eyepiece when I looked 1 minute before the time 
      that it was supposed to be at the center.  It had an arc of maybe 30 
      degrees.  As I let it get to the center of the field, it seemed to 
      shrink substantially.  This may have been an effect of focus.  My 
      observing partner, John Polacheck could not see it at first.  When I 
      tried to put it back in the part of the field where I first saw it, I 
      noticed that a speck of dirt on the eyepiece was bisecting the image.  
      I told John to look at the speck, and he readily saw the crescent, but 
      only about half as much as I could see.  Again, I think this was an 
      effect of focus.  We alternately watched it until 6:16 (LT), after 
      which we both would “think” we saw it, but couldn’t be positive.  I 
      will be writing up a more formal report of this observation.

The Official Jordanian Meetings on 29 Sha'ban

JAS representative who attended the Jordanian official meeting said that the supreme judge said: "Since it's Ramadan tomorrow in Egypt and Saudi then it will be Ramadan tomorrow in Jordan"! The crescent was not seen in Jordan, and they didn't even care about that.

Results of Observation

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on 14 October 2004 from USA by ICOP member Mr. Jim Stamm.

Thursday 14 October 2004:

  • Australia
    • ICOP member Mr. Afroz Ali said: Not seen. "No moon was sighted on 14th October anywhere in Australia. The 1st day of Ramadhan has been declared to be on 16th October, by those viewing the crescent. My preference is to list this as the first day of Ramadhan."

  • Brunei
    • ICOP member Mr. Hazarry Hj Ali Ahmad said: Not seen. "The Syarie Judges and officials of the Syariah Courts as well as officials from the State Judiciary Department, the Ministry of Religios Affairs and Survey Department were at location to sight the moon. The weather condition was cloudy and it was raining in the late afternoon. The crescent was not observed. Ramadan starts on Saturday, 16 October, in Brunei Darussalam and was officially announced to the public on TV and Radio."

  • Indonesia
    • ICOP member Mr. Suwandojo Siddiq said: Not seen. "At Thursday Oct 14, 2004, 19:00 (evening), through TV channel, The Ministry of Religion Republic Indonesia (RI), officially announced that the beginning of Ramadhan 1425 AH will be Friday Oct 15, 2004 CE tomorrow, after receiving information (observation report at 18:30 LT) from 3 witnesses at Jakarta, (6:10S 106:48E), that they have seen the crescent moon (Hilal), without any further or detail explanation, eventhough 34 observation points (all over Indonesian Islands, according to the Minister) at the same time have also reported to the Minister, that NO ONE of them could see the hilal after sunset.

      From the point of astronomical calculation, it is impossible that the hilal can be seen from Indonesia Area. At Merauke (7:30 S 140:17E) or the easternmost of Indonesia, the altitude of hilal at local sunset is 1.587 deg and moonset lag = 9 minute and 10 seconds, Moon Age = 5.72 hrs. And at Banda Aceh (5:35 N 95:20 E) or westernmost of Indonesia, the moon altitude at local sunset is 2.77 deg., Moon age = 8.61 hrs and moon set lag = 14 m:11s. So, impossible the hilal can be seen from Indonesia Archipelago (islands).

      May I conclude that the "qa'idah" or the rule of "Wujudul Hilal": - [ijtima' qablal ghurub (conjunction before sunset) and sunset before moonset, eventhough the moon alt = 0 to 2 deg, the date should be changed], is still dominant at the Ministry of Religion of the RI. Unfortunately."

  • Malaysia
    • ICOP member Mr. Kassim Bahali said: Not seen. "Seeing the hilal was tried by binokular, telescope and teodolite but it was not seen from the Al-Khawarizmi Observatory in Melaka. We used Meade LX200 8" and RCOS 16" telescope. The western sky was cloudy. The government of Malaysia announced the first of Ramadhan begins on Friday, 15 October 2004. May Allah keeps us alive for this holy month and accept our fasting and prayers Ameen.""

  • Singapore
    • ICOP member Mr. Firdaus Yahya said: Not seen. "Singapore started Ramadan on Friday, 15th October 2004. The Mufti announced on Thursday night, that according to calculations, the moon is above the horizon during sunset, over 2 degrees high. Thus according to the agreed criteria among Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, the altitude is sufficient for new month to begin the next day."

  • Philippines
    • ICOP member Mr. Mama Mangorangca said: Not seen. "The sky was clear at the seacoast of Iligan City in Southern Philippines where hilal sighting is usually conducted. The hilal was not sighted, as expected. The local ulama group declared that Thursday was the 30th of Sha'ban and so the group announced over TV and radio that Ramadhan starts on Friday, 15th October. The government agency overseeing the Muslim affairs in the country accepted the ulama announcement. Of course other groups will start the Ramadhan on the 16th, Saturday."

  • Iran
    • ICOP member Mr. Majid Marzani said: Not seen. "Seeing the crescent by 4.5 inch astronomical telescope was tried, but it was not seen."
    • ICOP member Mr. Alireza Mehrani said: Not seen. the crescent was not seen even by a 8" Mead LX200GPS telescope from Esfahan.

  • Iraq
    • ICOP member Mr. Bacil Moudhaffar Not seen. (partly cloudy and hazy.)

  • Saudi Arabia
    • ICOP member Mr. Saleh Al-Saab said: Not seen. "Beside the clouds the altitude of the crescent was only about 3 degrees , so sighting the crescent was really very deficult. Happy Ramadhan for you and your famileis and the whole Ummah."

    • ICOP member Mr. Anwar Al Muhammad said: Not seen. "As a two groups we tried to sight the new crescent of Ramadan-1425 in Thursday 14 Oct. One of these consists of about 30 persons did the observation from a high hill in Khereas (85 km south west Dammam). Although, the western horizon was clear and they use 4.5" MEADE telescope but none of them can see the crescent. The other was at the observatory of Qatif Astronomy Society (QAS) by using the fixed computerized 10” MEADE LX-200 GPS telescope which was well aligned in the previous night. The western horizon was not so clear such that the sun disappeared 6 minutes before the actual time. none of the 7 persons their can see the crescent even by the telescope. Some people from nearby areas claim they the visibility of the crescent although the characteristics of the moon are not enough to see it. More detail is available in arabic at: www.qasweb.org."

  • Kuwait:
    • ICOP member, Mr. Hussain Khushaish said: Not seen. "In Kuwait on Thursday 14 Oct 2004 I tried to sight Ramadan crescent but could not see it . The sun disk disappeared 17:13, that’s 6 minutes before our local sunset . The last 2 deg was hazy, yet 4 persons claimed seeing the crescent ???????"

  • Jordan
    • ICOP member Dr. Tarek Katbeh said: Not seen. "JAS member Eng. Tarek Hadi with two JAS friends Mr. Hussein and Mr. Bassam Jafar went to the top of Al-Sharah Mountains near Al-Shoubak city (250 Km to the south of Amman at 1735 meters above mean sea-level) on Wednesday (13/10/2004) one night before the day of observation to prepare for the observation on the next day and to align the two 10" Meade LX200GPS telescopes and to be sure that everything is working fine.

      On the next day, Thursday (15/10/2004) I went to the observation site with other 10 JAS members and friends in addition to some local people who lives in that area. We started our telescopes from the Park mode (Which was aligned from the previous night) at around 18:00 LT. We made sure that the alignment is accurate by moving the telescopes to many stars in the sky, and every time we moved the telescope to an object it was located exactly on the center of the eyepiece, we also made sure that the focus is perfectly adjusted.

      On 18:15 LT, the sun had set and we started to look for the crescent from one of the telescope, while we were taking pictures from the other telescope by a 300D Canon digital camera which was attached to the other telescope. The sky of the western horizon was Partly cloudy, and the sun disappeared behind the clouds before about one hour of the sunset, Fortunately, when the Sun was approaching the western horizon, the sky became clear and there was a strip of clear skies in the western horizon with about 3 degrees above the horizon, so we were able to see the Sun during sunset.

      Despite the fact that the sky was clear in the area where the crescent should be, No body was able to see the Crescent through the eyepiece of the telescope!"

    This photo shows Hussain Jaffar and the guard of the land, along with the two telescopes! This photo was taken on Thursday 14 October 2004 at 07:00 UT by Eng. Tarek Hadi.

  • Algeria
    • ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem said: Not seen. "The western horizon was cloudy, there were 16 persents in, but the Crescent was not seen from Merkich station. Ramadan mubarek wa makbul for all."
  • Morocco
    • ICOP member Mr. Hamid Touma said: Not seen. "I am pleased to send to you this e.mail to inform you that, yesterday during the TV News the Habbous Ministry has annonced that the Lunar Crescent was observed into the National area, so the First day of Ramadan in Morocco is today Friday 15 october 2004. I will take this opportunity to wish a good Ramadan to all ICOP Members."

  • South Africa
    • ICOP member Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim said: Not seen. "The moon was not sighted anywhere in Southern Africa (south of the Equator) this Thursday evening 14/10/2004 and all countries in this area will begin Ramadaan on Saturday, 16 October 2004 (the previous evening being the first Taraweeh). [Malawi, Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, DRC, Gabon, Congo]. Of interest was the closeness of Mercury to the moon. I tried by telescope to view both but was unsuccessful. A Blessed and Peaceful Ramadaan to the Muslim Ummah !"

  • Nigeria:

    • ICOP member, Mr. Muhammed Yasin Qamardeen said: Not seen. "Nigeria has started fasting today {Thursday 14 20004} by claimed through the Supreme council of Islamic affair that on oct 13 2004 crescent were sighted in this town Kano, Maduguri, Zuba and Abuja [though I reside in Abuja and on the said date we search for the new crescent in accordance with supreme council for Nigeria to look out for the possible appearance but despite clear and superb sky on the night of wednesday no mortal being claimed to sighted the said crecent in Abuja}. Today Abuja sky witness ealy good and clear sky but unfortunate ataruond 1600 local time the weather change to total cloudy and until now(19:40} the sky is still cloudy. Report from Sokoto, Lagos indicate total cloudy sky in the western sky."

    • ICOP member Mr. Aminu Luqman said: Not seen. "The crescent was not seen. Meanwhile, some people claimed that they sighted the crescent yesterday(Wednesday) in Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria (North-West), hence they have commence their fasting today (thursday). But many people will commence their fasting tommorow without sigthing the crescent. Only very few groups like ZJMSN are still waiting for the crescent to appear before they commence their fasting."

    • ICOP member, Mr. Usman Dukku said: Not seen. "28 of us attempted sighting the crescent in a group in the outskirts of the city (Bauchi) but we did not see it. However, as usual, the authorities announced, the previous eveving, that the crescent was sighted and , therefore, some people commenced fasting today (Thursday)."

  • Hungary
    • ICOP member Mr. Mustafa Abdullah: Not seen. (cloudy.)

  • Bosnia and Herzegovi:
    • ICOP member, Mr. Kemal Sehbajraktarevic said: Not seen. "Whole past week the sky over the Bosnia was totaly cloudy with rain, therefore it was impossible even to try to see the Ramadan Crescent."

  • Greece:
    • ICOP member, Mr. Mohammad Odeh said: Not seen. "Unable to observe the crescent due to cloudy sky"

  • Germany
    • ICOP member Mr. Ayman Terhi said: Not seen. "We tried to observe today in Bremen/ Germany but it was cloudy. Also, it was just announced that tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan in Germany."

    • ICOP member Mr. Andreas Abdelqader Koschler said: Not seen. "No Crescent Sighting on Thursday 14 Okt (Sky was totally Cloudy), We do not follow Saudi. First Day of Fasting is Saturday 16 Okt (after 30 Days of Shaban)."

  • Ireland
    • ICOP member Mr. James McKenna said: Not seen. "The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland has announced Ramadan starts on Friday 15th October 2004" Mr. McKenna added that the sky was cloudy.

  • USA

    • ICOP member Mr. Javad Torabinejad said: Not seen. "Except for a few small clearings, the sky over our region was cloudy and thus detaield sighting was not tried."

    • ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz said: Not seen. "I tried to oberve the Hilaal on Thursday, 14th October, 2004 in Miami, Florida USA after sunset. The Hilaal could not be seen. Sultan Hafiz reported the members of Rose Hall Town Masjid and Islamic Center in Guyana tried to observe the Hilaal after sunset on Thursday, 14th October, 2004, however no Hilaal was observed. The 1st fasting of Ramadan will begin on Saturday, 16th October, 2004 for Muslims in Guyana."

    • ICOP member Dr. A. Raza Khan said: Not seen. "Despite amazing clear sky in Albany, Oregon, the hillal was not sighted in the evening today (October 14th, 2004) either by naked eye or with the help of a small binoculars. Wishing all the Muslims around the world a very happy Ramadhan with the prayer that Almighty Allah accept our prayers and reward us with His blessings. Ameen"

    • ICOP member Mr. Isa Alsup: Not seen. mentioned that he couldn't see the crescent by naked eyes despite the clear skies.

    • ICOP member, Mr. Gulamabbas Khakoo said: Not seen. "Unable to sight the crescent this Thursday evening of Oct. 14th, 2004 here in Buena Park, (25 miles south of Los Angeles). Sky was very clear."

    • ICOP member, Mr. Jim Stamm: Seen. Mr. Stamm said:

      New Moon Crescent Observability
      October 14, 2004
      Time from geocentric new at sunset = 22 hours 04 minutes
      Location  = Tucson, Arizona (USA)
      Gates Pass
      Longitude = 111.10 W
      Latitude  =  32.22 N
      Elevation = 963 meters
      Temperature          =  79 degrees Fahrenheit
      Relative Humidity    =  13 percent
      Atmospheric Pressure =  29.82 inches of mercury
      Crescent first observed through 8” SC telescope:
      Time     =    6:08 p.m. (MST)   01:08 (UT)
      Altitude =    1.9 degrees
      Azimuth  =  252.6 degrees
      Elongation of the Moon from Sun =  11.5 degrees
      Percent of surface that was lit =   1.0 percent
      At 6:15 someone said they could see the crescent through binoculars, 
      and several other observers subsequently viewed the crescent with them. 
        The image was visible continuously through the C-8, and 8 observers 
      took turns watching until it set at a negative altitude.  I did not 
      record any circumstances near the end of the observation, as I was 
      trying to connect with a phone call.

    • ICOP member Dr. Mohib Durrani said:
      The following is the official statement of the Islamic Shura Council of North America, 
      which consists of the three major Islamic Organizations in North America:
      1. Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
      2. Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
      3. The Ministry of W.D.Mohammed
      "Based on the reported Crescent Sighting from Austin, Texas, by two (2) witnesses, 
      the Shura Council of North America declares tomorrow, Friday 15 October 2004 CE
      to be the first day of Ramadan 1425 AH.
      Consultant to:
      Islamic Shura Council of North America
      Islamic Society of North America

  • Trinidad and Tobago
    • ICOP member Dr. Shirin Haque-Copilah said: Not seen. "We tried using naked eyes, binoculars and 40-cm telescope. There was haze and clouds on the horizon and no crescent was seen. Ramadan begins Saturday 16 October. Ramadan Mubarak."

  • Canada

    • ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Farooq said: Not seen. "The Western horizon was totally cloudy. The Hilal was not sighted. Muslim Association of Hamilton followed Saudi Arabia and declared Friday 15th Oct first day of Ramadan.Toronto neighbouring city is waiting for ISNA anouncement on crescent sighting report from West Coast."

    • ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Murad said: "The Muslim Council of Montreal has announced a claimed sighting of the moon, and therefore the first day of Ramadan will be on October 15, 2004. Below, you'll find a copy of the announcement. I wish you all a very happy and blessed month of Ramadan.

      The Muslim Council of Montreal and UMSA are pleased to announce to the Montreal Islamic community that the moon has been sighted on Thursday, Oct 14th, 2004. Therefore Ramadan will begin on Friday Oct. 15th, 2004. The M.C.M and UMSA would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah make it easy for us and accept all our good deeds in this holy month of Ramadan."

Friday 15 October 2004:

  • India
    • ICOP member Dr. Ali MM said: Seen. "In Hyderabad, India, moon was sighted on 15 th October evening."

  • Pakistan
    • ICOP member Dr. Raza Khan said: Seen. "Despite attempts, moon was not sighted on Thursday evening in Karachi, Pakistan. It was however sighted on Friday evening. The start of Ramadhan in most of Pakistan is on Saturday."

  • Iran
    • ICOP member Mr. Saeed Janghorban said: Seen. "We at Mahtab Astronomical Society tried to sight the moon. About 20 person taking part at this program and all of them could sight the crescent."

    • ICOP member Mr. Majid Marzani said: Not seen. "Seeing the crescent by 4.5 Inch Astronomical telescope and 10-30*50 binoculars was tried, but it was not seen. The western horizon was Cloudy In Tehran at The Sunset."

    • ICOP member Mr. Reza Amirzadeh said: Seen. "I saw this crescent first by 12X45 binocular at 17:05(5 minute before sunset), I said "crescent" but rest of group did'nt see it untill 17:14 . After that the crescent was seen by all of group by Naked-eyes."

    • ICOP member Mr. Alireza Mehrani said: Seen.
      Friday OCT 15, 2004, Location: Esfahan, Photographer: Eng. Ahmad Reza Karimi, Camera: Nikon COOLPIX4500, Telescope: 8" Mead LX200GPS.

  • Iraq
    • ICOP member Mr. Bacil Moudhaffar said: Not seen. (Cloudy)

  • Kuwait
    • ICOP member Mr. Ahmad Alattar said: Not seen. "Me and others (>10) tried to locate the crescent, but we could not. There was an astronomer among us to determine the location and we use Red shift 5 for the same. We could not see the crescent."

    • ICOP member Mr. Hussain Khshaish said: Not seen. "In Kuwait on Friday 15 Oct 2004 I could not sight the crescent even with 20*60 binocular .The western horizon was hazy upto almost 10 degrees of black layer of haze."

  • Algeria
    • ICOP member Mr. Bankih Kacem said: Seen. "The Ramadan 1425 crescent was seen from Merkich station by binoculars and naked-eyes. 16 persents was presents in the station."

  • Kenya
    • ICOP member Mr. MahmoodAli Essa said: Seen. "Please be informed that the crescent was not seen in kenya yesterday. Alhamdullilah I was able to sight the new crescent quite easily this evening."

  • Nigeria
    • ICOP member Mr. Aminu Luqman said: Seen. "Allihamdullilahi, the crescent was seen clearly this evening (Friday: 15/10/2004) in Lagos, Nigeria. The Zumratul Jamiu Mumin Society of Nigeria and few groups had announced that they will (In-Sha-Allah) commence their fasting tomorrow (Saturday: 16/10/2004)."

    • ICOP member Mr. Muhammed Ya'sin Qamardeen said: Seen. "Today here in Abuja crescent was sighted in between cloudy sky, at altitude of about 20 degree and above. the time can not be determine precisely due to cloudness of the sky but the first time it was visible is about 18:49 local time. with me at the back space of National mosque Abuja, Nigeria is brother Tawheed when we sighted the crescecent. Reoort coming in from Lagos indicate that crescent was sighted also."

    • ICOP member Mr. Usman Duhhu said: Seen. "I saw the crescent after the Maghrib prayer. Though it was thin it was bright enough to be seen though thin clouds here in Bauchi."

  • Germany
    • ICOP member Mr. Ahmad Kaufmann said: Not seen. (Cloudy) "Unfortunately, we're having a period of cloudy weather at the moment."

  • USA
    • ICOP member Dr. Muhammad Hafiz said: Seen. "Alhamdulillah, I was able to observe the Hilaal after sunset at 7:10 pm on Friday, 15th October, 2004 in Opa-Locka, Florida USA. The Hilaal appeared in a 1 to 3 to 7 o'clock position. Sultan Hafiz, Imam of Rose Hall Town Masjid and Islamic Center in Guyana reported the Hilaal was observed by himself and several Muslims after sunset at 6:05 pm (guyana time) on Friday, 15th October, 2004"

    • ICOP member Dr. Javad Torabinejad said: Not seen. "Except for a few very small clear spots, the sky was cloudy and serious sighting was not attempted."

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Thursday 14 October 2004 :-

  1. Nigeria (Claim of sighting).
  2. Libya (Conjunction Before Dawn).

Friday 15 October 2004 :-

  1. Iraq (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  2. Yemen (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  3. Saudi (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  4. Kuwait (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  5. UAE (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  6. Qatar (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  7. Bahrain (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  8. Palestine (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  9. Syria (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  10. Lebanon (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  11. Egypt (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  12. Sudan (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  13. Philippines (After 30 Days of Shaban).
  14. Singapore (Moon Sets After Sun Criterion).
  15. Indonesia (Claim of sighting).
  16. Jordan (Following Saudi and Egypt)
  17. Hungary (Following Saudi)
  18. Germany (Following Saudi)
  19. Ireland (Following Saudi)
  20. Malaysia
  21. Tunisia
  22. Algeria
  23. Morocco
  24. Bosnia and Herzegovi
  25. Canada (Claim of sighting)
  26. USA (Actual Sighting of the Crescent)

Saturday 16 October 2004 : -

  1. Australia (No Crescent Sighting on Thursday 14 October)
  2. Brunei Darussalam (No Crescent Sighting on Thursday 14 October)
  3. India
  4. Pakistan
  5. Iran
  6. Oman
  7. Kenya
  8. South Africa
  9. Nigeria
  10. Malawi
  11. Mozambique
  12. Angola
  13. Namibia
  14. Botswana
  15. Lesotho
  16. Swaziland
  17. Tanzania
  18. Zambia
  19. Zimbabwe
  20. DRC
  21. Gabon
  22. Congo
  23. Trinidad and Tobago
  24. Guyana

The Accuracy of The Astronomical Calculations

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