Islamic Crescents Observation Project (ICOP)
This Month Crescent Observation Results: Shawwal 1446
Rafeef Odwan
جمعية سابا
Lastest Observations
28 February · from Yemen
28 February · Mohammad Jassim Ahmad from Canada
28 February · Mohammad Jassim Ahmad from Canada
01 March · Mundhir AlShibani from Oman
01 March · Hatim El Harrak from Morocco
01 March · Dhafer Alzahrani from Saudi Arabia
01 March · Soufiane Assouli from Morocco
![]() Number of reports 461
![]() Number of reports 387
![]() Number of reports 271
Number of reports 387
Number of reports 47
Number of reports 34
![]() Number of reports 13
![]() Number of reports 11
![]() Number of reports 8
Salat Calendar
Satellite Reentry Watch (SRW)
Who we are?
SRW Objectives
UAE Astronomical Cameras Network (UACN)
UAE Astronomical Cameras Network (UACN) is an activity done in cooperation between the International Astronomical Center (IAC) and the SETI Institute. It consists of several astronomical cameras located in different locations and are pointed towards the sky. The cameras automatically record a video file once a meteor is detected. This meteor might end up as just a meteor or a meteorite which could be a satellite debris reenty! In case the meteor is detected by one camera then there is a specific astronomical data that can be collected from the video using a special software. Whereas if the meteor is detected by more than a camera, then the astronomical data that can be obtained will be much more beneficial. Kindly Click Here to know more about UACN and to see the results and maps.
Accurate Times is the official program adopted by the Jordanian Ministry of Islamic Affairs to calculate the prayer times in Jordan. The program runs under Windows, and it calculates the following astronomical events:
1. Islamic prayer times (Fajer, Shuroq, Dhohur, Aser, Maghreb, and Isha).
2. Sun times (Beginning and end of twilight, sunrise, sunset, and Sun transit).
3. Moon times (Moon rise, Moon transit, and Moon set).
4. Moon phases (Geocentric or Topocentric).
5. Crescent visibility for both; new and old crescents.
6. Crescent visibility world map for both; new and old crescents.
7. Calculations for Sun and Moon ephemeris.
8. Qiblah direction (Direction to Ka'bah in Mecca).
9. Qiblah time .
10. Hejric-Gregorian conversion.
11. The prayer call (Athan) launches automatically when it is the time of the prayer.
Astronomy Events for iPhone and Android