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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Shawwal Crescent
(1421 AH)

Last Updated 09 February 2001 at 15:10 UT


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When to Observe ?

The geocentric new Moon will occur on Monday 25 December 2000, at 17:22 UT. On this day (25 December) the crescent will not be visible from anywhere on Earth, while on the next day (26 December), the program Moon Calculator by Dr. Monzur Ahmed -according to Yallop criterion- showed that the crescent could be seen with optical aid from India and some Middle East countries. While it should be seen by naked eyes (with difficulty) from western parts of Africa Continent. From America Continents, some parts can see the crescent using optical aid only (Northern and Southern parts), while the crescent should be seen by naked eyes from central parts. Consequently, arrange to observe the crescent after the sunset of 26 or 27 December. ACCORDING TO THE ACTUAL SIGHTING OF THE CRESCENT, THE START OF SHAWWAL SHOULD BE ON WEDNESDAY 27 DECEMBER, or on THURSDAY 28 DECEMBER in some eastern countries. Kindly click on the below icon to see the visibility parabola as plotted by the program Moon Calculator

Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

The Official AUASS Statement

Kindly click below to read the official statement of the "Crescents, Calendars, and Mawaqeet Committee (CCMC)" of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS), For Shawwal 1421 AH.

Arabic Version
Arabic Image (As appeared in Al-Ra'i Newspaper)

The 2nd AUASS Statement

The 2nd AUASS Statement mentions that it is impossible to see the crescent on Monday because of the solar eclipse on Monday. To read it, kindly click below.

Arabic Version
Arabic Image (As appeared in Al-Ra'i Newspaper)

The Official Jordanian Meeting on 29 Ramadan 1421 H

Relatively good meeting. It lasted for a long time without any resoanble reason but waiting the Saudi statement. After knowing the Egyptian and Saudi decisions, Jordan announced that Wednesday 27 December is the first of Shawwal.

Lebanon Declares Al-Eid on Wednesday

Surprisingly, on Saturday 23 December the Jordanian local newspaper (Al-Ra'i) mentioned that Lebanon declared that Wednesday 27 December 2000 will be the first of Shawwal. They justified that by saying: "It is impossible to see the crescent on Monday according to Astronomy" We must congratulate the responsible persons in Lebanon for taking such great decision. Such decision is much better than to wait until Monday to search for the Moon while it is not in the sky!! However, we must be ready to hear that some countries could see the crescent on Monday 'as they will claim'. Kindly find below the Lebanese statement as appeared in Al-Ra'i Newspaper.

Results of Observation

So far, the earliest sighting of the crescent was on Tuesday 26 December 2000 from Jordan By JAS. The crescent was also seen on this day by ICOP members from South Africa, and Trinidad and Tobago

Tuesday 26 December

  • Mauritius: ICOP member, Mr. Hamade Aubdoollah said: "Here in Mauritius the crescent was not sighted today. The moon was 21 years old and the time lag between sunset and moon set was 32 minutes . The elevation was 6 degrees. No witnesses came forward and the religious authority announced that Ramadhaan will continue for another day. We are thus celebrating on Thursday 28.12.2000. Happy Eid ul Fitr."

  • Brunei: ICOP member, Mr. Mahadi Mohamad Tahir said: "In Brunei, this evening (26/12/2000) failed to see the crescent because of the thick cloud. Eid will start on 28/12/2000 in Brunei. It was also reported, in Indonesia was also failed to see the crescent on 26 December 2000"

  • Iran:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. AliReza Mehrani said: "Due to the cloudy weather in Esfahan, we could not see the crescent. The reports we received indicate that some claimed to have seen the crescent in Iran; and since we do not know those who claim this, we cannot have a certain viewpoints in this regard. However, according to this claims, it was Eid_ul_fitr in Iran an December 27th; and thus, the Ramadan was 29 days in Iran."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Asadollah Khoddam Mohammadi mentioned that they couldn't see the crescnet by naked eyes despite the clear sky.


  • Kuwait: ICOP member, Mr. Adel Hassan said: "Happy Eid. Crescent was not seen in Kuwait on 26 dec 2000."

  • Saudi: ICOP member, Mr. Anwar Al-Muhammad said: "I tried to sight a moon as member of four groups observing the crescent of Shwwal. Also, we decide the position of the crescent and its path. Although our group was using binocularand the sky was clear, we could not find it. However more than five people in the other groups who went out of the city (Qattef) clamed that they saw the crescent (Helal). So in our town, Wednesday (27 Dec) is the first day of Shawwal and we hope it is for the most of the Muslims in the world and Eid Mobark for them."

  • Jordan:
    1. ICOP member Mr. Belal & Bade' Gharaibeh from Irbid mentioned that they couldn't see the crescnet by naked eyes despite the clear sky.

    2. Two groups of JAS observed the crescent on Tuesday 26 December 2000. One in Amman, and the other one in Southern Jordan (At Ash-Sharah Mountains). The group which went to Ash-Sharah Mountains consisted of five observers: Moh'd Alawneh, Hsean Abu Asbeh, Tarek Katbeh, Moh'd Katbeh, and Moh'd Odeh. The place of observation was about 240 Km south of Amman, at a height of 1680 meters above sea-level. The atmospheric conditions were great (Where it was raining for two days before). Few small clouds appeared at the western horizon but without disturbing effect. The group used LX200 Meade 10" computerized telescope. The group made a two star alignment at daytime using Vega and Altair by the help of Venus. After the alignment was done, the observers entered the coordinated of the Moon, the telescope moved automatically to the entered coordinates. After few minutes, Moh'd Odeh shouted: "I saw it"! Odeh could see the crescent at 16:50 Local Time (UT+2), he mentioned that at that time he could see the Sun above the horizon as well! Where half of the Sun's desk was still above the horizon, Odeh added. Later on, all the other observers could see the crescent. After few minutes the crescent was visible by binoculars (10X50) as well, where Odeh and Katbeh could see it by binoculars. The observers noted that the crescent was NOT continuous. Where it was not illuminated at certain parts. Kindly find below a photo for the observers as well as the telescope. On the other hand, the observers in Amman mentioned that they couldn't see the crescent, and it was totally cloudy later on. The coordinates and information for seeing the crescent from Ash-Sharah Mountains are:-
      • Date: Tuesday 26 December 2000
      • Time of first seeing by telescope: 16:50 (UT+2)
      • Apparent Sunset: 16:52
      • Longitude: 35:29 E
      • Latitude: 30:13 N
      • Elevation:1680 m

      R to L: Abu Asbeah, M. Katbeh, T. Katbeh, Odeh.

  • Tanzania: Mr. Abdulghany Msoma said: " Here in Zanzibar, today is 29th Ramadhan, we do have our brothers who believe that all Muslims shall fast the moment the Cresent is seen anywhere in the World, I wish they learn more about Astronomy and the Science of Mathematics. Over and above, I tried to go to the seashore for the purpose of sighting the cresent, but it was too cloudy, I could not see anything. According to my CD ROM Skymap Pro 6, I knew that the moon was just about 8 Degrees above sea level at Sunset, but I tried. Anyway, Anntum Barakatul-iyyd."

  • Kenya: ICOP member, Mr. Mahmood Essa said: "The sky was very clear today and I tried to look for the crescent after sunset today, tuesday 26/12/00, with naked eyes, but as per the astronomical predictions, I was not able to observe the crescent. Thus we shall complete 30 days of Ramadhaan tomorrow and Insha Allah celebrate Eid Ul Fitr on Thursday 28/12/00. I take this opportunity in wishing all of you a Blessed and Happy Eid Ul Fitr."

  • Nigeria: ICOP member, Mr. Aminu Lukuman said: "On Sunday (24/12/2000)after the subhi-prayer, we the Zumratul Jamiu Mumin Society of Nigeria(ZJMNS) saw the moon at about 6.30 a.m, therefore it was not possible to sight the Hillal in the evening of that same day. Surprisingly, the people of the Northern Nigeria announce that they saw the crescent and had commence their Eild-Fitr yesterday (25/12/2000). More so, the sky was very clear yesterday(25/12/2000) and the crescent did not appear but the Southerners declare their Eild-Fitr Today Tuesday(26/12/2000). At the time of writing this letter, they are at the Eild praying ground. Meanwhile, we the ZJMNS according to our calculations, Ramadan is 29 today and hence we are expecting the crescent to appear today(26/12/2000)[i.e if the Ramandan would be 29 days] or tomorrow(27/12/2000)[i.e if the Ramadan would be 30 days],therefore our own Eild-Fitr will In-Shah Allah commence on 27th or 28th of December."

  • South Africa:

    • ICOP member, Mr. Hashim Salie said: " The hilaal for Shawwaal 1421 was sighted wihout much difficulty. The early observation of Venus, helped tremendously. Positive sighting reports were also received from Durban on the South African East Coast and Port Elizabeth in the south east. Koelloe Aam wa antoem bi khayr."

    • ICOP member, Dr. John Caldwell (SAAO) said: "It was challenging visually but very definitely seen for an extended time. Superb conditions." Dr. Caldwell mentioned that he could see the crescent by naked eyes as well.

    • ICOP member, Mr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim said: "On 29 Ramadaan 1421 (26/12/2001) the usual Cape Town thousands of Muslims gathered at vantage points trying to glimpse the Hilaal. I was with a group of nine (including 3 members of the local Crescent Observers Committee) at Bakoven, approximately 15 km south/west of Cape Town, with an unobstructed view of the Atlantic Ocean. We were about 20 meters above sea level. Mean sunset was at 19h57. At 20h21 exactly, a member of the Crescent Observers Committee received a call on his cell phone that the Hilaal had been sighted from Signal Hill, Cape Town. He received coordinates and he plus another Muslim present claimed to sight the Hilaal about 7 degrees above the horizon amongst scattered clouds thgat had gathered after sunset. The very same evening I received an email from Dr Caldwell who was at Sutherland (4 degrees west of Cape Town, and approximately 400 km inland). He had first observed the Hilaal through binoculars at about 20h15, and then by naked eye at 20h21. This confirmed the Signal Hill and Bakoven sightings. Shukrun. Wassalaam"

  • Germany: ICOP member, Mr. Kadir Yucel said: "There was no chance to see the crescent (Due to the cloudy weather). The most of the Islamic communities (ZDM, IGMG, DITIB) start Shawwal on 27th December 2000. Eid mubarak for all muslims!"

  • Algeria: ICOP member, Mr. Bankih Kacem said: "Three groups (3) constitued respectively of 10, 13, 14 obsrvers was used Binoculars and 110mm telescope. Thin clouds and haze was in the western horizon. The crescent was not seen in Beni Isguen. Aid-ukum mubarek for all."

  • Morocco: ICOP member, Dr. Hamid TOUMA said: "I am glad to inform you that the first Shawwal in Morocco is today. The Moroccan Gouvernment has officialy annouced yesterday (26 December) at 7 O’Clock PM (UT) that the Crescent was be seen within the Moroccan aera. So I would like take this opportunity to wish you and to the all members of ICOP and to all Muslims in the world."

  • Norway: ICOP member, Mr. Imran Mushtaq said: "Since the moon was not visible on Monday, the NewMoon comitee in Norway (representing the 12 biggest mosques in Oslo) decided according to their agreed upon method, to fast 30 days and celebrate the Eid on Wednesday 27-12-2000."

  • UK:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Mohammad Baig said: " As ever, London was totally cloudy. Eid in UK is on 27th anyway as it is 30th of Ramadan today for the majority and beside a sighting in Morocco is imminent which is regarded by most as good enough for the UK. By the way I just phoned Pakistan and as expected, the could not sight the crescent and are fasting tomorrow, Eid for them is on the 28th. May I take this oppertunity to say Eid Mubarak to all ICOP members and I hope you share my delight and satisfaction that our efforts are paying dividends in occasions like this when Eid is called correctly throughout the Middle East for the first time in a long long time - that is except Libya ! But I hope our Libyan brothers will join us soon in our efforts to acheive at least the partial unity rather than total disarray of the past."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Jaffer Dharamsi said: "Here to the north of London at Stanmore, the Western sky is cloudy and there is absolutely no possibility of crescent sighting. With Salaams"


  • Trinidad and Tobago: ICOP member, Dr. Shirin Haque-Copilah said: "Alhumdullilah , reports of the crescent being seen with the naked eyes came from all over Trinidad. At about 29 hours old, the crescent was exactly as predicted from calculation and was right on target with the visibility charts. Eid Mubarak! Eid is therefore on Wednesday."

Wednesday 27 December

  • Mauritius: ICOP member, Mr. Hamade Aubdoollah said: "I have pleasure to inform you that Eid Ul Fitr will be celebrated in Mauritius on Thursday 28th December 2000. Although a large number of Muslims here made their duty to observe the crescent on Tuesday 26th Dec, it was not visible. I seize this opportunity to wish you, your family , ICOP and JAS members and all the Muslim brothers around the World Eid Mubarak."

  • Maldives: ICOP member, Mr. Ahmed Salih said: " Western horizon was cloudy but by chance the last 4-5 minutes of sunset was seen (from limb to limb) Dark red coulds were seen from horizon to upwards about 15 degrees."

  • Kenya:

    1. ICOP member, Mr. Mahmood Essa said: "I am happy to report that Alhamdullilah with the grace of Allah , I was able to see the Shawaal Crescent before sunset this evening Wednesday. We have thus completed 30 days of Ramadhan and we shall be praying Eid Ul Fitr prayers tomorrow morning , Thursday 28/12/00. Thursday 28/12/00 is the first day of Shawaal in Kenya. I take this opportunity in wishing all of you a Blessed and Happy Eid Ul Fitr."

    2. ICOP member, Mr. Ali Darani said: "I tried to see the crescent yesterday Tuesday 26th December but got no results.The sky was clear but the crescent was not visible.Alhamdulillah the cresent was seen clearly Today Wednesday 27th December 2000 by all. May Allah accept our prayers and saum and I wish all ICOP members Eid Mubarak."

  • Nigeria:

    • ICOP member, Mr. Aminu Lukuman said: "I saw the crescent moon today Wednesday(27/12/2000)at about 6.45 p.m. It was very tiny and vissible to the naked eye. In- sha- Allah we the Zumratul Jamiu Mimin Mission of Nigeria Shall celebrate our Eild-Fitr tommorow Thursday (28/12/2000) after 30 days of Ramadan."

    • ICOP member, Mr. Alabi Isiaq said: "The crescent was not sighted here(Lagos) on Tuesday (26/12/2000), though the sky was quite clear, meaning that the crescent was not seen before Wednesday (27/12/2000) here. Expectedly, some groups had "assumed" end of Ramadhan since Monday (25/12/2000) after 29 days of their fasting; some on Tuesday (26/12/2000) after 29 days of fasting; others still observed Eid on Wed (27/12/2000) after 30 days; and the righteous patients celebrates on Thursday (28/12/2000) after 30 days of Ramadhan. May Allah (swt) accept it from us."

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Monday 25 December:-

  1. Nigeria (Some Groups)

Tuesday 26 December:-

  1. Libya (After 30 days of Ramadan)
  2. Nigeria (Some Groups)

Wednesday 27 December:-

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Singapore
  4. Maldives
  5. Iran
  6. Yemen
  7. Saudi
  8. Oman
  9. Iraq
  10. Jordan
  11. Palestine
  12. Syria
  13. Lebanon
  14. Egypt
  15. Algeria
  16. South Africa
  17. Germany
  18. Morocco
  19. Norway
  20. UK
  21. Guyana
  22. Mexico
  23. USA
  24. Canada
  25. Trinidad and Tobago

Thursday 28 December:-

  1. Mauritius
  2. Brunei
  3. Kenya
  4. India
  5. Pakistan

The Accuracy of The Astronomical Calculations

To know about the accuracy of the astronomical calculations, then please click here

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